View Full Version : Revenge is sweet. Mr Smedley lays into Colin

07-02-2009, 01:33 AM
This story contains violent punishment.

In the course of the next couple of weeks my life took on a more normal and ordered existence. I had taken to sleeping in my spare bedroom. The one with a wall adjoining my neighbours’ punishment room. I took with me my dildo/vibrator and the new plastic item I had ‘borrowed’ from Annie and Peter and put them to good use, especially when I could hear the sounds of a spanking punishment and muffled groans and moans coning from next door. I tried many ways of employing the toys, many methods and positions. I had even tried to slap myself with hand, hairbrush and (more satisfying) a doubled over belt. Some evenings I was more successful than others in achieving the desired effect. If all else failed I could listen to my neighbours’ punishment sessions and keep frustration at bay by reliving every stroke of my own recent chastisements. I am getting horny just writing about it now. Whatever the event or success of my nightly exercises, I always slept well and woke refreshed and ready for work. I wasn’t ever late again and I paid particular attention to whatever task I was allocated. I did not want to attract the attentions of Mr Smedley again. It’s not that I hadn’t taken pleasure in the paddling and caning that he had dished out; it was awful to have been punished, aroused and not screwed to satisfaction. The nasty, sneering and knowing looks that the ghastly Colin were so hard to bear. I did not want to find myself in that position again.

I arrived at work one morning to find the toady Colin waiting for me. He told me that Mr Smedley was coming to the office at the end of the day and wanted to see us both in his office. I felt the blood drain from my face. I could not think of anything I had done wrong. Colin was looking particularly pleased with himself. I chose to ignore him and spent the day endeavouring to appear my usual self. I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me scared. But I was! Mr Smedley had threatened that any further spanking would be administered in front of a witness, surely it wouldn’t be Colin.

Punctual as ever, Mr Smedley arrived as everyone else was leaving. Everyone but Colin and me that is. Colin leapt to his feet giving a good impression of Uriah Heep – wringing his hands and issuing a profuse welcome. The boss just nodded to us and said he would send for us when he was ready. Colin and I spent a very uncomfortable five minutes trying not to catch each others eye. When the ‘phone rang to summon us I followed him up the stairs to Mr Smedley’s inner sanctum. He was sat behind his desk and indicated that we should stand in front of him. He fixed Colin with a blank stare for a moment then turned his attention to me. “Colin here has e-mailed me several times recently. He advises me that you have been late” he consulted the papers in front of him “Five times in the last two weeks and tells me that you are often late back from lunch” I gasped and shook my head. “Is this true?” he queried. “Speak up and tell the truth now.” I shot Colin a glance and shook my head “ No, sir. It isn’t true, I haven’t been late for work once since you were here last.” “You were late back from lunch last Tuesday” Colin insisted. Mr Smedley looked at Colin and then back to me “Is this true?” I thought for a moment. “Oh, yes.” I confirmed “I was held up at the bank on Tuesday and was ten minutes late back. I stayed on for half an hour that evening to make up for it.” I looked at Colin; he was obviously a bit uncomfortable. The boss slammed shut the notebook in front of him which made us both jump. “What on earth are you trying to do Colin? Did you think I wouldn’t check this for myself? Were you hoping to witness a spanking? You really are despicable, aren’t you” Colin began to bluster a bit and Mr Smedley let him carry on digging himself further into trouble. Mr Smedley rose and crossed to the door and locked it, slipping the key into his pocket. He went to Colin and smacked his face. “Stop this useless nonsense and answer my question. You are despicable, aren’t you?” The babbling stopped and Colin hung his head. “Aren’t you?” Colin nodded miserably. “Very well. You know the rules, you’ve been punished before and you were told that a further misdemeanour would mean a witnessed beating” He turned to me and asked if I was prepared to stay and watch the proceedings. I readily agreed and was invited to perch myself on the edge of the desk while the chair was placed in the middle of the room and Colin stood shuffling and looking over his shoulder at the door. He knew there was no escape.

He was ordered to stand to attention as Mr Smedley released and lowered first his trousers and then his boxers. Colin put his hands in front of his genitals in an attempt to hide them from me. “Now, now lad” said Mr Smedley “I am quite sure this young woman has seen plenty of those. Put your hands to your sides” Colin did as he was told. He looked totally gutted and more than a little afraid. He was left to stand like that with his shrunken dick on display for several minutes while his tormentor positioned the chair and gathered the cane and paddle from his desk drawer. At long last he sat on the chair and directed Colin over his knees. I was feeling a little damp and I crossed and uncrossed my legs several times in an attempt to get comfortable. Some time was spent in adjusting the position and placing Colin’s rump in just the right place to accept the punishment that was about to be applied. The boss raised his hand and began to spank the upturned bottom. He smacked hard and fast for at least two minutes without a break. Smack, smack, smack. It was loud and Colin’s legs were lifting and jerking accompanied by squeals and groans with every smack. When he at last took a rest Mr Smedley looked over at me. “Are there any tears yet?” he asked. I slid off the desk and walked over to them. Bending a little I lifted Colin’s head. He shut his eyes quickly but I could see the telltale wetness on his face. “No, no tears yet.” I said. “Right” replied the boss “I can’t be hitting him hard enough. Pass me the paddle.” I gladly did as I was told and the spanking began again. I was closer to the action now and I could appreciate what Annie and Peter had said about Mr Smedley’s prowess. Every inch of Colin’s backside was bright pink and was now being thoroughly covered by the paddle. Every blow reached a different area and gradually the pink turned to a glowing red. Colin was yelling his head off and pleading for the beating to stop. Crack, crack, crack. The pounding went on and on. Colin was kicking and struggling but Mr Smedley had a firm hold on him. Twice he nearly got away but that only resulted in the paddling landing awkwardly and bringing forth a scream of pain. By now Colin was weakened and sobbing: it was no great deal for the boss to pull him back into position. When the paddling finally stopped Colin just lay across Mr Smedley’s knees and whimpered, his shoulders shaking with each sniffling sob.

Finally he was allowed to stand. He was still trembling as he stood with shoulders and head down. His hands were flapping. He didn’t know whether to wipe his eyes, rub his arse or cover his cock. “Stand up straight. Hands by your side” Mr Smedley demanded as he returned the chair to its position behind the desk. “What are you Colin?” “Sorry, I’m sorry” “I’m sure you are but that is not the word I am looking for. You are despicable. What are you?” “I’m despicable” he sobbed. “You certainly are and you are not sufficiently chastised yet.” Colin’s knees were trembling. He sniffed and shook his head. “The question is” continued the boss “Have you behaved sufficiently well during your spanking so far to have avoided any penalty strokes of the cane above the six that I had planned?” He turned to me “What do you think?” I looked at the pathetic figure standing limply in the middle of the room. His penis was slightly less slack now but it couldn’t exactly be described as an erection. He had derived no pleasure at all in his thrashing. He was the kind of worm that only enjoyed watching pain inflicted on another. I doubted if he even had the bottle to inflict a spanking. I felt sorry for him. I told Mr Smedley that I thought six strokes of the cane would be enough. He harrumphed and disagreed, two extra were in order he said. Colin whimpered “Please, no.” he begged. “Shush, shush. Steady now. You know that these things are easier if you just relax and do as you’re told. It will be over sooner. Now you just stand there and think about that and think about the behaviour that brought you to this.” He reached for his cigarettes and offered me the pack. I shook my head; I didn’t think I could manage to smoke as my mouth was so dry. He smiled a very small smile. “Why don’t you inspect Colin’s bum while I finish this?” he said as he lit his cigarette. “Assume the position Colin. Feet apart, bend over and hold your knees or your ankles, I don’t mind which.” Colin glanced at me and his lip trembled. He bent over and put his hands on his knees. Mr Smedley beckoned me forward and I approached the naked, throbbing rear of my colleague. It was a small, pointy arse, The cheeks were glowing crimson and his hole was clearly visible, dark and puckered. His ball sac dangled between his legs, smooth and pink. Colin’s discomfiture at his exposure to my gaze was evident: his knees were shaking and he was sniffling and moaning to himself. I bent to catch sight of his tool. He whimpered as I put my hand forward to bring it into view. Insignificant is about the best that I could say for it. “Enough of that” interrupted Mr Smedley. “Stand up Colin and apologise to your colleague” “I am sorry” he said as he straightened. “I expect more than that” demanded the boss. “I am very, very sorry for lying about you. I promise I will never do anything like it again. Never, I’m so sorry” I nodded acceptance. Was he hoping I would intervene? I knew I would be wasting my time if I tried. He was going to get eight strokes of that vicious, whippy cane regardless of anything I might say.

The cigarette was stubbed out and the cane picked up. After a couple of practice strokes, whoosh, whoosh, Colin was returned to his bent over position and Mr Smedley walked around him a couple of times. He placed himself slightly to the left of his target. I was asked to count the strokes and Colin was asked if he was ready. He mumbled miserably. Mr Smedley cleared his throat and placed the cane on the backside. A couple of light taps and suddenly he stepped back, raised his arm and brought it down hard across both cheeks. Colin yelled and moved forward. “This won’t do at all” said Mr Smedley calmly. I think you need to be across the desk” He took him by the arm and dragged him, limping, to the desk and thrust him over it. “If you don’t keep still I will have your colleague sit on you.” He turned to me “How many?” he asked crossly. “One.” I said. The second stroke followed swiftly. Colin screamed. “Two” I said. Mr Smedley looked over to me. “Don’t count too fast” he said. “Take your time. Give him time to appreciate the stroke he has just received and to anticipate the next” I nodded and the caning continued. Bounce, lift, whoosh, crack, scream……..three. “Mr Smedley nodded to me. He was satisfied with my performance. . Bounce, lift, whoosh, crack, scream……..four. This continued until only one stroke remained. Colin lay writhing and crying across the desk. His arse was displaying ugly red welts across an already glowing background. Mr Smedley paced backwards and forwards a few times and then, without warning he turned an ran at the desk, raising the cane and bringing it hard and fast down onto the already damaged buttocks. Colin gave a loud, screaming wail. His legs kicked and flailed. I nearly jumped out of my skin. The caning was over. “Stand” Mr Smedley instructed. Colin slowly and painfully complied.

“You are a most despicable little man. You lied to me about a colleague in an attempt to get her the kind of punishment that you have just received. You had hoped to watch her humiliation. Well consider yourself lucky to still have a job. Go away now and reflect on your behaviour. I suggest you adjust your attitude to other staff members. You have a comparatively minor position in this company and you are unlikely to progress if you don’t improve.” He turned to me and nodded then tossed the door key to me. “Go home now both of you and work on improving your working relationship. I don’t want to see either of you up here again” He waved us away. I unlocked the door and went downstairs. Colin picked up his clothes and headed for the bathroom. I got my things together ready to leave but decided to wait for him to come down. I had just witnessed the most violent beating that I could have imagined. I felt shocked; I hadn’t quite expected that much punishment to be laid on toady Colin. I wasn’t sure that I had enjoyed the caning. I was sure that I had enjoyed Colin’s humiliation. He shuffled into the room, sniffing and resentful. I stood up and picked up my bag. “Goodnight Colin. See you tomorrow” I walked to the door. As I left I turned my head back to him. “Keep your pecker up” His face told me everything I wanted to know. He was furious. Smiling, I left. I walked to my car with a smile on my face.