View Full Version : What CP did you lads get for REAL at school?

29-06-2009, 01:07 PM
Hi Guys

I have a fascination with school corporal punishment, and am keen to hear what you lads got for real at school?

Your AgeNow:
What You Got:
What had you done:
Was it given in class, or sent to head or both:
What did you get:
How Many:
On your hands or backside:
How bad did it hurt?
Did it bring tears to your eyes on make you cry:
Did it leave marks:
How long did they last:
How frequent were you punished:
Did you deserve it:
What method did you use afterwards to try and ease the sting: Ie hands under arm pits, blow on them etc

Please give specific examples in your replies.
Have you had it since?
Would you like to?

I am a Yorkshire based disciplinarian who likes to give realistic CP - contact me also if you would like to meet.

Replies through the group or to me directly:

EMAIL: goodyukuk@yahoo.co.uk (goodyukuk@yahoo.co.uk)
Yahoo Messenger ID: goodyukuk
MSN Messenger ID: goodyuk@tinyworld.co.uk (goodyuk@tinyworld.co.uk) [msn mess only don't email this address or I wont get it]
Skype ID: goodyukuk

I also run a yahoo group on the topic of school corporal punishment reminiscences for guys only:

please apply to join if interested....



Mr Cane
07-07-2009, 01:13 PM
Loved the cartoon picture "He's on form today" - it really sums up the 'Before' and 'After' of corporal punishment. :eek:

10-08-2009, 06:06 AM
Your AgeNow: 65
Location: London
What You Got: whacks with a gym slipper
What had you done: persistently talked in class
Was it given in class, or sent to head or both: in class
What did you get: see above
How Many: two
On your hands or backside: backside
How bad did it hurt? quite a lot
Did it bring tears to your eyes on make you cry: no
Did it leave marks: no
How long did they last: -
How frequent were you punished: not often
Did you deserve it: yes, always
What method did you use afterwards to try and ease the sting: Ie hands under arm pits, blow on them etc: -

Please give specific examples in your replies.
Have you had it since? No
Would you like to? Perhaps

15-08-2009, 02:00 PM
Your AgeNow:

Location: London

What You Got: plimsoll, end of climbing rope, bunsen burner tubing, ruler, blackboard ruler, strap cane.

What had you done: Whatever, it was an old fashioned school and corporal punishment was part of everyday life.

Was it given in class, or sent to head or both: Both. For the cane you got sent to one of the senior Masters, exceptionally to the Headmaster for more serious offences, the other punishments were mostly given in class or detention by the teacher there at the time. When I first went there prefects were also allowed to cane boys they caught misbehaving, but that was stopped and they were only allowed to report you to a Master, so I was never physically punished by a prefect although I sometimes got lunchtime detentions in the prefect's common room. Being caned by a prefect might have been worse than being caned by a Master, because it would take place in the prefect's common room in front of other prefects and boys there for punishment, but most canings from Masters were in the Master's study with only the people involved present (although you might be caned with another boy there to be caned if you had both been caught doing something, I was caned with another boy because we had been setting off fireworks). I only remember one public caning by the Headmaster in front of the whole school during assembly, of a boy who had been stealing.

What did you get: a sore bottom!

How Many: varied

On your hands or backside: Usually bottom, sometimes ruler or strap on the hands.

How bad did it hurt? Some punishments weren't too bad, more humiliating, but some hurt a lot depending on who was doing it and what with. The cane and strap always hurt.

Did it bring tears to your eyes on make you cry: Yes, but maybe more often from embarrasment and shame. The cane would make me cry out at every stroke.

Did it leave marks: yes

How long did they last: it varied from a day or so to a week or more, depending on the punishment and how hard it had been.
How frequent were you punished: Can't remember, every few weeks I think.
Did you deserve it: Usually

What method did you use afterwards to try and ease the sting: Ie hands under arm pits, blow on them etc. If it happened in class you were supposed to take it and get back to work without making a fuss. I could never stay still during a caning and had to rub my bottom afterwards once I was allowed to stand up. Canings were usually given after school, so I'd go home and lie on my bed rubbing and stroking my bottom afterwards.

Please give specific examples in your replies.

Have you had it since? Yes. When I was at University I was failing due to lack of self discipline so I contacted a retired teacher through an advert. He mentored and disciplined me for a number of years until he moved away. At school we were always punished over clothing. My Mentor also started over clothing for the initial spanking, strapping, caning, etc. ( I was usually punished a number of times during a detention, which might take all evening or afternoon). He then made the later stages of punishment more powerful by making me get in position and, after a short wait and a lecture with my bottom presented for punishment, lowering my underpants or shorts for the strap and/or cane across my bare bottom.
I have visited and been disciplined by other "Headmasters" and a couple of times by "Headmistresses" since then, when I have needed it.

Would you like to? Yes. Not always, but it is something I need sometimes. Especially in a formal "school detention / reporting to the Headmaster's study" type setting.

15-08-2009, 05:38 PM
Your AgeNow:43
Location:South Manchester
What You Got:Slipper over trousers bent over desk
What had you done:Poor marks in weekly Latin Vocabulary Test
Was it given in class, or sent to head or both:In class, all boys to be punished were kept behind,last lesson before lunch break
What did you get:Slipper
How Many:6 whacks,3 per buttock,administered to alternate cheeks
On your hands or backside:Backside
How bad did it hurt? It stung but after a few times I found it pleasurable in a strange way and I loved to watch other boys getting slippered and liked being watched myself. Soon didn't bother learning vocabulary to ensure I would be punished.
Did it bring tears to your eyes on make you cry:Tears to eyes
Did it leave marks:redness and bruising
How long did they last:A couple of days
How frequent were you punished:Weekly
Did you deserve it:Yes
What method did you use afterwards to try and ease the sting: Ie hands under arm pits, blow on them etc :Locked myself in Toilet Cubicle,pulled down trousers and pants ,stroked /rubbed my hot bottom and then masturbated

Please give specific examples in your replies.
Have you had it since? Yes.Also received bare bottomed spanking and Tawsing from RSM i/c school cadet corps for messing around with a gun in the Firing Range. Subsequently visited him at his house in the school grounds at weekends for five years after leaving school for bare bottomed spankings,Tawsings and provision of Oral relief as a 'Thank you'.
Subsequently I have been punished by mature disciplinarians following response to contact ads.
Would you like to? See above.

16-08-2009, 11:23 PM
Your AgeNow:58
What You Got: a) Plimsol over trousers bent over teacher's desk
b) Caning from headmaster
What had you done: a) Messing about in class
b) Smoking!
Was it given in class, or sent to head or both: a) Usually in class, but sometimes after school
b) In heads office at break
What did you get: a) Plimsol
b) Cane
How Many: a) 6 whacks, delivered seemingly randomly
b) 3 strokes
On your hands or backside: always backside
How bad did it hurt? The cane just plain hurt! The slipper did to, but often excited me. Was often deliberately bad purely to get slippered.
Did it bring tears to your eyes or make you cry: Tears to eyes
Did it leave marks: redness and bruising
How long did they last: Rarely more than overnight
How frequent were you punished: Caning once or twice a term. Slippering at least once a week.
Did you deserve it: Yes
What method did you use afterwards to try and ease the sting: Rubbed my hot bottom and I often masturbated (not after the caning).
Please give specific examples in your replies.
Other points: The after school slipperings were in private and received bare bottomed. He always massaged my bottom after and I always got a all too visable erection. I could tell he did to. He never touched me intimately.
Have you had it since? Yes.
Subsequently I have been disciplined by men following response to contact ads. Some, but not all, of these men were gay. Sex has almost always occured during or after these sessions, to a greater or lesser extent. Usually me showing my gratitude.

04-11-2009, 10:35 PM
Age 60

What You Got: the instrument used was almost always the cane (about three foot of straight bamboo - no handle). Exception: The physics master used to "torture" boys with the static-electricity generator, by holding their fingers between the terminals and cranking it. The headmaster also had his notorious handshake. There was also the wooden blackboard rubber thrown with great precision.

What had you done: Not necessarily very much - the number of strokes reflected the seriousness of the offence. You frequently received a single swipe. A master walking into an unruly class would grab the nearest boy and give him one or two to quieten the others. I persistent offence, such as answering back (despite warnings) might earn you four.

Was it given in class, or sent to head or both: Both. Minor offences were dealt with on the spot (there was usually a cane on top of the blackboard on in the cupboard by the door). If there wasn't, you would be sent down to the school secrertary to get one. The headmster dealt with the most serious offences. The one man you didn't want to be caned by was the deputy head. Bullies were sometimes caned in front of the school. They came down very hard on bullies - I never suffered any bullying.

How Many: I got six once. I heard once of nine being given, but I tend to believe that six was the maximum.

On your hands or backside: Both. They tended to regard a caning on the backside as more serious.

How bad did it hurt? If a master knew what he was doing, it hurt much more on the hand. A "marksman" would catch you across the thumb knuckle or brush the tips of your fingers: that was very painful. I always preferred the backside.

Did it bring tears to your eyes on make you cry: It made me wince once or twice, but you did your damndest to look as though you didn't care. There was great kudos to be earned from taking a caning without flinching, and the rest of the class would try to make you laugh while you were getting it. I remember once, a boy being offered the cane or detention, and electing detention. He never lived it down.

Did it leave marks: A caning on the backside could leave marks for a couple of days. It was, of course, given over the trousers. Marks on the hand usually disappeared quickly.

How long did they last: See above.

How frequent were you punished: More in the ower school than the upper. Though fourth and fifth formers would usually be caned more severely when it happened. You were never caned in the sixth.

Did you deserve it: Yes, in the main. I always say that I might have been walloped a few times at school, but I left without a police record, VD, unwanted offspring, a drugs habit, or a drink habit, and I was NEVER bullied.

What method did you use afterwards to try and ease the sting: Ie hands under arm pits, blow on them etc.: No, if you had warningm you did all that beforehand - sitting on your hand on the radiator. Often there was no warning, so you could do nothing, but impromptu canings were usually fairly mild.

Have you had it since? Yes, a few times.

Would you like to? Yes, now and then.

06-11-2009, 01:10 PM
Cane from masters. Slipper from prefects and games staff.
Given for almost anything.
3 masters gave canings - deputy head, my housemaster and his deputy (I was a boarder).
See above.
Usually 3-4. 6 for serious offences after your first year.
Very much indeed. Worst was deputy head (who enjoyed it) and the house tutor, a nice man but young and fit and didn't know his own strength.
Initially I howled and wept like anything. Gradually trained myself to take it in silence.
Usually about 10 days.
Caned more than 20 times in first two years. Lost count of slipperings.
Rubbed bottom.
Yes, but not until early this year.