View Full Version : What do we really want?

04-04-2009, 05:41 PM
I place the question on the table for consideration and will respond to it in the next day or two - when I have time.

04-04-2009, 06:22 PM
This is a really good question. I must admit that I'm not sure of the answer as i am rather confused about what I want. I look forward to the replies.

05-04-2009, 03:46 PM
Certainly an interesting question. Perhaps my thoughts as a spanker might be of interest.

As a child, I was spanked by my mother (never father) and received the cane on my hand at primary school.
When at secondary school the cane was the ultimate deterrent, though, thankfully, I never received it.

So I grew up with Corporal Punishment as an accepted and normal part of Discipline.
(I still believe that much of to-day's indisciplined youth would benefit from it!)
However, as a young gay man, I found myself attracted to straight guys of around my own age.
Remember homosexuality was illegal until I was in my mid-twenties, although CP was still accepted in schools and in the home and had no sexual connotation.

I started to develop fantasies of how I could "get into the pants" of straight guys. The favourite one being to find a young man doing something wrong and giving them the option of being reported or having a good spanking, bare bottomed.

Now, in later life, I still find the male buttocks to be the most beautiful part of human anatomy and what better view is there than having a pair naked over one's knees.
Spanking them is more about the feel of firm young flesh under my hand than the actual infliction of pain.

I still very much enjoy the role play in leading up to and during the spanking, acting out the fantasy.

Caribou 2
05-04-2009, 07:31 PM
I knew from a very young age that there was something about the corporal punishment of males that had a strong effect on me. Having attended a catholic primary school in the seventies, and seeing lads being spanked, slippered, and occasionally being subjected to the same myself, both at home and school, I developed a sexual interest in it. In secondary school, I saw lads being caned on the backside, as well as slipperings and sometimes even spankings. This excited and aroused me, and this fetish, to the exclusion of any other sexual interest, has remained with me to this day.

So, what do I want? Well, I would like to make a genuine younger male friend for regular CP role-play. However, apart from one enjoyable but brief experience with a guy from this site, I am not having much luck to date. I shan't give up though. Unfortunately, having this sexual inclination has resulted in a lot of loneliness for me.

18-04-2009, 10:53 AM
I did say i'd write my response to my own question in a day or two but work went mad and this is my first opportunity. So here goes:

I am relatively inexperienced, having been spanked a few times by the fairer(?) sex and joined the site to see who was about. The majority of people seem to be males seeking males - nothing wrong with that but I was unsure about it - and the preponderant theme seems to be School scenarios. This I know is not for me as I was unfairly beaten at School which has given me an aversion to anything remotely resembling such a scene.

So, the M/m situation. I have considered it for some time but return to my belief that a spanking is a very intimate act and, as such, there must be a chemistry between the parties. This was confirmed some time ago by two ladies I met who wanted to 'get into my knickers' in all senses of the word!

The first I met on another site and we chatted online and via phone. All went well till we met. To put it delicately, her photo was well out of date and she certainly wasn't a size 12. The spanking was o.k. but I felt that she didn't want to spank me - any arse would do. Her other demands went unsatisfied as a male finds it impossible to fake interest.

The second was very different. The chemistry was there and Spanking was definitely a part of foreplay and continued during the act itself - 'to encourage me' she said. Regrettably, she had to move away.

I asked myself whether I could do the same in a M/m situation and concluded that the answer was no.

Perhaps I'm looking for nirvanna by persisting in my search for a woman but I will continue. Who knows, I might find her. On here? i know not!

So that is my reason, what is yours?

18-04-2009, 04:27 PM
I think a lot of males would agree with you but the shortage of female spankers makes it necessary to have males take part. I am at a loss to explain why there is such a shortage of females using this site.

18-04-2009, 09:22 PM

if it helps

when I sort my london accomodation out then my other persona, the oh so Staid Headmistress Jennifer, will be re-opening her evening detention classes. probably end may being the first. Sadly for the previous correspondent but one it will be only school scenario's...

As I'm downsixing my london apartment I'm not sure of the size of class I can manage either but there will be one more Fem spanker in circulation.


12-05-2009, 09:21 AM
Thanks Spankandy. Blimey! there's an interestin' question....

Well, for me its: - (and this does not only relate to cp/spanking/bdsm)

Responsibility : Be positive, take ownership and try a little self-control;
Empathy : Understand the issues and challenges that you & others face;
Honesty : Goes without saying dosen't it?
Discipline : Engage brain - and think - before opening mouth, even though the world wants everthing 'yesterday';
Delivery: Do what you say you're going to do - and no excuses;
Consistency: Value what you know to be true and behave appropriately, or beware the consequences!
Time: Is very precious - so value your own & others time.

Can anyone see a common theme running through this??
