View Full Version : Females for discipline?

07-04-2009, 01:01 PM
Anyone in the North Wales/Cheshire/Shropshire/Powys area in need of discipline from a 'sane' experienced 60 year old Dom?
Spanking, (plus strapping and caning, if required) only, no sex, no fees.
Roleplay a speciality...
Discipline to YOUR level, with safe word.


18-05-2009, 04:25 AM
yes darling i would love to be over you knee, do what you want to me

26-05-2009, 11:51 AM
Females ONLY please!

06-03-2010, 05:58 AM
Females ONLY please!
i am female!

11-03-2010, 09:02 AM
If you are female, why does your profile state:
"Sex male wltm male or female", then?

17-06-2010, 09:42 PM
I'd send Westey in, if I were you, correctionman. With the charm offensive he usually shows women ( more offensive than charm I admit), he'll find out within seconds if davide is a REAL woman or not!

The Demon Headmaster

More offensive than charm! You got that right, Sir!

*Thin ice starts to crack* :eek:

18-06-2010, 03:36 PM
It's because "do-gooders" like you keep forcing hot milk and ovaltine down me, that these little accidents occur from time to time- as of course, you know only to well!

Well, you don't have to drink it Sir!

Cherry x

29-06-2010, 08:43 PM
There she goes answering back again.

Not really Sir - I was just pointing out that it isn't like Cov to allow anyone to force anything onto him!

Cherry x

30-06-2010, 08:01 PM
Why do you always have to have the last word?

I've got a brain, Sir. And I'm entitled to use it. Banter is about finding holes in other people's arguments, albeit in a friendly and good natured way. With the greatest of respect to you, Westy Sir; if other people don't like it, it's not my problem. :)

Cherry x

01-07-2010, 08:43 PM
No, it's because you are female and too big for your boots.:eek:

I do hope you're joking - what century are you living in?

01-07-2010, 08:48 PM
On holiday? Up in Glasgow? She was on here last night, making her mouth go- as usual!

Sir, my computer is a laptop and I took it with me. Why would I lie about being away? What's the point in prolonging the agony?

Cherry x

02-07-2010, 09:54 AM
See, told you so. She is still toast.

Thank you, Sir.

Cherry x

02-07-2010, 07:48 PM
Coventry will be on fire.

*whimpers audibly; face drains of all colour and shakes like a leaf...*

Cherry x

06-07-2010, 01:13 AM


*starts to cry*

16-07-2010, 08:38 PM
Why do I have a feeling that I've seen this posting before? I know- it's because I have!!!

*Wails* I know, Sir! He keeps reminding me! As if I'm gonna forget!

Cherry x

17-07-2010, 07:32 AM
Having been away on holiday for a couple of weeks can somebody please enlighten on Cherry's progress with Westy. Has the hornet stung the tail, the tears been forced to flow and if not, why not?

Sorry just so many emails to read and go through that I fear it's quicker just to ask the question; oh, and, where's the TDH?

Also whilst communicating, worth mentioning that the user "juliesylvia" is no longer a member


18-07-2010, 02:01 AM
Glad to hear you're in fine fettle and yes, the health continues to improve hourly with red wine; weekly (and weakly) with anything else. Truth to tell there was nothing wrong - a diagnosis for the sake of a diagnosis that could only exist when you're paying for it.

The TDH is of course a tautology unless "TDH" becomes a pronoun and, I fear, in this case it has; in which case the statement "the TDH" is perfectly acceptable. I'm sure you understand.

We had a miniature steam railway running round the periphery of our school and us boys (up to 13 years) were allowed to light, pressurise, stoke up and drive the holy infernal thing - that was if we were good. If we were bad (me) we had to load the lawn mowings at one end and unload them at the other into the smelly compost heap; groundsman watching as we did so. Somehow we never got burned, scalded, ears damaged or in any way harmed. Obviously the continuous beating was mildly irritating, the fagging boring and the masterly attentions somewhat under the bottom (as opposed to over the top), however I now have a life-long penchant for something truly wonderful, inspiring, frustrating, irritating, satisfying and devilishly good.

My question, one that arises as frequently as as the sun across the naked horizon is, where dear "TDH" did you get yours? There's a mix of Mr Coates (English teacher - "you're only allowed one exclamation mark in life") and Mr Redman (maths and PE - "If you lose the ball use your head you stupid boy") - it's always been the origins that fascinate me - that and the punishment.


18-07-2010, 11:34 AM
Yes, you must be truly grateful to the masters at your school for giving you a life-long love of gardening!!! It's good to know that all those hours spent loading the compost bin, have led to something so fulfilling in adult life. However, you are quite wrong about me, dear Chief Bottom! I do not "dibble and hoe" for pleasure; I do it out of sheer necessity; I find it a tiresome chore;it takes me away from the real pleasures in life! Indeed, you should be doubly grateful- if you had been allowed to join the other boys and play with the trains, you might now find yourself amongst those sad souls standing at the end of a railway platform, notebook in hand, train spotting!

Your greatest crime, however, and one which your lofty position does not excuse, is to reduce The Demon Headmaster to a pronoun! Even if that impossibility were to become possible, I fear that the use of "the" would still be superfluous! If I must be a part of speech, I think at the very least I'd be an adjective or an adverb - Wow words they're often called today! Yes, that's me - TDH - WOW!!
The Demon Headmaster

I've been thinking about all this, and have come to the conclusion that you could be a noun, if anything; a proper noun, mind. Instead of being referred to as Covspank for example, you could be The Covspank. Ok, it makes you sound more like a thing, rather than as a person, but you could still be a Big Scary Thing! Kinda like the Bogeyman of CP.

"You'd better behave yourself or The Covspank will come and get ya!"

Rather apt, I think! *Chuckles*

Cherry x

18-07-2010, 12:17 PM
I suggest that you think again! I am Covspank- that is my name- it is a Proper noun,as befiting a proper person! It doesn't require the definite article in front of it, as I am unique- there are no other Covspanks, with whom I might be confused! My title is The Demon Headmaster- note the capital T - this time "The" is appropriate, as I believe that there are others trying to pass themselves off as me! As if...!!!
The Demon Headmaster

Others, Sir? I must confess, I have not noticed this. :)

Cherry x

22-07-2010, 03:06 AM
Oh, and you come from Coventry. That says it all.

Oi, Sir!! What the heck is that supposed to mean, eh? :D

You can take the girl out of Coventry but you can't take Coventry out of the girl!

Cherry x

23-07-2010, 07:49 PM
...But my question was: what contribution are you making to the spanking scene?

Well Sir, he hasn't been spanking me, that's for sure!

Cherry x

23-07-2010, 11:02 PM
Aaah! The truth will out! As I suspected- "Leave it to me, Cov!" Dear me- do I have to do everything myself? As Lord Sugar would say, "Westey- you're fired!"

Oh, dear.... :eek:

C x

23-07-2010, 11:22 PM
Don't feel sorry for him- if you trace the thread back, you'll see that he refers to you as "a Cherry"! He doesn't specify if that's with or without garlic!

Oh no...not Delia as well! Help!

Let's face it. I'm doomed...

C x