View Full Version : Any takers?

11-08-2009, 05:43 PM
Stolen glimpses will earn His cane
For lowered eyes - at the floor; remain
Of His temptation - you will learn refrain
For as His girl- perfection you must attain!

Your illicit peek - met with fearsome glare
You're pulled from your knees - by a fistful of hair
Roughly stripped, until you stand trembling; bare
Of further indiscretion - this will help you beware

He bends you over, until in perfect position
Your wanton peeking - an unwise decision
Your flesh anticipates - His savage implement's incision
Aware His administration - comes with exquisite precision

You hear its swish - before you feel its bark
Swiftly re-employed - repeatedly finding His mark
Behind bitten lips - you extinguish defiant remark
For when improving His girl- His mercy is stark

As you dance to His tune - You shut tear filled eyes
For your own good; this agony - so Him you cannot despise
No pleasure in this He takes - you reluctantly realise
Generously ensuring misbehaviour - swiftly meets its demise

As you whimper for mercy - He decrees you get more
Trembling knees preventing you – from collapsing to the floor
Now lost in agonising fireworks – His fire you willingly endure
This lesson you’ll be learning – every day you’re still sore

For you must be taught - His words will be obeyed
And from further indiscretion - His cane does dissuade
You're led to the mirror - the stripes of His will; are displayed
Burning brightly in the knowledge - His will; you cannot evade

But with lessons learnt – His warmth now returns
Pulling you into His arms – stroking softly where most it burns
He rubs your striped bottom – as crimson it turns
Renewed understanding - His pleasure; only obedience earns.....