View Full Version : Whimp Heads

27-02-2009, 11:29 PM
I'm coming to the conclusion that all the so-called headmasters and mistresses out there offering a "damned good caning" are just whimps with a stick just waiting for a gymslip-clad skoolie to turn round, bend them over the desk and give them a good a spanking.

I could be wrong of course......

proved sorely wrong.....

Bob Spankman
02-03-2009, 02:15 AM
I think the only whimp is you!!

I've offered to thrash you soundly, you sent a PM, I replied and ............. nothing further from you.

If you truly want to feel the bite of a rattan cane (as well as the lash of the tawse, slipper and paddle), then have the strength of character to follow through.

Awaiting your reply so that I can deal with your insolence properly!

02-03-2009, 05:05 PM
[quote=Bob Spankman;4126]I think the only whimp is you!!

I've offered to thrash you soundly, you sent a PM, I replied and ............. nothing further from you.


I think I'm well known enough and turn up at various places enough for my integrity not to be questioned. You replied to me 2 days ago. Yesterday I was either travelling most of the day, or.... to my suprise, whisked out to dinner when I arrived in london late yesterday afternoon. If you IM'd me then I stand in head-bowed shame for I neither saw it or was looking. Today, this morning, I have been attempting to force some education between the ears of this country's finest who listened in total awesome silence to my account of the manouvres of stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah valley 1862, silence broken only by the occasional snore. I am online now because it seems I have fallen foul of that perennial pest, the lesser spotted timewaster who I was due to meet at 3pm.

You have an incoming pm.

And yes, I repeat, most heads seem to be whimps,

Goodness, I'm suprised they don't ask me for help to lift the cane for them


(probably going to regret at my not-too-much-leisure these comments if they are read by either Sir who I am seeing on 19th or Sir who I am seeing on 22nd)


02-03-2009, 05:45 PM
You are naughty Jenny!! Really naughty!!

03-03-2009, 12:29 AM
You are naughty Jenny!! Really naughty!!


Snot fair!

I'm not not naughty, just ...well...well....because of my enthusiasm for skool somewhat misunderstood...

but BETS you are more misunderstood than me!!

just you can't get the Sir's these days, they're all off learning crap subjects like 'istory than proper subjects like disssssipline...

wimps, all ov 'em

just can't get the Sirs and sirresses... no wonder the contry is in Sirrecession

04-03-2009, 04:48 PM

Snot fair!

I'm not not naughty, just ...well...well....because of my enthusiasm for skool somewhat misunderstood...

but BETS you are more misunderstood than me!!

just you can't get the Sir's these days, they're all off learning crap subjects like 'istory than proper subjects like disssssipline...

wimps, all ov 'em

just can't get the Sirs and sirresses... no wonder the contry is in Sirrecession

I agree Jenny! They all useless int they!!

06-03-2009, 11:57 AM
A lot of them are fantasists and wannabees. It still surprises me how often they will engage in correspondence, agree a scenario, etc., and then disappear when it comes to arranging a meeting.

12-03-2009, 06:10 PM
Tsk tsk young Jenny. Clearly it has thus far been your miss-fortune to be attending the wrong Headasters. For me the problem has been the obverse i.e. that young female delinquents claiming initially to have a "high pain threshold [or should that be thrashold] and to be able to take a 'sound thrashing' all too frequently cave in once cane strokes begin too move on beyond what I would deem 'moderate'. As far as I am concerned, prior to knocking on my study door a prescription is written with and for the 'patient', after which I deliver the treatment, [nothwithstanding absolute regard for the safe word of course].
Its OK - I enjoy dispensing chastisement at all levels but it is a rare treat to be able to 'let fly' with some serious wrist action and am blessed with only one of my regular playmates who can absorb such, albeit that she took time over several sessions to get to her true capacity.
So attend me if you dare in my study near Cambridge or possibly also in my borrowed apartment in central London, If indeed you dare 'put your bottom where your mouth is'. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Toptony but you may call me 'Sir' :(

13-03-2009, 01:02 PM
Goodness, and here was me beginning to think this place was like the nudist beach at Cannes, not a top in sight

(not that a sweet and innocent thing like me would know about auch things)...

Well, my diary for march is now well and truly marked, as it would appear other parts of me will shortly be as well, but surely I will not let such a tempting invitation to slip past :)

So attend me if you dare in my study near Cambridge or possibly also in my borrowed apartment in central London, If indeed you dare 'put your bottom where your mouth is'. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Toptony but you may call me 'Sir' :(

Tim Green
16-03-2009, 09:51 AM

Snot fair!

I'm not not naughty, just ...well...well....because of my enthusiasm for skool somewhat misunderstood...

but BETS you are more misunderstood than me!!

just you can't get the Sir's these days, they're all off learning crap subjects like 'istory than proper subjects like disssssipline...

wimps, all ov 'em

just can't get the Sirs and sirresses... no wonder the contry is in Sirrecession


As an archaeologist, I often find historians have a tenuous grip on reality!!

It's been many years since I experienced a time-waster who never turned up for an appointment but I get a few fantasists who ask loads of detailed questions about what might happen when they report to me and then disappear. No-one has ever accused me of being a wimp, though!

Good luck in your quest.


19-03-2009, 08:20 PM

As an archaeologist, I often find historians have a tenuous grip on reality!!

It's been many years since I experienced a time-waster who never turned up for an appointment but I get a few fantasists who ask loads of detailed questions about what might happen when they report to me and then disappear. No-one has ever accused me of being a wimp, though!

Good luck in your quest.



With my other hat on, as Ms Jennifer, Headmistress, I know exactly what you mean.

On the other hand, as an historian, I'm amazed at how many archeologists can dig up a partly corroded tin can and bring it to me believing it really is some relic of the 200 BC pepsi cola wars :)

Anyway, back to my role of jennysub of the "can't get much lower 5th" I am not sitting comfortably after an afternoon in Sirs Classroom :(

20-03-2009, 10:20 AM
No wonder you are sometimes less than focussed in class if this thread is anything to go by.
You would be better off preparing your homework than becoming caught up in this kind of thing.
Or perhaps you consider that I am a wimp!

20-03-2009, 11:34 AM
No wonder you are sometimes less than focussed in class if this thread is anything to go by.
You would be better off preparing your homework than becoming caught up in this kind of thing.
Or perhaps you consider that I am a wimp!


I was distracted from my homework because of other circumstances, all to do with me being just so keen and diligent...

not answering that last question

Take the 5th,

20-03-2009, 12:24 PM

I believe your reluctance to reply infers that you do feel that I am perhaps more restrained than I might be.
At you next attendance I shall have to convince you otherwise!!!

20-03-2009, 03:14 PM

I believe your reluctance to reply infers that you do feel that I am perhaps more restrained than I might be.
At you next attendance I shall have to convince you otherwise!!!


My reluctance was so as not to give the impression that I regard you as anything other than a totally benevolent, extremely kind and understanding SIR who fully understands my sometimes over-enthusiastic responses in class are due to a keen sense of participation and nothing else.

My attentiveness SIR has been fully restored and I would most emphatically wish to assure you there is no need to be so 'arsh and cruel in future as you have felt the need to be in the past.

Got sore knees now from all this grovelling :mad:

22-03-2009, 06:06 PM
OK Jenny so what happened about the PM I sent you 3 weeks ago - or is it all talk and tease with you?:mad:

23-03-2009, 08:42 PM
OK Jenny so what happened about the PM I sent you 3 weeks ago - or is it all talk and tease with you?:mad:

Firstly, what pm?

Secondly, no darling, its not all talk and tease, I'm sure there are a few on here who have seen the real thing darling, I do get tired of the clatter of canes being thrown out of the pram


23-03-2009, 08:52 PM
OK Jenny so what happened about the PM I sent you 3 weeks ago - or is it all talk and tease with you?:mad:

I have just checked my inbox. 29 messages, none from you, the last three from someone I met with at 3pm today.

I do meet people, the fact I have not dropped everything and gone rushing to Ely at your instant invitation that I have not seen is no reason to infer doubt in my integrity or motive.

I do try to reply to every message even if it is a no thanks, on checking my bx I note one message I have not yet replied to, an oversight that will be corrected in the next 24 hours. If you check your "sent" box and resend then I will reply if I receive.

24-03-2009, 11:58 AM
Hi. Sorry about that - and just prior to loggin on to this topic had deleted all sent messages including mine to you ho hum. I do struggle with this site and its probably me, e.g. having to log on again every time despite clicking 'remember me' and including every time I switch forum items. Howsomever would certainly be easier for me in you contacted me direct on toptony@live.co.uk. and lets see where it takes us.:confused:

07-04-2009, 01:31 PM
Hi. Was that it from naughty Jenny or am I still not getting through? :confused:

09-04-2009, 03:40 PM
Jenny, I seem to have found my postings under a reference to 'WIMP HEADS', well I do not know how they arrived there, I do not recall posting under that heading, however the only way in which 'wimp' will feature in your next attendance at school, will be when you wimper, young lady. (Yes I know it is customarily spelt whimper but English is a living language, thus changes can happen).
I do not know how you have time to post on here and do your prep!!

09-04-2009, 09:51 PM


Naturally I would not include someone of your stature, bearing, dignity, compassion, understanding and forgiving fairness in that category sir. I was merely reflecting on what others have mentioned to me as being their experience at skools obviously of profoundly lesser worth than yours sir.

I promise you sir at my next school attendance you will see that my spirited enthusiasm has been harnessed and focussed, not just a leaf but the whole tree has been turned over and my pledge to become a model pupil of decorum, diligence and ever so enchanting sweetness has at last been fulfilled.

I might even try harder to get all the wine stains off the front of my gymslip so I can be at my very well presented best.


Jenny, I seem to have found my postings under a reference to 'WIMP HEADS', well I do not know how they arrived there, I do not recall posting under that heading, however the only way in which 'wimp' will feature in your next attendance at school, will be when you wimper, young lady. (Yes I know it is customarily spelt whimper but English is a living language, thus changes can happen).
I do not know how you have time to post on here and do your prep!!

12-04-2009, 06:33 PM
Dear Jenny,

From the delightful photos in your profile, you seem to have met at least some Headmasters willing and able to warm your bottom!


14-04-2009, 12:12 AM
Not true SIR

one or two


but then, I'm just so sweet and demure and oh so well behaved in class that it must be imposible for most to deal with me 'arshly

just my abundance of natural charm I think :confused:

Saint Jennifer the perfection

Dear Jenny,

From the delightful photos in your profile, you seem to have met at least some Headmasters willing and able to warm your bottom!


25-04-2010, 01:26 AM
Bloody hell Jenny....you make me laugh! "Saint Jenny the Perfection"(!) I laughed my arse off!

I'm afraid I ain't as sweet and innocent as you - just ask Sir! I don't mean to be bad, it's just that all the naughtiness and general misdemeanours seem to come from nowhere. I was with you in the March class - I was the newbie and I got thrashed big time for coming last in Maths, remember? (Then I was made to stay behind for cheating in a Music exam...:eek: Ouch, indeed...!)

