View Full Version : Sports Shop Saga Chapter 4 (contains gay sex)

23-09-2009, 11:06 AM

Chapter 4a: I get whipped for a change (Ian)
by Mike Redbotham

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only,
whether stated explicitly in the text or not.

Then…..then the very last thing I wanted to hear…..
Luke whispered "I love you".
Yes, I was fond of the kid; he had a fabulous body and a beautiful face. But 'love'?
I don't do 'love'. I do sex.
And I certainly didn't need a lovesick teenager clinging to me like a lost puppy. I had to nip this in the bud, but I had promised him a meal and I didn't want to upset him. I released myself from his smooth young arms and said brusquely "Come on, get dressed. Let's go and get that meal before last orders."
I flung him a towel to wipe himself down, noting the crestfallen look on his pretty face.
We got dressed in almost complete silence and went back to the pub (bar) and ordered our meals. I really didn't want to talk to him so went to play on a machine until our meals were ready. I tried to make some innocent conversation but there was a strained atmosphere between us and I was relieved when our meal was over and I could send him home.
I stayed on for a couple more pints, which was unusual for me as I had a match the next morning.
I went home, showered and went straight to bed. It was ages before I could get to sleep. Each time, just as I started to doze off, Luke's face came to me, then his beautiful bottom, over my knee, and I jerked awake again.
Eventually, I just had to have a wank (jerk off) just to let me get to sleep. But it was a troubled sleep and I had all sorts of strange dreams. I even had one in which Luke was walking towards me in, would you believe, a wedding dress!
I got up the next morning, feeling like death warmed up. The last thing I needed was a game of rugby but there was no way out. And, yes you've guessed it, I played absolute crap – the worst game I had ever had. I missed tackles, dropped the ball several times, gave away three penalties (nine points) and we lost by six points! I was dreading the changing room afterwards.
You see, we have this tradition, if anyone really messes up in a game they have to 'run the gauntlet'.
Before our coach would let us shower he gave us all a right bollocking ending with the dreaded words, "But the guy who really let us all down was Ian. I reckon he deserves to run the gauntlet. What say you?"
A chorus of 'Yeahs!' and jeers and my fate was sealed.
"How many times?" asked coach.
"Four", they all shouted – the maximum allowed.
"Oh, shit!" I thought – it was the first time I had ever had to face it. We'd had a good season and it was to be the first time that it had happened this year.
The gauntlet happens after the showers. The poor guy who has to face it has to take his shower last. When the other 14 have had theirs he is allowed in whilst they are drying off. Then they form a corridor, seven each side, all naked and armed with their wet towels, twisted into a rope.
"Run" the gauntlet is a bit of a misnomer. The 'victim' is not allowed to dry himself and has to walk (running is not allowed) naked down the corridor (in this case four times), whilst his team mates whip his backside or thighs with their towels. I made my shower last as long as I could but I knew I deserved it.
Although, hell, I was a master not a whipping boy!
Soon, there were shouts of "Come on Ian, get your backside out here!" "Hey, big boy, not chicken are you? Cluck, cluck" and the inevitable "Why are we waiting?" sung in discordant voices. I had to face my fate, drat the brat – it was his fault!
I came out of the shower with a forced smile on my face. "Let it rip, guys. I can take it," I lied. I started my first walk and the first guy caught me full square across my buttocks. Gee, you have no idea how much a wet towel can sting if you haven't experienced it. The second was lower and got me on the backs of my thighs. The next was high, dangerously close to my kidneys.
"Keep it lower!" bellowed the coach.
The next two were full on again. Ow!
Then I got a couple right on the crease between buttocks and thighs and the last two caught my thighs again.
Shit! I hated this — and that was only the first run.
"Wait a minute", said coach and came and tied a dry towel around my waist to protect my kidneys but of course it still left my bum naked for all to see.
But I had to keep up the bravado, "Come on, guys, is that the best you can do?"
I should have kept my trap shut! The second walk was twice as bad as the first. My cock was swinging from side to side as I walked through that corridor and I knew the guys were all eyeing it up.
My big, meaty ass was stinging like mad as whip after whip landed across it. I had to resist the urge to rub it as I reached the end of my second walk – and only halfway through.
As I turned to face the third lap, I realised that at least half the guys had semi-erections and I thought I was the 'only gay in the village'!
I also realised that they had separated a bit, making the corridor longer and giving themselves more space to swing their arms. I don't know if it was because my bum was already sore or they were giving it
more 'welly' but these whips were the worst so far. My bottom must be scarlet by now. The boys were getting a bit careless, or carried away, and the end of one towel somehow got between my butt cheeks and hit my bum-hole – the pain was exquisite!
I was dreading the last walk but, in my heart of hearts, knew I deserved it after my abysmal performance. How could a kid get me into this situation? Right, I would take it out on his backside the next time I saw him. 'Oh, well, here goes."
Now, I don't know if it was the thought of Luke being over my knee again or the result of my sore bum, but, to my utter embarrassment, I started to get hard!
I also saw that the guys who were half-hard were now fully erect and even the others had interesting developments.
Hell! This was turning into a hot scene.
OK, I was now determined to play this to the hilt.
(Perhaps I should mention here that rugby is a very physical sport with scrums, rucks, mauls and tackles all involving close bodily contact between big, hard, hot, sweaty and muddy guys in short shorts and skin-tight shirts. So players are well used to being intimate with each other. We don’t wear padding, helmets and long kit like those cissies across The Pond.)
My last walk was more of a swagger and the slowest one yet.
Whip! The first one caught me full on – towels have a habit of flexing so I was feeling them on the sides of my arse as well as across my crack.
Sting! Across the backs of my hairy thighs from the opposite side.
Thrash! – Ooh, he really let rip on that one.
Burn! – Right on the crease – it seemed to sting more there than anywhere.
Whap! – My cock was now fully at attention, no wonder Luke enjoyed his spanking!
Tickle! – Tickle? This was a really weak one from the youngest guy on the team,
20 year old Will, whom I had always fancied but assumed to be totally straight.
But his beautiful, long, straight, uncut cock was pointing straight up to his
belly button and his ball sack was pulled tight.
"Come on, Will, you can do better than that!" I said, bending over to present my backside to him. "Whip me!"
Will blushed but laid a really good one on me.
I stayed down, "And again, kid." I urged.
Will raised his arm and brought his wet towel down with a resounding thwack across me.
"Nice one, Will" as I stood and winked at him. I couldn't help but notice the bead of pre-cum on that gorgeous cock. His face was as scarlet as my butt must have been.
"Get a move on," yelled Coach, "We gotta get out of here!"
I moved on.
Whip! Thrash! Sting! Burn!
God! I was enjoying this now, my bum was burning and my cock was hard as nails.
Thwack! Whap! Whack! Slap!
I was almost sorry when I reached the end of the line, but then something strange happened.
All the guys crowded round me, congratulating me, "Nice one, Ian", "Well done, lad!" "Took it well, mate!"
They hugged me, slapped me on the back, some even grabbed my hot buttocks, but I did notice that Will hung back.
"Get dressed you guys!" yelled Coach. Did he ever say anything with out yelling?
"Let's hit the bar!"
The other guys rapidly got dressed.
"Hey, Coach I'm still sweaty after that. Mind if I have another quick shower?" I asked.
"Ok, but be quick and you can lock up. We're off," as he tossed me the keys.
I went in to the shower and, to my amazement, a couple of minutes later, Will joined me.
"C-c-coach said I could have a quick swill, too" he stammered.
As he hung his towel on the hook, I could see his cock was still hard.
"Gee, your bum is still red," he said, wonderingly.
"Wanna touch it?"
Gingerly, he reached out and gently touched me with his fingertips.
"Y, y, you know, I made some cock-ups out there too. I thought I might get
whipped too."
"Think you deserve one?"
"I guess".
Will is obviously much more substantially built than Luke but has the same smooth fair skin.
His hair is the same colour although much shorter and his eyes are the same piercing blue.
"OK, you've asked for it" as I grabbed his wrist and, both of us still stark naked, pulled him to a wooden bench in the changing room.
Still holding his wrist in one hand, I placed the other on the back of his neck and, as I sat down, pulled his hunky body over my knee. His still-hard cock nestled between my naked thighs.
Will's butt is much meatier than Luke's but just as smooth and white, his thighs, though not as long, are far more muscled and well tanned from the exposure in his rugby shorts.
Altogether a much bigger target as I landed my first slap across the middle of the young man's waiting bottom. SLAP!
"Ooow!" exclaimed Will, as his pelvis ground into my naked thighs.
Holding his waist tightly, I landed the second on the base of his right cheek.
Again the groan and the pelvic thrust.
The third was on the base of his left cheek. SLAP!
Will's lovely cock was still hard and I could feel the sticky pre-cum on my thigh.
Harder and faster I slapped his hot bum as he started kicking and moaning.
He made no effort to get off my lap as his buttocks turned from white to pink to bright red.
Once, he put his hand up to protect his bum but I grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm up his back as I started work on the backs of his strong thighs.
SLAP on the left, SLAP on the right, but Will's cock was as hard as ever, so was mine, up against his naked side.
Finally, I decided he had had enough and told him to get up.
Will immediately sank to his knees and, before I knew what was happening he had taken my prick in his hot mouth.
Yet, strangely, my cock started to shrink and I suddenly realised that I didn't want this.
Here was a handsome, hunky young man sucking my dick and I wasn't turned on!
"Sorry, Will," as I pushed him off, "I just don't want this. Get up."
Looking crestfallen, Will stood and I took his still hard cock in my hand and wanked him till he shot his load over the tiled floor.
"I thought you wanted me," he moaned.
"I'm so sorry, Will. You are a gorgeous young man and I never realised you were gay, but there is someone else in my life and I don't want any complications. I hope we can still be friends but I'm afraid nothing more."
"OK," he grunted.
"I hope you understand. You really are gorgeous and I'm sure you will soon find someone to love you. And if you ever want someone to talk to, you know where I am. Come on, we'd better get dressed the others will wonder what's kept us."
I gave him a naked hug and patted his red bum.
We got dressed and I decided to go straight home, asking Will to excuse me to the others at the bar.
I needed to sort my head out so I took a long walk back. Thoughts raced through my mind. Will was beautiful and had a lovely, smoothly muscled body, perfectly proportioned. He could be a star in one of those porno movies. I'd loved spanking his glorious butt, seeing the firm young flesh bounce under my hand, the feel of his hot cock on my thigh.
So, why didn't I want him? I could have let him suck me, then fuck the ass off him.
And why did I keep comparing him to Luke?
Hell! Why do I even keep thinking about Luke?
I wonder what he is up to now?
I should have told him how beautiful he is. Why was I so unkind to him?
The poor kid must be utterly confused – it was a hell of a thing for him to say something like that to me.
Should I call round there? – No that would just embarrass the kid and what would his mother say?
Oh, stop being stupid, Ian. You'll see him next Saturday.
Next Saturday? Shit! That seemed an age away.
Then I started rehearsing in my mind all the things I would say to him.
Dammit! He was really getting to me.
Could I really be falling in love with him?

To be continued…………………………………………

Sports Shop Saga

Chapter 4b: Zak & Me (Luke)
by Mike Redbotham


I felt so safe, so wanted, so loved!
I just had to tell him how I felt....
"I love you", I whispered in his ear.
As soon as the words were out, I knew I had blown it.
I felt Ian's strong hard body stiffen and he rolled away from me, leaving me cold and suddenly feeling very alone.
He told me to get dressed and, after wiping myself down, I had little option but to obey. We both got dressed without saying a word. Still saying little, we walked back to the pub (bar) and ordered our meals. Ian wanted to play on the quiz machine until the meals arrived, to save having to talk, I guessed.
He asked me about how my swimming was going whilst we ate but there was no real conversation. I was hoping he would ask me back to his flat for a coffee after the meal but, as soon as we had finished eating, he said, "Well, you'd better get off home, your mum will be wondering where you are. See you next Saturday."
I trudged home, not sure how I was feeling. My buttocks were sore but my arsehole felt good. At least I now knew what I wanted – Ian. But it seemed that Ian didn't want me, except as a fuck buddy.
I got home and assured Mum that I had had a good meal but was tired and going straight to bed. I had a shower and a good look at my red bum in the full-length mirror. I stroked my cock but it didn't really respond so I went straight to bed and had a good nights, dreamless, sleep.

I was up reasonably early and, as I was having breakfast, Mum had a telephone call. It seemed her sister had been taken ill and she had to go to look after my cousins. Of course, she fussed about leaving me on my own but I assured her that I would eat properly; would change my underpants; would get to school on time; would make sure I locked the house up when I went out; wouldn't have wild parties and all the other things mothers fret over. It would be the first time I had ever been left on my own.
As soon as she was safely on her way I was on the 'phone to my mate, Zak.
I must tell you a bit about Zak. He was my best mate on the swimming team. He was a bit shorter than me but broader in the shoulders and he was beautiful! In fact Mum always said he was far too pretty to be a boy. But then she had never seen him naked and, believe me, he was all boy! Zak had jet-black curly hair, lovely Mediterranean olive skin, huge black eyes and long curly eyelashes that any girl would pay a fortune for.
Although shorter than me, he was much more muscular, with well-developed pecs crowned with large dark brown nipples and defined with a dusting of dark hairs.
This why he swam breaststroke whereas I was a crawl (freestyle) swimmer. But Zak's ultimate glory was his long, thick cock framed by shiny, black curly pubic hairs. I had only glimpsed it soft in the showers but I was always envious.

"Hey, Zak, guess what! I got the place to myself. What say you we go for a swim, get a pizza and a few cans and bring them back here to watch the rugby?"
"Yeah, great, Luke. Time we chilled out together."
"See you at the pool, then."
Our school is one of those 'community' ones, so the pool is open to the public at weekends. We met up there and had a swim. We couldn't really do any serious swimming as there were too many flabby nerds splashing around. Anyway, we had a bit of fun, dunking each other and messing around. Zak actually grabbed my cock at one point but I pushed him away and didn't think much more of it. We didn't spend very long there and soon decided we were hungry and thirsty and left to get our pizza and cans of lager. Luckily I had remembered my 18 ID card.
Back home we tucked into our pizzas and quaffed several cans whilst we watched the rugby on TV.
For my transatlantic readers, rugby is the game on which American Football is based. However, there is one big difference – rugby players don't wear padding! So, with strong thighs in tight shorts and skin-tight shirts on well-developed chests, rugby is a real treat for connoisseurs of hunky young men!
We'd finished our pizzas and were on our third or fourth can, sitting side by side on the sofa, when Zak remarked,
"He looks like he's got a nice cock" and, to my utter amazement and horror, put his hand on the inside of my thigh, continuing, "but I bet it's not as nice as yours."
Utterly shocked, I cried out, "Get off me, you perve" and swung my fist, hitting him in the chest.
(OK, you might think I was a hypocrite after what I had done with Ian, but the last thing I wanted was for my best mate to know about me. Besides, I was so surprised that I wasn't thinking about Ian.)
I swung again and caught Zak in his stomach as tears welled in his lovely eyes.
"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, Luke," he tried to stammer as I punched him again.
Instinctively, he curled up into the foetal position, drawing his knees up to his chest.
This, of course, presented his round, tracksuit-clad bottom to me. I couldn't punch that so I opened my hand and slapped it as hard as I could. Holding him down with one hand, I slapped him again and again, as hard as I could. I just don't know what came over me, the last thing I really wanted was to hurt my friend but it was such an aphrodisiac being in total control of another person and I felt my cock getting harder as Zak sobbed his little heart out.
But it wasn't enough for me. I grabbed Zak's ankles and pulled his legs out straight and twisted him around. He was now kneeling on the floor, leaning on the seat of the sofa. I slapped him again and again on both cheeks, then decided his tracksuit bottom was protecting him too much. I reached around his waist and undid the tie up on them. Then I yanked them down, with his boxers, to his knees. His bare bottom was now fully exposed, beautiful smooth round globes, slightly lighter than his thighs and waist, though with a dusky pink hue from his spanking. Dark hairs on his thighs stopped short of the crease where the backs of his thighs met the base of his buttocks.
Zak squirmed but made no attempt to defend himself as I lambasted his exposed bum.
Slap! On his right buttock. Slap! On the left. Slap! Across both.
My cock was as hard as a rock by now.
Zak was squirming by now and sobbing "Oh, please, Luke, stop. I'm so sorry."
That just seemed to turn me on even more and I slapped him again and again. I loved the feel of his hot, silky smooth flesh and the power I had over him.
"No, oh no!" as his butt turned bright red.
My cock was oozing pre-cum and I knew I had to do something with it.
Holding Zak down with one hand, I pushed my trackies and boxers down with the other. My rampant prick sprang up, hot, hard and begging for action. I knelt behind him and aimed my cock at his arse crack. I thrust into him but it went nowhere, it seemed like a dead end.
Then, to my amazement, Zak reached round, took my cock in his hand and whispered,
"Lower, Luke, lower".
Then he carefully guided me towards his hole,
"Now, Luke, push", he said, hoarsely.
I thrust my pelvis forward and, for the first time in my life, I entered another human being.
Zak opened up to accept me, then his ring gripped my cock and it was the most exquisite feeling I had ever experienced.
I pushed deeper into that hot, welcoming cavern.
"Ooooh, yes!" he moaned.
I grabbed his hips and started to pump ever deeper into my friend. My fair, soft pubic hairs brushed his naked buttocks and with a harder push they nestled into my groins.
"Yeah! Fuck me, Luke, harder!"
I needed no further encouragement as I fucked and slapped him, my balls bouncing against the underside of his buttocks. Following Ian's example, I entwined my fingers in his black curls and twisted his head around to the side so I could kiss those luscious full lips. He opened them to accept my tongue in his sweet mouth. My other hand reached round to his flat belly and down to his huge, rock hard cock. I knew this couldn't last long as I felt my spunk building up in my balls.

"Aaaaaaah!" I exploded into my friend. A couple of seconds later and Zak followed suit, making one hell of a mess of the sofa.
I carefully pulled out and we both stood up. I took him in my arms, both of us still naked from the waist down.
"I'm so sorry I hurt you, but I was shocked when you touched me," I explained.
"That's alright, Luke, it actually quite turned me on," he replied. "I was crying because I thought I had destroyed our friendship. It means so much to me, my darling. I've been wanting you to fuck me for ages."
"I had absolutely no idea," I told him, "but then I am rather naοve in all this.
I hadn't even realised that I am gay until a couple of weeks ago."
"Are you!? Why, what happened?"
"Hang on"
We cleaned up the sofa as best as we could and I got us the last two cans and as we sat on the sofa, our naked thighs pressed together, and I told him what had happened between Ian and me. It was such a relief to be able to talk to someone about it.
"I'm sorry, Zak. You will always be my best friend, but it is Ian I love. This has to be a one off," I concluded.
Tears beaded in his lovely big brown eyes.
"I understand, Luke. I'll have to be satisfied with your friendship, I guess true friends are harder to find than lovers."
"Thanks. But I must ask you one thing — you seemed so experienced."
With a wry smile, Zak replied "Well, I should be. Coach has been fucking me for years!"

To be continued...............................