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20-04-2009, 04:22 PM
.............Spanking techniques and what we all practice, either on the recieving end, or the giver.
Not anything like caning as thats a seperate issue for later discussion;)
OK, i will start the ball rolling, so to speak:
When i have bared and placed the miscreant over my knee in the time honoured fashion, i administer 5 lightish smacks to each cheek all on the same spot, so as to leave just two handprints. Then repeat with a bit more vigour, lower down (on the sit spot)
After a little rub/knead i turn my attention to the very centre of the bottom and smack there 10 times VERY hard. This means that, if you have the miscreant well bent over your lap, you are actually spanking the anus. which sure gets a reaction, i can tell you, lol !!!!
For the next few minutes i make sure i do a thorough job, leaving no part of the bottom/upper thigh area unblushed, before returning to the lower bottom for 5 HARD smacks on each cheek like before. Then its another 10 smacks given as hard to the anus area.
Then i allow the miscreant up and put them corner, arms folded behind their back. This is another form of punishment, as the hands are so near the sore area that the temptation to rub is greater. Needless to say, any rubbing is met with another trip over my knee. THIS time with a short implement.
Anyone (from either side of the spectrum) care to comment, suggest, or just debate?

Stern Teacher

Spanked Again
24-04-2009, 10:17 PM
I agree, that smacks to the open anus area are very erotic. When I was very young and was getting spanked, I would try to bend my bottom upwards to meet the smacks hoping they would land on that part., The feeling goes right through the body. I was not so successful although I did get to expeience a quite few spankings, which I really wanted. Some had me in tears, some howling or bawling away, but many were what I really wanted from a Parent.

(Thanks Mum & Dad).

I would like to re-create that feeling of being subsesrvient across a parents knee spanked to tears, but sadly it is difficult to find like minded spankers who want to spank an older person.

Peter Kline
25-04-2009, 12:40 PM
Yes I have alway enjoyed being spanked on the lower part of the bottom. It has to be bare and to receive on the anus is great. it's the most private part of the bottom.
When one used to go to the swimming baths the changing room was a communal one and men could see your cock and bottom, but the anus was always the secret bit, so getting a spanking there means the spanker is getting a good view which is erotic in itself.
As for being spanked on the lower part of my bottom, when I was a kid there was a teacher that put a chair on a table and then stud the one to be punished on the table and he would be bent over the chair. She then proceeded to spank him with a slipper and the slipper would come from a lower perspective and thus hit the bottom just above the legs on the lower part of the bottom. I used to long to be punished by her but never was. I remember talking to a friend saying I would like to be on the receiving end of her punishments and he thought I was mad. At this point of life I didn't know people existed that didn't enjoy to be spanked. How sad for them.

26-04-2009, 01:15 AM
It all sounds very mechanical.

Unlike a caning,l which may be mechanical, i.e an offence deserves a set level of retribution, otk imo should be far more mechanical dependant on the immediate scene..

such as SIR yesterday putting me over his knee and spanking me with hand and hairbrush until I stopped laughing..

sadly for me the very threat caused me to laugh and caused SIR to have a rather sore hand

26-04-2009, 03:55 PM
It all sounds very mechanical.

Unlike a caning,l which may be mechanical, i.e an offence deserves a set level of retribution, otk imo should be far more mechanical dependant on the immediate scene..

such as SIR yesterday putting me over his knee and spanking me with hand and hairbrush until I stopped laughing..

sadly for me the very threat caused me to laugh and caused SIR to have a rather sore hand
What part of "Not anything like caning as thats a seperate issue for later discussion" do you not understand???? (as asked for in my original post)
Please try to keep this on topic. If you are more interested in only caning then feel free to start your OWN thread, and not hijack this one

Stern Teacher

Tim Green
27-04-2009, 06:01 PM
I like each spanking I give to be different, otherwise it can get a bit boring. I never decide on the precise nature of the spanking or the implements I am going to use until I start.

When I was an active sub, I did use to enjoy getting spanked between the bottom cheeks - the tawse is especially good for this purpose.


27-04-2009, 09:35 PM
I prefer the technique that my mother always used on me.

1. It always started with a good telling off, often where I was forced to come clean about my missdeeds. During or at the end of the teeling off she would, as it were pass sentence, something like "now you are going over my knee for a good hiding!"

2. If she was very angry then I would be sent to my room to await my fate whilst she calmed down. One should never spank in anger. This could take anything from ten minutes to an hour, and part of the punishment was that I never knew.

3. When the time came I was made to say why I was being spanked, once I had told her to her satisfaction, I then had to take down my trousers and pants. In all circumstances if my bottom was to be smacked then it was always bare, there were never any exceptions. I think she made me bare my own bottom as a sort of act of accepting that I was going to be spanked. Then I had to bend over her knee, this was the submission.

4. She would then take the time to get me just how she wanted me, move any loose clothing out of the way etc. and maybe make a few last comments prior to starting. Laying bare bottomed across her lap waiting for the first slap was horrible, and she was in no rush.

5. All of the slaps should be hard but the first couple should be really hard to get my full attention and to set the scene for the rest of the spanking. I would usually know within the first few slaps how severe a spanking I was going to get.

6. She always spanked at a steady pace, slowly enough for my to fully feel the effect of each smack, fast enough to ensure an intense level of pain. She alwayssmacked with a relaxed open hand, making full contact on my bare flesh with the full palm and fingers. Spanking with a stiff or cupped hand reduces the effect as does just spanking with the fingers. The way she did it also produced a good hearty slapping sound. I'm sure I always heard the first slap momentarily before I felt it.

7. Once the spanking was fully underway, she always ensured a good coverage of the whole of my bottom and tops of my thighs slapping two or three times in one spot and then moving around. So that the whole of my bottom was red hot.

8. I think another motto of hers would be "always deliver the full punishment" No amount of crying, pleading, kicking or struggling would end it one slap sooner than she intended. And if, as happened occasionally I managed to struggle enough to slide off her lap, then it was straight back over for her to finish off, usually with a bit extra for good measure.

9. When she finshed I would have to stand up, usually my trousers and pants were long gone by this point. She would then have me say sorry for what I had done, promise not to do it again etc. Sometimes I wasn't convincing enough and ended up back over her knee, as "I obviously hadn't learned my lesson yet!" These were on some of my more deserved ones, and I suspect that I always was going to be getting seconds, but it served to emphasise that it wasn't over until she said. Then I was sent to my room!

So these days when I am looking for a spanking this is what I am after, as a play spanking just doesn't get the adrenaline going. I hate the actual spanking itself, It HURTS! but then as Mother used to point out "Its supposed to!" And thats what I need to get the buzz. Also I am a switch so if you ever get one off of me, you know what to expect.

Spanked Again
29-04-2009, 09:13 PM
Sounds nice, I do like having the anus smacked, it travels right through the body evry time. Lying like a child and having your anus spamnlked hard cna be very erotic.

My Mother always spanked just on the cheeks, sadly, I wish she had paid more attention to what was in between those cheeks.

She was a good spanked though and I was always sore after being across her knee.

20-01-2011, 08:41 PM
I prefer the technique that my mother always used on me.

1. It always started with a good telling off, often where I was forced to come clean about my missdeeds. During or at the end of the teeling off she would, as it were pass sentence, something like "now you are going over my knee for a good hiding!"

2. If she was very angry then I would be sent to my room to await my fate whilst she calmed down. One should never spank in anger. This could take anything from ten minutes to an hour, and part of the punishment was that I never knew.

3. When the time came I was made to say why I was being spanked, once I had told her to her satisfaction, I then had to take down my trousers and pants. In all circumstances if my bottom was to be smacked then it was always bare, there were never any exceptions. I think she made me bare my own bottom as a sort of act of accepting that I was going to be spanked. Then I had to bend over her knee, this was the submission.

4. She would then take the time to get me just how she wanted me, move any loose clothing out of the way etc. and maybe make a few last comments prior to starting. Laying bare bottomed across her lap waiting for the first slap was horrible, and she was in no rush.

5. All of the slaps should be hard but the first couple should be really hard to get my full attention and to set the scene for the rest of the spanking. I would usually know within the first few slaps how severe a spanking I was going to get.

6. She always spanked at a steady pace, slowly enough for my to fully feel the effect of each smack, fast enough to ensure an intense level of pain. She alwayssmacked with a relaxed open hand, making full contact on my bare flesh with the full palm and fingers. Spanking with a stiff or cupped hand reduces the effect as does just spanking with the fingers. The way she did it also produced a good hearty slapping sound. I'm sure I always heard the first slap momentarily before I felt it.

7. Once the spanking was fully underway, she always ensured a good coverage of the whole of my bottom and tops of my thighs slapping two or three times in one spot and then moving around. So that the whole of my bottom was red hot.

8. I think another motto of hers would be "always deliver the full punishment" No amount of crying, pleading, kicking or struggling would end it one slap sooner than she intended. And if, as happened occasionally I managed to struggle enough to slide off her lap, then it was straight back over for her to finish off, usually with a bit extra for good measure.

9. When she finshed I would have to stand up, usually my trousers and pants were long gone by this point. She would then have me say sorry for what I had done, promise not to do it again etc. Sometimes I wasn't convincing enough and ended up back over her knee, as "I obviously hadn't learned my lesson yet!" These were on some of my more deserved ones, and I suspect that I always was going to be getting seconds, but it served to emphasise that it wasn't over until she said. Then I was sent to my room!

So these days when I am looking for a spanking this is what I am after, as a play spanking just doesn't get the adrenaline going. I hate the actual spanking itself, It HURTS! but then as Mother used to point out "Its supposed to!" And thats what I need to get the buzz. Also I am a switch so if you ever get one off of me, you know what to expect.

I love handspankings! Yes, I love it when you can feel that erotic shock throughout your whole body. I also don't like the spanker to mess about - give me full bloodied smacks with that punishing palm and let no amount of squealing, squirming or squealing convince you to stop!

I'm all wibbly now... LOL

Cherry x