View Full Version : Annie & Peter Punishment Room

04-02-2009, 12:06 PM
Don't read on if you are likely to be offended by m/m, f/f. m/f sex.

There we were in Annie and Peter’s punishment room. Annie was strapped across a trestle about to be spanked by Peter and I was fastened to a wall by a leather strap. Michael joined me. He could tell I was nervous. “We can’t see very well from here” he said. Peter’s body was blocking the view of Annie’s upturned, waiting arse. “I will unbuckle you” he said and we can go to the other side of the room. We should see it all from there. Now if you aren’t sure about this you should go when I release you but if you stay you must do exactly as you are told. Is that understood?” I nodded and he unfastened me and led me across the room. We were no sooner in position when the first whump of a smack was laid into Annie. She didn’t utter a sound and two more followed quickly with the same result. “No, no” cried Michael “Holding your hand in a cupped position produces a very loud deep sound but doesn’t have much effect. Keep you hand and fingers flat and whack with shorter but harder strokes. Much more enjoyable for you and her.” Peter glanced resentfully at Michael but did as he was instructed. . Michael dropped his arm across my shoulders, reaching down to my exposed tit and giving it a squeeze. The effect of the change in method was certainly marked as was Annie’s backside. Smack, smack, smack. Annie began to cry out and squirm. For every ooooh there was a heartfelt aaah. She was clearly enjoying the spanking. Peter stopped smacking to give his hand a rest. He was rubbing his hands together and looking at my tits. Michael slipped the other strap of my dress down so I was naked to the waist. He reached up and took two canes from the wall and tossed the thinner, bendy one to Peter. “Time now for a caning I think. Six of the best should do it. Show me how you handle that.” It was almost a challenge. Peter picked up the cane and tapped it a couple of times against his leg. He glowered at Michael but licked his lips as he let his eyes wander over my chest. No-one was paying much attention to Annie who was sniffling quietly on the trestle, very still.
Peter began the beating. First he tapped the cane lightly against the upturned and rosy bum; he moved the instrument gently around against her cheeks as though looking for the best target. He tapped again a couple of times and then, glancing at Michael as though for approval, he raised his arm and brought the cane down across both buttocks. Annie yelled then groaned softly. This process was repeated five more times. Each time Annie yelled a little louder. By the sixth stroke she screamed and Peter looked triumphantly at Michael.

During the caning Michael had become increasingly aroused. His cock was now throbbing and he could hardly stand still. He had released my boobs and was holding his crotch, pulling at his balls while I squeezed his erect member. He suddenly moved across the room and took the cane from Peter, throwing it on the floor. He put his arm around his shoulders pulling him to him. He kissed him fully on the mouth. “Now,” he said “I will show you how to cane” Annie began to yell “No, no. No more please!” Michael reached out and rubbed her injured arse. “Release her” he ordered Peter. Once free Annie rushed over to me rubbing the tears from her face. “Drop your pants and get over the trestle Pete” ordered Michael. Peter’s mouth opened to protest but Michael was having no argument. He pushed Peter towards the trestle. “You are not going to be restrained but you are not going to move either, Is that understood? Every time you move I will add extra strokes to your beating. Got it?” Peter mumbled something that I couldn’t quite hear. He must have been agreeing as he did as he was told. Annie and I held each other closely as the caning began. There was no ‘warm up’ and no gentle tapping just straight into a hard, fast, whooshing stroke with the heavier of the two canes. Peter gave a long groan and twitched a bit. Michael pushed the tip of the cane into Peter’s left cheek. “I told you not to move” he yelled “Keep still”

Annie pulled me closely to her as the punishments continued. She winced every time her husband received a stroke. Every stroke brought further cries from Peter. When it ended he was helped up from the trestle by his ‘master’. Michael wiped the tears from Peter’s face and kissed him then returned him to the beam of the trestle. I watched, fascinated, as Michael massaged Peter’s sore posterior while Annie buried her face into my shoulder. She must have sensed my shock as I watched Michael kiss the backside of her husband and then pull apart the cheeks as she lifted her head and moved closer to see what was happening. I went with her. Michael inserted first his finger and then his tongue into Peter. Finally standing up and smirking at us, Michael pulled his cock fully from his trousers and stepping up behind his victim, inserted his tool and fully pressed it home. Peter screamed initially but the scream became groans of satisfaction as the penis was slowly and rhythmically pumped in and out of his arse. Michael too was issuing grunts of pleasure. Their mutual climax brought mutual yells of satisfaction.

Annie led me away from the men to the chest of drawers in the corner. “Let’s leave them to it” she said. I went with her but my head was turned to the guys who were now humping and bumping with great gusto. Annie had fumbled in a drawer and taken some things out. “Help me with this” she demanded. She had in her hand a large, black, rubber model of a cock attached to some straps. “Help me get into this strap-on. They deserve a reward for their performance and they are going to get one” “Looks more like punishment to me” I commented. “That too” Annie laughed picking up a slipper with a rubber sole.

Michael and Peter had reached the ultimate aim of their exercise and Peter was on his knees licking and sucking at Michael’s wet penis while Michael ruffled his hair and moaned in ecstasy with his head tipped back. Then Michael lifted him and led him to the bench at the side of the room. Michael sat. Peter knelt beside him on the floor. His seat was too sore to sit yet. Annie took my hand and we joined them at the bench. “That is one enormous dildo” gasped Michael “We’ve brought you a present” Annie explained “That was a good show, now we have one for you.” With that she pushed me across Michael’s knee. I was too surprised to resist at first and by the time I had my wits together Michael had me pinioned with my arms behind my back and his left leg locking my knees tightly under me while I perched across his right knee. Then Annie began to spank me with the slipper. I began to scream and shout and to wonder if I should have left when given the opportunity. I’m glad I didn’t. The night was to reveal so much more pain and pleasure. The end of the story will follow soon…..if you want it too.

04-02-2009, 03:06 PM
The second part of the story. Don't read on if you don't want to hear about explicit sex.

The slippering that Annie administered was painful. I was screaming and trying to kick but Mike’s firm grip prevented that. My arms were free and flailing around as each strike of the slipper bit into my bum. Peter reached out and grabbed my hands. “Keep still” he advised “It isn’t going to stop your punishment, just prolong it. This is to teach you not to encourage my wife into giving you private sessions with a hairbrush” “Yes” agreed Annie “And especially to teach you to keep your mouth shut about it.” Mike just laughed and gripped me tighter, urging Annie to really lay into me. “Tell me you’re a dirty little slut” he demanded of me. “Go on, say it” Annie stopped beating me for a moment. “You really must learn to do as you’re told” she told me. “Mike gave you an order. Do it you little slut. Do it” She began laying about me again. Every inch of my arse and the back of my thighs was treated to hard stinging slaps of the slipper. I began to cry and stammered out the phrase I had been instructed to say. “Louder “ordered Peter and Michael. “Go on say it louder” snarled Annie. I said it over and over. Louder and louder until they were satisfied. “I’m a dirty little slut. I’m a dirty little slut. I’m a dirty little slut.” Finally Annie stopped and, breathing heavily from her exertions threw the slipper on the floor. Mike examined my behind and added a couple of slaps for good measure. “Now you have learned to do as you’re told when you’re told” he said. I sobbed for a moment but stopped when Peter removed me from Mike’s lap and cuddled me.

“Don’t get too comfortable you two” said Annie. “Peter, sit on the bench next to Mike. Yes I know your arse hurts but do it anyway.” She instructed me to kneel in front of them. We both did as we were told; the tone of her voice ensured that. Mike gave her an admiring glance. I was concerned as I expected that she would make me take their cocks in my mouth, I didn’t have much experience of that. Instead she stood in front of her husband and pulled his mouth towards the strap on. “Suck it!” she told him. “Get it good and wet” While Peter obeyed I rested my elbows on the bench as I watched. Mike pulled me further on and began stroking and patting my bottom. It hurt a bit but I must have been enjoying it as I was again soaking wet. Mike pulled off the skimpy, wet panties that I was still wearing and started to tease my pussy and my bum hole with his fingers. I so wanted him to push his finger into my arse. I said nothing, just moaned softly while Peter sucked and licked at the enormous black strap on that Annie was pushing into his face.

“Right, that should be wet enough” said Annie, roughly pushing Peter away from her. “Now hold the dirty little slut down. I’m going to give her what I know she wants” I tried to get up but too late, I was held firmly across the bench with my knees on the floor and my bum exposed to Annie’s attentions. She began to slap me, all the time insulting me and demanding that I moved my legs apart. I gasped with every smack landed on my already sore rump and quickly did as I was told. Suddenly she stopped smacking me and with little hesitation inserted the strap-on into my pussy. The men urged her on and occasionally slapped my bottom. Mike began to tease my arse with his fingers. I so wanted it in me. I pushed myself upwards towards his finger hoping that he would take it as a hint. Annie laughed. “She wants your finger up her arse Mike. She likes that. But only do it if she begs you.” “That was my intention” answered Michael “So, you dirty little slut, ask me.” Annie was pumping quite hard into me now with Peter urging her on and applying the odd slap. “Yes” I cried between yelps and groans. “Yes, do it” “Do what?” teased Mike. Eventually I just had to say it. “Put your finger in my arse.” He didn’t wait he just pushed his finger in. I yelped and then sighed; I had never known such intense pleasure. I just came and came and came. Annie and Michael stopped working me and withdrew from me. “Do you think she has had enough” Annie asked Mike. Peter said that he thought I had. Mike disagreed. He thought maybe Peter should show me what it felt like to be buggered. I didn’t move. This wasn’t really happening was it? Part of me didn’t want to stop. I turned my head to Peter, his erection indicated that he was ‘up for it’. I lowered my head and began to cry as he stood, knelt and positioned himself behind me. He was far gentler than the others had been. Introducing his cock gently into me and taking his time to gain full admission. The other two weren’t happy with his consideration of me. Mike picked up the slipper and whacked Peter’s backside. He bucked and yelped giving me a surprisingly pleasant sensation through my whole body. I wanted more like that. I got it. Mike continued to slap Peter with the slipper. Peter continued to buck and yelp. I began to groan and cry with pleasure. Annie took the slipper from Michael and, kneeling in front of him she took his dick into her mouth. Peter slowed down a little and began to slowly pump me while we watched Annie minister to Mike. As Mike came closer and closer to orgasm, so did we two and Peter thrust harder and faster into me until we all just collapsed into a heap.

It occurred to me that of the four of us, only Annie had not had an orgasm. I was told that that was part of her punishment. Her turn would come another time. I was expecting to be there when it happened, a sort of unspoken agreement.

Later, when we were all showered and as comfortable as we could be with such punished backsides, the conversation turned to work. It transpired that Michael was acquainted with my boss. He wouldn’t tell me how he knew him, but he seemed well pleased with the discovery. I was to discover why the following week. Do you want to hear about it?