View Full Version : Memories of school days .

08-03-2009, 10:55 PM
I was enrolled at a reasonably good fee paying school in Surry about four yrs before corporal punishment was abolished around 1987 .
So I suppose those dreaded yet stimulating occasions of receiving and observing the older methods of discipline in school ,did begin my interest of this subject .
I was about eleven when my parents took me along with other parents and boys to our "New School " interview .
Headmaster ,another individual and the school matron sat behind a long table and explained the merits of the school to my parents and of course me sitting between them .
The subject of discipline was reached and it was explained that parents were required to consent to allowing their sons to be caned or slippered and even hand spanked by certain of the teaching staff if it was felt
that the boy deserved it .
I suppose that was one reason to swallow hard ,but I think I gasped when he added that a boys trousers and underpants may be down on these occasions .
Worse still perhaps was the fact that my parents agreed to this and signed the form , as did the parents of all the boys that atended that school.
The first occasion for me was when I was twelve . I joined a short line of boys heading for the small office of our Head of house .
The four of us stood one behind each other as he sat down .
There were two ahead of me . This was probably the first time for any of us and there was some sobbing .
Having to take down our trousers and then our underpants was awful .Then being taken over his lap to have our clothing raised up out of the way was just so embarrassing . The feeling of cold air round where you would rather not feel cold air only reminded one that he could see all . Then a sore bottom .
Red bottoms and red faces continued till I was fifteen .
I did`nt like it at the time but now I look back with some excitement of those days .

09-03-2009, 03:14 PM
A fascinating memory, thank you.

I was 'turned on' by the spanking scene at around the age of 10 when watching other boys being spanked or slippered in class or the dormitory at a prep school.
The class spankings were always over school grey shorts, and the dorm could be over pjs or sometimes bare.

Private spankings/canings also took place.

There was nothing too extreme but it hurt!

The fasacination has remained with me all my life, but I cannot claim to have enjoyed it at the time!!

09-03-2009, 11:48 PM
Thank you ,it was kind of you to reply .
Yes its true ,at the time it was`nt much fun but to be honest I think I did eventualy get some excitement over having to report for discipline when my name was called out .
The odd sence of thrill at undressing on demand and having my bottom displayed in the formal setting of a Housemaster`s office did somehow offset the pain that would follow .

17-06-2009, 08:21 PM
We didn't get caned on the bare at my school, but this reminded me very much of how I felt having to report to the Head of School for a caning. I hated it at the time, but now find reliving the experience does me a tremendous amount of good (except now I usually find my bottom being bared for the Headmaster's cane, and have to endure far more).

29-06-2009, 08:30 PM
i was never caned on the bare bottom but had the slipper severel times in pe, , over thin silky short shorts god it stung,,,, strange how now we all want to re-live these events

14-07-2009, 11:56 AM
I vividly recall a rather unusual punishment from our PE teacher in the first month of the first year at Grammar school. Whilst he was out of the gymn we were being rather noisy as 11/12 yr old boys often are. When he returned he lined us all up and then took the sash-cord ,which was used to draw out and return the climbing ropes. He folded the cord so that it was, effectively, four lengths of cord. Each boy had to bend and take one very fierce 'crack' , as he called it. We were not allowed underwear so we only had thin PE shorts. Whilst some of us had been whacked a few times at primary school there were a number who had never even been told off. I dont know what they thought about such treatment but not one boy failed to fub his bottom and several were in tears or very close. For my sins I was last in the queue and I rather think that the teacher was saving his best yill last. The four distinct stripes took about a week to vanish completely.

16-07-2009, 06:30 AM
When I was a very small boy in primary school, I had a crush on my teacher (Miss Wilson). She was a lady of great warmth who, when she had you standing next to her desk to go through your latest exercise results, she would put her arm around your waist and pull you close to her. She would do this to both girls and boys, and I suppose in those innocent days, this would have been acceptable behaviour. However, even at that early age, the feel of her firm warm thigh pressed against me was something of an awakening.

One day, during such an occasion, she scolded me quite sharply for having turned in a mediocre exercise, knowing I was capable of much better. To be so publicly rebuked by someone for whom I had such tender private feelings hurt and my lip trembled and a tear formed. Seeing this, she very drammatically hauled me over her lap and proceeded to tickle me until I giggled, and finished off this little pantomime with a few tantilizing spanks on my wriggling bottom. The rest of the class were in fits of laughter, but I cannot begin to describe my emotional state, to say nothing of the impact that this had on the rest of my life.

17-08-2009, 03:31 PM
I remember being at Grammar School 50 years ago, and the punishment which was given to miscreants. On one occassion we were caught smoking in the outside toilets which the masters didn't use, only on this occassion one did check, and we were sent to the Headmaster.
The Head gave us a choice, we could either have 5 detentions or the cane. To get it over all but one of us opted for the cane. However it was a great surprise when we were told to take our trousers down, which after much pleading we did. Standing there in just our shorts style underpants was very humiliating, but when the Head then told us to bend over a line of chairs and he went down the line pulling our underpants down, before starting to cane each boy in turn, the tears began to flow - but I for one made sure that there was never another occassion.

Mr Cane
18-08-2009, 02:54 AM
On one occassion we were caught smoking in the outside toilets ........

I can certainly relate to your story Monk 456 - I think that smoking must have been a universal 'crime'.

I pinched a 20-pack of Players from my dad's shop as I left for school and passed them around my pals. Unfortunately one by one we were all caught and I ended up before the headmaster. I got six strokes across the seat of my shorts for 'supplying'!

Arriving home I found my dad furious - he had missed the cigarettes long before the h/m had telephoned him. My shorts and pants soon came off and I was bent over displaying my six livid cane welts - which my dad did his best to eradicate with a good dose of his slipper. I had a very VERY sore bottom for quite some time. :eek:

This would also be around 1958/9.

18-08-2009, 08:06 PM
It may be unfasionable these days, but discipline like this would not go amis today, on some of the unruly tykes - I certainly didn't ask for another spanking then - although now I do like the odd session.