View Full Version : Annie and Peter throw a Dinner Party

30-01-2009, 03:07 PM
Shortly after my two experiences with my neighbours, Peter and Annie, I was surprised to receive a ‘phone call from Peter at the Estate Agency where I worked. While he had been away at a conference (the time when Annie spent the night with me!!) he had made acquaintance with a chap that lived fairly close to us. He had bought dinner for Peter and some other friends and now Peter and Annie were returning his generosity by inviting him home for dinner. Would I care to join them? The meal was to be that evening. I don’t go out very often and I usually like a little time to decide on what to wear etc. but as soon as I heard Peter’s voice I had known that I would do anything or go anywhere at any time; just to spend more time with my exciting and adventurous neighbours.

That evening, having donned what I considered a suitably subtle but revealing outfit, nails painted and hair arranged, I presented myself at their front door exactly on time. I secretly hoped that maybe their clock was again a little fast. It wasn’t. Everything was as it should be. Peter took my coat and Annie poured me a drink just as the doorbell announced the arrival of the other guest. Michael was huge, rugged and charmingly casually dressed in jeans and a sweater. I felt overdressed but - hey ho, not the end of the world. I saw a look pass between the two men as they shook hands but I couldn’t quite put my finger on its meaning.

The food was good as was the conversation but the atmosphere changed when Annie stood up to fetch coffee. She knocked over a half empty wine glass that spilled onto the tablecloth and dripped a little onto Michael’s jeans. “For goodness sake!” he exclaimed “What do you think you are doing? Peter, is your wife usually this clumsy?”

Annie stood very still and Peter stood up. He called her a klutz and said she should go and stand in the corner while he decided what to do with her. My mouth was very dry as she did as she was told. I was sent to bring the coffee from the kitchen. I was very careful not to spill anything and I hadn’t spoken a word since the incident began. On my return, Michael was in the corner with Annie. He was adjusting her clothes. When he came back to the table Annie was stood facing the corner with her skirt tucked into her waistband and her knickers pulled down to her knees. I tried to carry on as though nothing was happening but my eyes were constantly drawn to her very round, very white and very exposed bottom. I knew where this was leading.

The conversation at the table turned to the conference that the men had attended, more glances between them, the general opinion seemed to be one of complete satisfaction. I asked Michael what business he was in. He hesitated and then turned to Peter “Did you tell me that your friend here has similar interests as us?”
“Yes,” said Peter “She is fairly new but learning fast. She is definitely one of us.” “What experience has she had?”
“She has watched us and had a dose of OTK, bare hand smacking and the paddle”
“And the hairbrush” I added
“OH indeed” queried Peter “When was that then? Would it have anything to do with my naughty wife?”
I didn’t answer. My face (and my pussy) felt a little hot.
“That transgression may have to be addressed later” laughed Michael.
Peter continued “You liked it didn’t you? The punishment and the sex.” He turned to Michael “A definite sub I think. Her education should be advanced.”
All I could think to say was “What’s a sub?”
The men laughed and Michael explained about submission and domination and switching. Peter was a definite switch. Annie was a sub that would sometimes switch and he, Michael, was a definite dom. We were all into sex but he would only have sex with men. Things were getting a little confused.

“In answer to your original question.” said Peter, “Michael deals in the supply of spanking implements and equipment. Go and get us some more coffee and he’ll fetch in his bag so we can show you.”

As I passed Annie she turned her head and gave me a wry smile. I was excited and she knew it.

Michael moved some wicked looking straps and canes to make room for the coffee. He gave a pretty impressive description of each of the instruments, extolling their various virtues. I didn’t take in much of what he said, my imagination was working overtime. Suddenly there was a loud cracking noise. Michael had stood up and whacked the table with a heavy doubled strap. I jumped in my seat. “Enough messing around! Let’s get down to business. Annie, go in the other room and prepare. You” he pointed the strap at me. “Go and help her.” I joined Annie who led me to what I knew to be the spare bedroom. The one where I had heard her cries through the wall. As we reached the door I turned my head in time to see Michael fondling Peter’s crotch, but the shock was short-lived when I caught sight of the décor of the room into which I was being led. I was dimly lit and several paddles, canes, straps and other instruments were hung along the walls. There was a low, long padded ottoman type chest against one wall and a trestle kind of arrangement in the middle of the room. On the far wall was a wooden cross shape with straps attached. A small chest of drawers stood just inside the door next to the stool on which Peter had sat when he spanked me. . Annie could sense my hesitation and pulled me into the room. She told me not to worry but to relax and enjoy. She opened one of the drawers and took out some small straps and asked me to help her to fit them around her wrists and ankles. My hands shook but I did as she asked and then helped her off with her clothes. “Are they going to hurt you?” I asked “I certainly hope so!” She replied.

The two men joined us; their clothing was open and awry. Annie was instructed to get herself across the trestle and I was sent to attach the loops on her ankle and wrists straps to the fastenings on the legs of the trestle. Peter and Michael were examining the paddles and other implements on the wall. Annie’s bottom looked so clean and nice that I couldn’t resist reaching out and stroking it. I imagined the red marks that would soon be visible and my knickers became very wet. Michael bellowed at me when he saw what I was doing. I was supposed to be watching and learning, not touching. He pulled me roughly away from the trestle and pushed me against the wall. A strap which was attached to the wall was fastened around my waist. One strap of my dress had broken and it had fallen down revealing a very erect nipple. I was to stand there and witness Annie’s punishment. Peter would begin and then Michael would demonstrate his methods. My knees were trembling. “Brace up” Peter told me “and behave yourself” He tweaked my nipple and then bent to suck hard on it before striding across the room slapping his hands together in preparation for the punishment they were about to mete out.

In the course of the next hour or so Annie was spanked and caned, Peter was beaten and buggered, Michael’s every need was satisfied and my education was advanced more than I ever expected. I will describe it all to you if you like. Let me know if you’d like to read it.

04-02-2009, 09:48 AM
I for one would love to read it...

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