View Full Version : Double trouble Pt1

31-01-2009, 06:30 PM
I had been sent home from school, because I had kicked a teacher. I hadn't meant to, but she was dragging me to the headmistress’ office and I didn't want to get into trouble. But now I was in trouble, deep trouble.

Mum was in a towering rage and letting me know that I was in for "such a good hiding, one that I would never forget!" As it turned out, she was right.

I had been told that I would be expelled from school, which I thought was a real result, then Mum told me she had done a deal with the school which meant I could continue to go there. She didn't say what but I knew that it bode no good for me.

At about 7.30 in the evening there came a knock at the door, Mum went and answered it and to my surprise admitted Miss Furness, the teacher I had kicked. I wondered why I hadn’t had my punishment yet, and now I knew why, I was to be punished in front of my victim.

Mum turned to me and said that Miss Furness was here to see what happens to naughty boys who kick their teachers; she then invited my teacher to take a seat on the sofa whilst she sat in an armchair. I was then told to explain to Miss Furness what was going to happen next. With my chin on my chest I sort of mumbled “a smack”.

That clearly wasn’t good enough and Mum with a stern voice said “Tell Miss Furness what is going to happen! And look at her whilst you are talking to her!”

I looked at my teacher who had a slight smile on her face, I drew in a breath and said, “ I am going to go over Mum’s knee, and have a smacked bottom,” I was prodded with an angry “and?” so I continued, “on my bare bottom”. I was then told to go and stand in front of Miss and tell her I was sorry, I stammered out the apology and promised not to do it again. This was received with an “I should think so too!”

My Mum then said, “perhaps you would like to smack his bottom Miss Furness?” I shouted no in a pleading voice, it was bad enough to be smacked in front of her, but by her as well….. I then got told that if I didn’t want to be punished by my teachers than I shouldn’t go around kicking them.

I was ordered to take my trousers and pants down, which after some pleading and arguing I did, Miss Furness then ordered me to bend over her knee. I had been spanked by her once before but that was a light spanking fully clothed, this felt entirely different. I bent over and she sort of moved me into a better position, I remember looking at her ankles. In no time at all she began to slap my bare bottom, she slapped a lot harder that the previous time I was over her knee these slaps were hard and stinging. After about 15 slaps she let me up, tears were running down my cheeks although I wasn’t full on crying. She asked me if I had learned my lesson, to which I assured her I had, and nodded to my Mum that she was finished.

I thought I had done ok out of this as Mum usually smacked me much harder and for much longer, so all in all this wasn’t too bad, apart from the embarrassment. Then came the bombshell, “now you can go over my knee” she said, “and we will let Miss Furness see how you are normally punished.”

I knew better than to argue and so I bent across her lap, and before I could draw breath she slapped me, hard, much harder than Miss had, and again, and again. I was getting the good hiding I would never forget. There I was, over my mother’s knee having my bare bottom smacked very hard, in front of my teacher. The slaps came down in a steady rhythm covering the whole of my bottom and the backs of my thighs, I kicked, I screamed, I pleaded and begged but the spanking continued, until all I could do was lay exhausted across her lap, crying continuously. Then she stopped.

I was allowed to stand, and she asked if I thought I could behave from now on? Of course I said yes. She than sent me to bed, I walked to the door still crying, bare from the waist down as I kicked my clothes off during the punishment. When she called out and said, “by the way, you are going to be punished at school for this as well!”

That is a story for another day.

31-01-2009, 10:23 PM
Sounds like an interesting story. I look forward to it. Well done.

11-03-2010, 08:38 PM
good story would love to read the next part.