View Full Version : Sports Shop Saga Chapter 3 The Second Saturday (contains Gay sex)

10-09-2009, 01:10 PM
(Chapter 2 is a Reply to Chapter 1)
Chapter 3a is from Ian's perspective and 3b from Luke's)

(Recap; Sports shop owner, Ian, had caught Saturday boy, Luke, stealing from the till. He had given Luke a good spanking, then fucked him.)

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly in the text or not.

Chapter 3a: The Second Saturday (Ian)
by Mike Redbotham
I was nervous all week. I'll re-phrase that – I was shit-scared all week.
My stomach turned over every time I saw a policeman outside the shop.
'Had I gone too far with Luke?'
I'd not only thrashed him; I'd indecently assaulted him. Some might even say that I'd raped him.
But then thoughts of those beautiful, beautiful buttocks over my knee and my cock being gripped by that virgin arsehole would get me hard and I'd have to have a wank.
Then, I'd feel guilty again and wonder if Luke would turn up the following Saturday.
I found myself doing a double take at every blond youngster passing the shop in the hope that it was him. Once, it was him but I was serving a customer and by the time I had got rid of him and dashed out of the shop, there was no sign.
Friday was training night at the rugby club. I worked out harder than I ever had before and then got thoroughly pissed (drunk) with my mates.
I awoke on Saturday feeling dreadful, skipped breakfast and ended up getting to the shop late.
But my heart leapt when I saw Luke waiting at the door with Jason. God, he looked beautiful.
But how was I going to handle the situation? I thought it probably best to pretend nothing was different, but I avoided looking Luke in the eye.
We got on with the business of opening up the shop and luckily we were soon busy with customers. They kept us at it most of the day. I couldn't resist keep glancing in Luke's direction.
Then, to my utter amazement, when Jason was at tea, I saw Luke deliberately look at me, put his hand in the till, take a note out and put it in his pocket. The cheeky little bugger was deliberately provoking me. It could only mean one thing. He wanted another session like last week. OK – I'll play along. I sauntered over to him.
"It looks as if you haven't learnt your lesson, young man. You will stay behind
this evening."
"Yes, SIR!" he replied, looking almost smug,
"Oh, can I ring my Mum to warn her I'll be late for tea, please?"
"OK, but you'd better tell her you won't be wanting any tea at all."
I didn't want to rush things.
"Yes, sir."
Things were quieter in the shop now so I went to the office, ostensibly to do some paper work. In fact to think things over. The kid was clearly coming on to me. Had he really enjoyed last week's session so much he wanted another? It seemed like it.
My cock grew hard at the thought of having those gorgeous buttocks over my knee again. He was 18, so old enough to know his own mind. Surely, he didn't have a crush on me, did he?
Whether I wanted to or not (and I certainly did), I had to give him another spanking. I couldn't let him get away with nicking more money. But I needed to have a serious chat with the lad. I had already told him to tell his mother he didn't want any tea.
Closing time came and Jason shot off, I guess he had a hot date. After we had locked up, I said to Luke, who by now was looking very nervous,
"Right young man, I know exactly what you are up to. Whatever it is you only had to talk to me. But, because you chose to steal from me again, I have no option but to deal with you very severely."
He began to protest, but I carried on, "Now listen to me very carefully. You will do exactly as I say. You will go into the office, take off your trainers and stand in the corner, facing the wall. You will undo your jeans and let them fall to your ankles. You will then push your underpants down to your knees and place your hands on your head. You will stand there, contemplating what has brought you to that state and what is going to happen to you. UNDERSTAND ME?"
"Y-y-yes, Sir."
I watched those delicious buns, rolling smoothly under the tight, buttock hugging denim, as he slowly walked to the office. I was soon to see them, in all their glory, denuded of that denim. I wondered if they would still show any marks from last week but I doubted it. I hadn't spanked him that hard. I continued tidying stock away to give him time to think about what was going to happen to him. I was enjoying thinking of what I could do to him. His punishment had to be more severe than last week, that much was certain.
I let him stew for about a quarter of an hour (I guess it seemed much longer to him) before I made my way to the office.
As I entered the office, the wondrous sight took my breath away. With his hands atop his long fair hair, Luke's T-shirt had ridden up his back, his jeans around his ankles, white CK's around his knees exposing those glorious white globes, like something on a Roman statue.
I loved the way they seemed moulded on to his hips, not enveloping them; the classic rounded double UU shape at the top of his long thighs. I loved the little dimples at the top of his buttocks where they met the small of his back and how they jutted out, a true bubble butt. But most of all I loved the smooth creamy white, unblemished flesh, framed by his tanned thighs and back. And no, there were no signs of last week's spanking.
I sat at my desk without saying a word and shuffled some papers, drooling over the delicious sight before me. Eventually I called him over, telling him to keep his hands on his head. Even with his jeans around his ankles and pants around his knees, he managed to walk gracefully over to the front of my desk, his semi-hard cock waving above his neat nuts.
"So, what's going on?" I asked him, as sternly as I could.
"I, I d-don't know," he stammered as tears welled up in those crystal clear, blue eyes.
I decided then that I would have to talk to him before his punishment and I would take him back to my flat, after having a drink with him.
To his obvious surprise, I told him to get dressed and come with me. Again without saying a word, I locked up the shop and had him follow me to the pub (bar) just down the road. He asked for a half-pint of lager, but I got him a pint. I wasn't about to get him drunk but he needed to relax a bit. I'd told him to find a table and went to sit opposite him with my pint of bitter (beer).
I looked straight at him as he nervously sipped his drink. His face, framed by that long fair hair, was as beautiful as his buttocks and as smooth; a cute turned up nose over full, pink lips and a strong jaw line; those blue eyes as clear as a crystal pool you felt you could dive into.
I took a long draught of my drink before I said; " I told you last week that if you ever stole from me again you would be in serious trouble, didn't I?"
"Yes, Sir,"
"Well, don't think this is a let off. You are going to be punished far more
severely than last week."
He gulped.
"I guess I deserve it."
"Too true. When we have finished our drinks, we will go to my flat (apartment) where you will be stripped stark naked, placed over my knee and receive a hard spanking. As that did not prove sufficient last week, you will then taste leather and receive ten lashes with my belt on your naked buttocks. You either accept that or go home now and not come near my shop again."
He swallowed hard and took a long drink.
"I think I can take that, Sir. If it means I can go on seeing you."
I noted that he said 'go on seeing' me not 'keep my job'. Yes, the kid did have a crush on me.
Before I could say anything, he went on, "B-but, can I ask you something p-please?"
"What's that?"
He hesitated, "W-will you fuck me after? Like you did last week. P-please?"
I was a bit taken aback, but, well, that confirmed it!
"We'll see." Boy, would I!?
"Drink up now and we will go to my flat to administer your punishment. We'll come back for something to eat later."
"Yes, SIR!"
I led him to my flat, which was, conveniently, about a five-minute walk away.
Once in the lounge, there were no preliminaries.
"Right, take off your trainers and socks." He obeyed.
I stood in front of him and slowly undid the buttons on his shirt gradually exposing his smooth chest, down to his intriguing belly button and flat tummy. I pulled the tail out of his jeans and slipped the shirt off his broad shoulders, my fingers brushing his silky smooth skin as he trembled slightly.
His large, pink nipples were erect, like little pebbles.
I led him, bare-chested and bare footed to the sofa and sat on it with him standing by my knees.
Very, very slowly, I undid the top button of his jeans and slid the zip down. He was shaking as I negotiated the zip over his bulge. I pulled his jeans down over his snake-like hips, down his long tanned thighs, over his well-developed calves to his slim ankles.
"Step out of them and put them over that chair," I ordered.
I watched, fascinated, as he gracefully obeyed in nothing but his tight white pants. I couldn't believe my luck that this gorgeous young man was mine.
"Come here! I told you that you would be stripped naked."
I slipped his underpants down. At last he stood before me in all his glory, penis proud and erect.
I pointed to his pants, "Over there, with your jeans."
"Yes, Sir."
He flashed the pretty pink rosebud of his arsehole as he bent to pick them up. I was soon going there!
As he returned, I opened my legs and, taking him by the hand, led him to stand between them.
I pulled him over my left leg and used my right to trap his legs, I could feel his hot, hard prick against my inner thigh.
As he supported himself on the sofa, I wrapped my left arm around his waist.
He was trapped and his beautiful globular buttocks were perfectly positioned for his hiding. I couldn't resist stroking and caressing them, my fingers probing gently between the smooth cheeks into the inviting crack. Luke moaned as he thrust his pelvis into my thigh.
Then I let him have it! With an almighty slap right across the middle of his bum.
"Aaah!" cried Luke, more, I suspect, in surprise than pain. Grasping his waist tightly, I laid into his defenceless bottom, hard and fast. He squirmed and wriggled as I mercilessly spanked him, each blow causing his buttocks to bounce with the force. He tried to kick but I had his legs trapped. He did manage to get one hand up to try to protect himself but I let go of his waist, grabbed his wrist and twisted it up behind his back as I continued to pound his recalcitrant butt and the backs of his thighs. They had now turned a delightful shade of bright pink.
"You do not steal from me!"
Luke was sobbing by now and begging me to stop. A few more sharp slaps and I let him get up.
"But I haven't finished with you yet, boy. Remember I promised you a taste of leather. Go and stand in the corner, hands on your head."
"Yes, Sir," tears streaming down his face.
I went to my bedroom and stripped, then put on just a pair of rugby shorts. I took my time; I wanted him to sweat a bit. I found my widest leather belt. Luke was going to feel it across his bottom in a variety of positions, but I wasn't going to be too hard on him, after all he had made sure I saw him steal.
I padded back to the lounge and feasted on the beautiful sight of a naked young man with a bright red bum standing in the corner. Having his hands on his head showed off his wasp-like waist and broad swimmer's shoulders.
I told him to turn around and his jaw dropped as he saw me standing there, belt in hand. I don't think he had ever seen me nearly naked before.
"I told you that you would get 10 strokes and you will receive them in a variety of positions," I told him. He gulped.
"Face the wall about 2 feet away, legs apart, arms straight above your head. Now lean forward with your hands against the wall."
This put him in the ideal position for his first three strokes, buttocks jutting, hanging balls just visible between his spread legs.
"Here it comes, brace yourself!"
With that I brought the doubled over strap down across the middle of his young bum with a loud THWACK!
I didn't use my full force but it still elicited a gasp from Luke.
The next THWACK was slightly lower and brought another gasp.
As scarlet marks started to appear, the third landed at the top of his buttocks.
"OK, you can stand up straight now."
He did so and grabbed his red bum. I noted that his pretty cock was half-hard.
"Right. Over the back of that sofa for the next three."
Now his bum was raised in the air, buttocks clenched.
Using my right hand, the belt had curled around the right side of his cheeks, leaving the left side relatively unmarked.
I transferred the belt to my left hand and stood to his right.
As planned, it landed across the centre and curled around the left of his buttocks.
The next was placed across the backs of his golden thighs. THWACK!
I decided to let rip with the third and gave him a really hard strike across the crease where his thighs met the bottom of his buttocks.
"Ooooooow! That really hurt!"
"It was intended to. Now get up."
To my satisfaction, I saw that he was now 3/4 hard. I, of course, was as stiff
as a poker.
He was going to enjoy the next bit.
I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and propelled him into the bedroom where I pushed him flat on my double bed, face down.
Lying flat, the red mounds of his buttocks were glorious, rising in a delicious curve from the small of his back to their rounded peak and back down to his thighs.
"You've had six, four to come."
With that I brought a single length of belt down across his supine bottom.
"Ouch!" as he drove his pelvis into the mattress.
"Over! On your back."
Luke obeyed, cock now fully hard.
I grabbed his ankles and lifted his legs up over his head until I could see his pretty, pink, puckered anus.
"Hold your balls," I ordered as I held his legs up with one arm and took the doubled belt in the other hand
CRACK! I brought it down across his exposed hole and cheeks.
"OK, I'm going to let you off the last two with the belt and use my hand instead." I wanted to feel that hot young flesh again.
SLAP! SLAP! Each time I let my fingers probe that gorgeous hole.
"OK, keep holding your legs in that position," as I slipped off my shorts to be
as naked as Luke.I climbed onto the bed on my hands and knees and worked my way between Luke's upturned legs. His beautiful rosebud anus, framed by the hairless insides of his young crack, was staring me in the face. Gently, I started to lick the smooth, hot flesh, starting Luke squirming with ecstasy. Slowly working towards the centre, I, at last, reached the sweet, salty taste of my goal and plunged my tongue into the welcoming orifice..
Luke was in his seventh heaven. I guess it was his first rimming. As my tongue tired, I cupped his still hot bum cheeks in my hands and worked my way up his perineum and took each of his large balls into my mouth in turn. Then, slowly, tantalisingly, I worked my way up the underside of his cock, which was, of course, rock hard. I let my tongue play around the helmet and into his slit, before taking the whole into my mouth. I think Luke must have been in his tenth heaven by now.
I felt his glorious member .throbbing against the back of my throat and realised he was not far off shooting his load. 'But not yet, boy', I thought, 'your spunk is going to have to build up yet'.
I released his cock from my mouth and worked my way up his flat, smooth stomach, his legs over my shoulders, pausing to lick out his navel., I reached his large, pink nipples, as hard as little marbles, and nibbled each in turn. By now my moist dick was rubbing the inside of Luke's smooth, strong thigh. A little further and it found that heavenly portal.
Luke's eyes were closed as I kissed his luscious lips, forcing them open with my tongue. A slight thrust with my pelvis and I entered him.
Luke let out a gasp of sheer delight as we two became one.
I pushed my tongue into his mouth as my rod went deeper into his young body, his arse-hole gripping it tightly.
As I went ever deeper, my pubic hairs tickled the back of his balls, my groin slapping against his hot bum cheeks as I fucked my gorgeous young man.
I could feel his hot prick rubbing against the pit of my stomach as we united in one writhing, sensuous motion. I could tell Luke was loving every moment of my being in him. I knew from spanking him for so long that it would not take long and that Luke was on the very edge from my ministrations of his balls and cock.
Then, suddenly it happened, simultaneously we both climaxed. As I pumped my hot jism into Luke's innards, he exploded between our stomachs and shot his gallons of spunk.
That simultaneous eruption happens so rarely, yet Luke and I had experienced it twice in our only two couplings. That must mean something, surely.
I slowly withdrew and Luke's legs slid down off my shoulders. I collapsed onto him and wrapped my arms around his chest, kissing all over his face, his forehead, his eyelids, that cute nose, his rosy cheeks and of course his luscious lips.
I caressed his smooth, young flesh as we turned onto our sides, facing each other, our legs entwined, our stomachs stuck together with his love juice. My hands wandered all over his back as we kissed, over his shoulder blades, down to the small of his back, to his still hot peachy buttocks which I cupped and massaged.
Then…..then the very last thing I wanted…
Luke whispered "I love you".
To be continued………….

Sports Shop Saga – Chapter 3b: The Second Saturday (Luke)
by Mike Redbotham

I think that following week was the longest of my short life.
A couple of times, after school, I went past the shop in the hope of bumping into Ian, or at least seeing him. Once, I caught a glimpse of him through the window but he was busy serving a customer. I didn't dare go into the shop.
I couldn't concentrate at school. My times dropped off in the pool and I snapped at everyone, even my best mate Zak.
But I did find myself looking at the guy's cocks in the showers, even more than before and wondering what they would be like up my bum. Though none of them affected me like Ian – they were only kids, after all.
Saturday eventually came and I was up early. I wanted to be at the shop before Jason and get any awkwardness with Ian out of the way before he arrived. He was usually late and Ian was always there first. Well, as Rabbie Burns said, 'The best laid plans of mice and men….' I was there first but Jason turned up before Ian.
Eventually, Ian turned up, looking awful.
"Sorry, lads, heavy night" he said as he opened up.
We followed him in and as he switched on the shop lights, "Come on, get those display racks outside, sharpish."
Obviously, he was not in a very good mood but, at least, he accepted my being there. Anyway, almost as soon as we opened the doors we got very busy, which went on for most of the day.
I spotted Ian watching me whenever he could. But nothing was said.
Finally, frustrated, I decided to take matters into my own hands, literally.
Making sure that Ian saw me, I took a fiver (£5 note) out of the till and put it into my pocket.
OK, call me reckless but I just had to find out what Ian thought of me and I needed his cock up me again. And I figured if he did threaten to go to the police I could tell them what had happened the week before. I was sure Ian would be in big trouble – not that I wanted that but at least I had a lever if things went pear shaped.
He came straight over to me, pointed out that I hadn't learnt my lesson, and told me to stay behind. When I asked if I could phone Mum to say I'd be late he told me to tell her I wouldn't be wanting any tea at all.
Phew! Obviously, he was planning a long session. My cock leapt to attention.
The last hour or so dragged but at last it was closing time. Luckily Jason was keen to be off so Ian and I finished locking up.
I was getting really nervous now, whatever was going to happen to me?
I was shocked, but excited, when he told me to go into the office and stand in the corner, bare- arsed.
As I slowly walked to the office I could feel his eyes boring into my back.
I did exactly as I was told, went into the corner and dropped my jeans, pushed down my CK's, put my hands on my head and stood there.
I felt utterly exposed and humiliated with my bare arse on view. I stood for what seemed an eternity, not knowing what was going to happen to me.
Eventually I heard Ian come in and sit behind his desk without saying a word.
I was scared about what he was going to do to me but anxious for him to get on with it.
At long last, he told me to turn round with my hands still on my head and walk over to his desk.
Not easy, with your jeans round your ankles and your pants round your knees. But at least I managed it with out falling flat on my face and my cock was only half-hard by this time.
I stood before him, hands on head, cock and balls dangling in front of him.
To my amazement he asked me what was going on. As if I knew!
I stuttered and stammered, "I don't really know….. Sir" and felt my eyes pricking as tears welled up.
I was even more surprised by his next command. "Get dressed! You're coming with me."
Utterly confused, I pulled up my pants and jeans and watched as he finished off locking up the shop. I walked a pace behind him as he strode, wordlessly, down the street and went into a pub (bar).
"What do you want to drink?" he barked.
"Half a lager, please."
"Go and grab a table."
He brought me a pint – I guess he thought halves were for boys…….or girls.
I was utterly confused about what was going on. Was he going to let me off? Was this a good-bye drink?
However, he soon told me that he wasn't going to let me off and I was going to be punished – unless I walked away. He told me I was going to be naked for a spanking and also feel his belt.
The punishment sounded harsh but as I gazed into that rugged, handsome face, I knew I couldn't walk away. I was nervous about being punished again; last week had really hurt.
But the thought of not seeing Ian again hurt far more than the thought of getting my bottom spanked again. I had survived Dad's belting; I could survive a belting from Ian.
But I desperately wanted more. I wanted to feel Ian inside me again; I wanted to be wanted. I needed to feel loved. I plucked up my courage and asked him if he would fuck me again.
I couldn't ask him to make love to me although that was
really what I wanted.His answer was non-committal but I felt that that was what he wanted too. Or was it just wishful thinking? Only time would tell.
He told me to drink up and that we were going to his flat.
I was surprised, as I had never been there before. I still had the feeling something more was happening. Then he told me we would be coming back for a meal. He was obviously planning an evening together. I was thrilled but still nervous about my punishment as we walked to his flat (apartment).
He had a nice, large flat but somewhat untidy, obviously a bachelor pad.
As soon as we got into the lounge, he told me to take my trainers and socks off.
Well he did tell me I was going to be naked. I had never been naked with another man before (except in the showers at school, but that was rather different).
Even last week, he had only seen me from the waist down. I had never really thought about my body before. I wondered if Ian would like it.
Then he started to undress me, slowly undoing my shirt buttons. I shivered as his fingers brushed my shoulders as he took the shirt off – and it wasn't because it was cold!
I desperately wanted him to wrap his strong arms around me and hold me tight, but I knew I had to take my punishment before that would happen.
Then he led me to the sofa and started to take down my jeans. I loved it when he touched my cock, even though it was through my pants.
I was told to step out of my jeans and put them on a chair. I returned to him and he slowly took down my pants too and, at last, I was stark bollock naked in front of my idol, my cock hard and erect against my tummy. I flashed him my bum as I bent to pick my pants up and put them with my jeans.
He pulled me over one knee and wrapped his other leg over mine. I could feel my prick against the denim covering his strong thigh.
Then he put his arm around my waist, his hand flat on my tummy. Locked in this tight embrace, I knew my bum was at his mercy.
I was waiting for the first slap but instead felt Ian's hand stroking my bum, really turning me on as he felt between the cheeks towards my arse hole.
Then, suddenly, things changed and there was a tremendous slap across my bottom.
I yelled, more in shock than in pain.
Again and again, Ian spanked me, hard and fast, until my bum really began to burn and sting. I struggled to get free but he was holding me too tightly. My arse and the backs of my thighs were on fire and I thought I could take no more.
I managed to get my hand up to try to protect my poor battered rear but Ian just grabbed my wrist and twisted my arm up my back.
I was crying by now and begging him to stop. Still he slapped me.
Finally he let me get up but my relief was short-lived as he reminded me he was going to give me the belt as well.
Oh! Shit!
He told me to go and stand in the corner with my hands on my head. I think I hated that as much as the spanking. The humiliation and the anticipation was as bad as the actual pain. But I did as I was told. I knew I could just get dressed and walk out but, somehow, that didn't seem like an option.
I stood there, stark naked, tears still streaming down my face for what seemed an age. I knew that Ian had gone into his bedroom.
Eventually, I heard him come out and he told me I could turn around.
God! He was magnificent!
He had on only a pair of shorts. It was the first time I had seen him shirtless.
He had wonderful broad shoulders, atop deep pecs and a six-pack to die for. And, yes, his chest was covered in curly black hair, his large brown nipples peeping out from the forest.
His powerful biceps and forearms demonstrated why he was able to hold me so tightly when I was across his knees. His hairy thighs were like tree trunks and his cock was pushing out the front of his shorts.
I guessed he had nothing on beneath.
However, what was chilling, rather than magnificent, was the wide, black, leather belt that hung from his right hand. 'That' was going to make contact with my already sore bum. Instinctively, I reached round to rub my buttocks to take away some of the sting that was already there.
Ian positioned me in front of the wall and made me lean against it so that my bum was sticking out. I knew I was the perfect target for him and gritted my teeth for the first lash, I knew I had 10 to come. 'Could I take them all?' I thought, I had to!
He warned me that the first was coming and it landed across my poor butt with a tremendous CRACK, sending a fire through my whole body. I couldn't help but gasp.
But at least I managed to stay where I was, waiting for the second.
The second was lower and again I gasped, but at least it wasn't on the same spot as the first whose fire was still spreading, the belt was wrapping itself around my bum.
The third came higher and at last I was allowed to stand up and rub myself. How could I possibly take another SEVEN! Even my cock was now at half-mast.
Next, he bent me over the sofa, my sore, naked arse in the air. He stood on the other side of me and I waited with bated breath for the first of the next three.
CRACK, this time it wrapped around the other way finding untouched flesh. The fire re-ignited.
The next CRACK came across the backs of my thighs and stung even more.
I don't know if it was because my bottom was already blistered but the next seemed even harder.
"Ooow, that really hurt!" I yelled.
No sympathy as he told me to get up.
FOUR more! But strangely, my cock was rising again as he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me into his bedroom and onto his bed, face down.
CRACK – as I tasted the leather once more. "Ouch!"
I was expecting three more but Ian told me to turn over. I don't know if it was being on his bed or what, but my cock was now as hard as a rock.
He grabbed my ankles and lifted my legs up over my head. I knew he must have been able to see my back hole as he told me to hold my balls.
CRACK, another lash landed across my buttocks and licked my hole – that pain was absolutely exquisite.
Then blessed relief – Ian said no more belt, just his hand.
His last two slaps were quite light but he let his hand rest on my bum as his fingers probed my tender hole.
He told me to hold my legs up and I wondered what was coming next. But I was totally under his control. I was his slave.
Through my legs, I saw him shuck off his shorts and at last I could see him totally naked, his magnificent purple cock pointing straight towards me.
He knelt on the bed and put his head between my upturned legs. Delicately, he let his tongue run lightly over the soft flesh of my inner thighs.
Shivers tingled my whole body and this wonderful, new experience.
Slowly, he worked his way towards my wide-open crack intensifying the shivers.
At last he reached my anus, the sacred portal to my inner being, sending me into paroxysms of sheer delight. His tongue probed, stretching and lubricating my sphincter.
I was so disappointed when his tongue left my ass-hole but then it found that sensitive area between ass and the back of my balls. Then he took each one in his hot mouth and rolled it around. Then he licked the underside of my cock, right up to the tip.
Finally, he enveloped my manhood in his warm mouth.
'Oooooooooooooh!' This was nothing like that dirty old perve in that filthy public toilet.
This was sheer heaven, it was beautiful. The man I loved, my Lord and Master, my God.
I felt my balls tightening and knew it wouldn't be long before I exploded. But, just as I felt I couldn't hold back any longer, he released me and continued his upward journey.
Each area gave me a new sensation; my belly button. Ah: my nipples, Aaah; my throat, Mmmm. As he reached my lips, I could feel his hot, wet cock against my inner thigh, then my crack, ever closer to my bum-hole.
As his tongue thrust between my welcoming lips, his cock slid smoothly into my equally welcoming anus.
There was no pain this time as he entered me for the second time and I knew that my boyish body was just made for this wonderful man.
It was so much better this way round, I could see his handsome face as he gently fucked me.
My cock was trapped between our two tummies and, as he rocked back and forth, was stimulated even more. I could feel his pubes tickling the backs of my balls and his groin against my bum, no longer sore.
We were both so aroused that it wasn't long before, just as I felt the hot jet spurt from Ian's cock into my very inner being, my cock jerked between our stomachs and I filled the gap with gallons of cum.
Ian slowly withdrew and I felt so, so empty without him in me. He collapsed onto me and we rolled over onto our sides, facing each other, as we wrapped our arms and legs around each other. This was what I had dreamed of, being held tightly in his strong arms, my smooth chest hard against his hairy one
He kissed my face as his hands travelled down my back to my bottom, cupping it and pulling my pelvis to him so that our, now softening, cocks were touching.
I felt so safe, so wanted, so loved!
I just had to tell him how I felt….
"I love you", I whispered in his ear.
To be continued……


28-01-2015, 10:23 AM
(Chapter 2 is a Reply to Chapter 1)
Chapter 3a is from Ian's perspective and 3b from Luke's)

"Over! On your back."
Luke obeyed, cock now fully hard.
I grabbed his ankles and lifted his legs up over his head until I could see his pretty, pink, puckered anus.
"Hold your balls," I ordered as I held his legs up with one arm and took the doubled belt in the other hand
CRACK! I brought it down across his exposed hole and cheeks.
"OK, I'm going to let you off the last two with the belt and use my hand instead." I wanted to feel that hot young flesh again.
SLAP! SLAP! Each time I let my fingers probe that gorgeous hole.
"OK, keep holding your legs in that position," as I slipped off my shorts to be
as naked as Luke.I climbed onto the bed on my hands and knees and worked my way between Luke's upturned legs. His beautiful rosebud anus, framed by the hairless insides of his young crack, was staring me in the face. Gently, I started to lick the smooth, hot flesh, starting Luke squirming with ecstasy. Slowly working towards the centre, I, at last, reached the sweet, salty taste of my goal and plunged my tongue into the welcoming orifice..
Luke was in his seventh heaven. I guess it was his first rimming. As my tongue tired, I cupped his still hot bum cheeks in my hands and worked my way up his perineum and took each of his large balls into my mouth in turn. Then, slowly, tantalisingly, I worked my way up the underside of his cock, which was, of course, rock hard. I let my tongue play around the helmet and into his slit, before taking the whole into my mouth. I think Luke must have been in his tenth heaven by now.
I felt his glorious member .throbbing against the back of my throat and realised he was not far off shooting his load. 'But not yet, boy', I thought, 'your spunk is going to have to build up yet'.
I released his cock from my mouth and worked my way up his flat, smooth stomach, his legs over my shoulders, pausing to lick out his navel., I reached his large, pink nipples, as hard as little marbles, and nibbled each in turn. By now my moist dick was rubbing the inside of Luke's smooth, strong thigh. A little further and it found that heavenly portal.
Luke's eyes were closed as I kissed his luscious lips, forcing them open with my tongue. A slight thrust with my pelvis and I entered him.
Luke let out a gasp of sheer delight as we two became one.

Eloquently written!

I happily fantasize about being in Luke's position! I'd go along with this scenario, (apart from the kissing, I don't do kissing of guys).

After a good spanking, you can wank me, suck me, rim me, and maybe fuck me too..... (safe only)........
