View Full Version : A Driver's Nightmare (contains sex)

18-01-2009, 04:41 PM
A Driver's Nightmare

Part 1
by Mike Redbotham

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only,
whether stated explicitly in the text or not.

Drivers' Nightmare
It had been snowing heavily; the roads on the hills around our city were blocked resulting in long delays. However our city, in the valley, had escaped the worst and the roads were reasonably clear.
Having to take a friend home late at night, I joined the eastern by-pass at a roundabout, having right of way before a lorry, which was travelling in the same direction.
He followed me closely to the next roundabout. Being a local driver and knowing that there are speed cameras on this road, I kept to the 40mph limit. Although by this time snow had ceased falling, the roads were still treacherous.
The lorry followed me closely with full headlights blazing in my rear and side view mirrors.
I felt I had no option but to slow to what I considered a safe speed with a huge vehicle so close behind my small saloon. I opened my window and tried to gesture to the driver to pull back but with no effect.
As I reached the next roundabout, I was able to accelerate away from the lorry and resume the speed limit of 40mph. However, within a short distance, he again caught up with me and took up station extremely closely, still with headlights blazing. Again, I felt it necessary to slow to a safe speed. When we reached a traffic light controlled crossing the lorry took the right hand lane whilst I continued ahead, thus ending this worrying ordeal.
I was furious and am sick and tired of bullying drivers trying to force others to drive beyond the safe speed by 'tailgating'. On returning home I found the name of the company which owned the lorry on the Internet and fired off an e-mail complaining of the driver's conduct.
I was working at home the next day when the doorbell rang. Opening the door, I was confronted by a tall young man with long blond locks, looking very sheepish.
"I am the driver who followed you last night", he said, "My company has sent me to apologise to you".
"You had better come in", I replied.
As I directed him to the living room, I eyed him up. He was not your typical, fat, big gutted lorry driver. It was obvious he worked out with his broad shoulders and narrow hips.
"What's your name?"
"And what have you got to say for yourself?"
"I'm sorry. I was stuck in the snow for four hours, late for my delivery and
trying to make up time."
"Obviously, you wanted me to drive faster than was safe. And, if I had been driving faster, 5, 10 or even 20 miles per hour, how much time would that have saved you? 2, maybe 3, minutes at the most! Would that have justified risking an accident?"
"I suppose not. I can only say I'm sorry."
"I'm afraid that is not good enough! You need to be taught a lesson that such driving is simply not acceptable. Have you never heard of safe stopping distances?"
"Well, yes and I should have been further back. My company wants to know if you will accept my apology."
"Well, I don't! I think you need to be punished so that you don't forget this incident and, more importantly, remember to drive with more consideration in the future. Especially as you are a professional driver and it reflects very badly on your company. Do you agree that you deserve to be punished?"
"I suppose so", he muttered.
"Speak up, boy!"
"I suppose I do, Sir".
'That's better', I thought. "It only remains to decide who should punish you, the Police, your Company……..or me!"
He looked at me quizzically. "What do you mean?"
"Do I report you to the Police, ask your company to punish you, or punish you myself?"
"How w, w, would you p, p, punish me?" he stammered.
"Have you ever had a good hiding?" I asked.
He blushed, "N, n, not since I was about 14. My father gave me a belting for answering my mother back", he replied.
"So, how old are you now. Tell me about your belting".
"I'm 27. My Dad sent me to my room and told me to take my jeans off. Then he came up, made me bend over the bed and gave me 6 swipes with his belt on my bum."
"Well, I think it's about time you had another to teach you respect for other road users. But, it's up to you. You can accept a good bare bottom spanking from me, or I can ask your company to punish you or report the incident to the Police. It's your decision!"
"Well, I certainly don't want the Police involved and I don't want to lose my job. I suppose I could take a spanking. Will you tell the company that you'll drop the complaint?"
"It's not a soft option. But if you take all I dish out then yes I will ring
your company and tell them I've accepted your apology and am satisfied that you will drive responsibly in future."
"OK, what do you want me to do?"
"Take off your overalls."
He bent over to unlace and take off his boots then shrugged off his overalls.
His tight white T-shirt revealed, rather than covered, his will developed pecs, a neat pyramid displaying his nipples on each one. His tight jeans clung to his muscular thighs and bubble butt, a promising bulge in the front.
I sat on a high chair and ordered, "Come here".
I unbuckled his wide leather belt, pulling it completely out of the loops and undid the popper and zip on his jeans, peeling them down over his snake like hips. I let them fall to his ankles, leaving his white briefs in place and
revealing his strong, tanned thighs, covered in fine, fair hairs. He was
trembling slightly, whether from nerves or excitement I couldn't tell. That
bulge, however, looked even more promising without the denim covering. The belt would be useful later. This guy was going to regret trying to intimidate me!
"Over my knee!"
He hesitated. "Do it!"
Carefully, he positioned himself over my knee, supporting his shoulders with his muscular arms on the floor, his butt in the air. I pushed his T-shirt up to his broad shoulders, grabbed the waistband of his briefs and roughly pulled them down to his knees. His young buttocks, firm, smooth and beautifully rounded were mine, all mine. They were a perfect target, pure white against his tanned highs and waist. They would not remain white for long.
My left hand firmly on his waist, I asked, "Are you ready for your just
punishment, Chris?"
"Yes, Sir." The guy was learning!
My first stroke was quite gentle; I wanted to feel that firm flesh. Chris
visibly relaxed so was not ready for my second, which was hard, and across both cheeks. SMACK! He gasped and clenched his buttocks tightly. The next two were as hard and on the same spot. SMACK! SMACK! Already those fair buns were beginning to colour up.
My next were angled to where those firm mounds rose proudly from his tanned thighs. He grunted on each and thrust his pelvis into my thighs. Again and again I slapped his bottom; each slap followed by a grunt the pelvic thrust. His bum was now bright pink so I turned my attention to the backs of those strong thighs. SLAP on the right thigh, SLAP on the left thigh. These elicited an 'Ahhh' from the young man, clearly in pain.
Back to the buttocks, now hard and fast and he started to squirm on my lap, still grinding his hips into my legs. Was I imagining it or was there a strong growth burgeoning between my thighs?
Mercilessly, I continued to pound his red-hot cheeks, my own hand beginning to hurt now. But, no, I wasn't imagining it. The bugger was getting a hard on!
At last, I told him to get up.
He struggled a bit, with his jeans around his ankles and pants around his knees so couldn't hide his massive erection, standing to attention. But he eventually got up and stood there, jeans and pants around his ankles, hands cupped in front of his groin, only a T-shirt for any sort of dignity. He looked thoroughly miserable, tears beading in his big blue eyes. But erections don't lie.
"It looks like you enjoyed that. But I haven't finished with you yet, young man.
Step out of your jeans and pants, take off your T-shirt and turn round." I
wanted to inspect my handiwork.
Silently, he obeyed.
It was a beautiful sight! His broad shoulders, flawless, tanned back tapering down in the classic V shape to his slim waist and hips. His red, shapely bubble butt atop his strong, long thighs.
"Bend over the arm of that chair", I ordered, legs spread. He was utterly
compliant by now and did as I commanded.
I could see the back of his ball sack between his legs and the pretty pink
portal to his innards in the hairless crack between his buttocks. With my hand firmly on the smooth flesh of his waist, Chris was again entirely at my mercy as I resumed his spanking. SLAP on his left cheek, SLAP on the right cheek, one on the back of each thigh.
But my slaps were not so hard and I let my hand linger, enjoying the feel of his hot flesh, my fingers wandering between the crack towards the puckered pink ring, which I was going to enter…..later.
Chris was squirming again, grinding his pelvis into the padded arm of the chair. This was excitement, not pain.
However, he had more pain to come.
"Stand up, face that wall, about 2 feet in front of it. Put your arms straight up above your head and lean against the wall."
Chris obeyed, no attempt now to hide his long thick penis, reaching almost to his belly button in the centre of his flat, hard stomach.
I kicked his legs further apart. In this position, his bum was jutting out, an ideal target for the belt.
I took off my own shirt and, bare-chested I picked up his wide leather belt, folded it in two and laid it hard across his undefended buttocks, THWACK!
Chris let out an involuntary "Aaahh" and his knees buckled slightly but he
quickly resumed the position as I laid two more blows, THWACK, THWACK.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he wailed
"I'll be more careful in future"
"Promise! I can't take any more!" he cried.
THWACK - one last crack across his, now scarlet, arse.
"OK, you can turn round.
Tears were streaming down his fair young cheeks; his blond locks had darkened with perspiration, his shapely, hairless arms hung loosely by his side. He looked thoroughly crestfallen but……his cock was as hard and proud as ever!
I untied my track suit bottoms and let them fall. I had to help them over my own erection but stood there before him, equally naked.
"It looks like you enjoyed that. Let's see if you enjoy this too. Back over that chair."
A slight smile played across his full lips. "Yes SIR!"
Back across the chair, legs spread, cute, red-hot butt in the air, what a sight!
And waiting for me. He knew what was coming this time.
My hot, hard, moist cock soon found that pretty pink puckered portal. I grabbed those narrow hips and thrust straight into his welcoming innards.
An "Aaarhh", this time of sheer ecstasy from Chris…….and one from me too.
My groins slapped against his burning cheeks as I started to fuck him as hard as I could as I held onto his hips as he bucked to take more and more of my cock.
Still joined in glorious intercourse, I leant back and slapped his bum again.
Left cheek, right cheek, then both together. Not too hard, his bum was sore enough.
As I fucked him I reached around his waist and let my hands roam up over that flat, hard belly, up to those perfect pecs until I found his hard erect nipples, viscously tweaking each one.
More groans from Chris.
Harder and harder I fucked this naughty young man. Hand entwined in his long fair hair, I twisted his head around and kissed him fully on the lips. He opened them to take my tongue deeply into his mouth. Boy! Was he enjoying his fucking.
I withdrew slightly to feel his rim gripping my cock then plunged deeply into him again.
Grabbing his cock, I exploded into him! Just as Chris shot his load of creamy spunk across the arm of the chair.
My slackening prick still held firmly in the vice like grip of his anus, I
collapsed across his back, his hot buns nestling in my groin, our perspiration mingling together.
"Woooow!", breathed Chris, "I've never had sex like that before. I've never even been fucked!" I levered myself off him and let him stand up. Then I took him in my arms and kissed him tenderly, our cocks rubbing together.
"No more tailgating!", I warned him sternly, "But if you want more of the same, you know where I am."
"I might just take you up on that", he said with a smirk as he started to get dressed and I reached for the phone to ring his company.
"Yes, I think he's learnt his lesson……"


Let me know if you would like to hear Chris's side of the story....and more instalments.

18-01-2009, 05:47 PM
A Driver's Nightmare – Part 3 – Chris' Story

by Mike Redbotham

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly in the text or not.

(There are two sides to every story!
You will have read my side of the story in A Driver's Nightmare.
This is Chris's side of the story.)

The snow was hell! An Arctic blizzard swept over the hills and not even the busy traffic could keep the roads clear. Why are we never prepared for snow in this country? I had finished my deliveries and was heading, empty, back to base. Then some idiot managed to jack-knife his rig and we all ground to a halt. 4 hours we were held up. I ask you! 4 hours! Boy, was I pissed off!
I was on to a hot date that night. Fat chance now! I rang her on the mobile. Not that that did much good. Jeanie was as pissed off as me.
Eventually, we got going again and slowly headed down to the city where my base was. As I got to the by-pass the traffic had thinned out, most traffic going onto the Motorway (Freeway), and the roads were clearer. She had given me until midnight - I might just make it, it was 11.50!
I had to give way at a roundabout to a small saloon just before a single lane section of the by-pass.
"Come on, get a move on!" I thought.
But, no, he was sticking to the speed limit. I got closer and flashed my lights, trying to get him to go faster. But no, the closer I got the slower he went and I couldn't get past him. Then he started waving out of his window. I thought he wanted me to overtake but there was traffic coming the other way.
Eventually, he turned off and I was able to get to base and check the rig in.
Too late! I rang Jeanie but she didn't want to know by then.
I went back to my lonely bed, thoroughly pissed off!
Anyway, the next morning I got up, my usual cheery self and set off for work.
The skies had cleared and apparently the snow on the hills was thawing rapidly.
I clocked on and was told that the boss, Geoff, wanted to see me.
I breezed in, "Hi, Geoff. Bit better day!"
I was met with a face like thunder and "What the hell were you up to last
"What? I got held up in that snow. Some idiot jack-knifed his rig. I was stuck for 4 fucking hours!" I complained.
"I know that but I've had some guy on, complaining that you were bullying him down the by-pass by tailgating him. And it's not the first time, is it?"
"Oh that bastard. He was crawling along and I wanted to get back to see Jeanie."
"That's no excuse. You should know there are speed cameras down that bit of the by-pass. Anyway he's threatening to go to the Police."
"Oh, shit!"
"You may say 'Oh, shit' but if he goes to the Police and you get convicted of dangerous driving you'll be out on your ear. You know company policy."
"Yeah. What can I do?"
"Well, I've got no deliveries for you to-day, anyway. You'd better get your
sorry arse round there and try to get him to change his mind. Apologise, beg, do whatever it takes, to stop him going to the Police. And I want to know from him what the outcome is. Here's his address, his name's Redbotham."
(Little did I know how sorry my arse was going to be.)
I didn't have much choice, did I? I had to go and eat humble pie to this old (I guessed) guy, turn on the old Chris charm. Anyway, I found the address easily enough, a neat, unassuming semi in suburbia and rang the doorbell, feeling a little nervous now.
The door opened and it wasn't exactly the little old man that I was expecting standing there.
He was taller than me, and I'm no short arse, about 50, I guess, with chiselled features and salt and pepper hair. He had broad shoulders and a stern look on his face. Now I was really nervous.
"Mr Redbotham?"
"I'm the driver who followed you last night", I said, "My company has sent me to apologise to you".
To my surprise he asked me in and asked my name.
Then he asked me for an explanation and I told him I was late for my deliveries because of the snow.
Couldn't tell him I'd been up for a fuck, could I?
He then proceeded to give me a good lecture about safe driving. 'Let him get it off his chest', I thought.
I tried to apologise but he was having none of it. He was obviously intent on making me pay.
"Whatever it takes", Geoff had said. Obviously, it was going to take more than a grovelling apology.
Then he started talking about punishment and the Police.
'Oh, shit!' I thought, 'This is not going as planned.' I was in big trouble.
Then he started talking about punishing me himself. What the hell did he mean?
Then he wanted to know if I'd ever had a spanking. Strange! But I remembered when Dad had thrashed me for answering Mum back. But that was years ago. He asked me about it - not that I could remember much - except it hurt!
I was utterly shocked when he gave me the alternative of having a spanking from him.
I was 27 years old for God's sake!
But "Whatever it takes…". And I guessed I was big enough to take it and get out of this horrible mess I had gotten myself into. I suppose I had been an idiot and deserved it. The trouble women get us into!
If I'd known what I was going to get I might have chosen the cops!
But I did make sure he'd let me off the hook with Geoff if I submitted to him.
I was told to take my overalls off and come to him as he sat on a high chair.
As he started to undo my jeans and belt I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. No man, except Dad, had ever touched me so intimately. My jeans fell to the floor; suddenly I felt 14 years old again.
Then Mr Redbotham wanted me over his knee! That, I wasn't expecting. He obviously wanted to humiliate me as well as punish me. But, "Whatever it takes…"
and there was no going back now. At least I still had my CK's on.
WRONG! As soon as I had positioned myself over his strong thighs, he pulled up my T-shirt and yanked my boxers down round my knees. Now I felt really vulnerable, my bare arse up in the air, his hot hand firmly holding my waist.
Shit! I wanted this over.
He even asked if I was ready.
I hardly felt the first strike. 'Oh this is going to be easy. He's only playing
at it', I thought. Though it did seem strange having a man's hand on my bare bum.
WHOOPS! My mistake again. The second caught me an almighty slap across the centre of my bum and I couldn't help gasping. This bastard certainly wasn't playing.
And again! And again he spanked me and it was beginning to hurt. He was covering all of my buttocks with vicious hard slaps.
I began wriggling to try to escape the blows but it was no use, he was holding me too firmly and my jeans around my ankles and boxers around my knees restricted me even more. He knew what he was doing all right.
Then he started on my thighs and that stung even more. I couldn't help crying out.
What the hell had I got myself into - all to save a few minutes?
Harder and faster, he beat me. My arse was really on fire now and I was pushing into his lap, trying to lessen the blows.
Then, the strangest thing of all, I realised I was getting a hard-on! My cock, against the cotton of his trackies encasing those hard thighs, was getting bigger and harder. The more I squirmed, the harder it got. What the hell would he think if he saw it - or even worse felt it? But the heat in my backside was certainly turning me on.
Still he kept at it, spank, spank, spank.
I was totally under his domination. I was a naughty little boy again. A naughty little boy with a massive erection.
At last, at long last he told me to get up. I struggled a bit with my clothes
round my legs and I knew he had seen my hard on. What now?
I was thoroughly miserable and on the verge of tears. I wanted to rub my poor, pulverised arse but I needed to cover that blasted hard-on.
At least it was all over.
He made some sneering comment about me enjoying it and told me to strip off completely, he hadn't 'done with me'.
I had to obey - he was my lord and master now - and there was no point in hiding my cock anymore. If it turned him on, so be it.
Stark naked, I felt his steely grey eyes boring into me.
Then he had me bend over the arm of an armchair, my butt in the air, my legs spread.
With his hand on the small of my back so I couldn't move, he started to spank me again. My arse was sore so it stung of course but it was somehow different, gentler. He let his hand rest after each slap and I felt his fingers probe towards my shit hole.
Boy, that was really turning me on! My cock, sandwiched between the rough cloth of the upholstery and my belly, was getting even bigger and my ball sac was tightening. I really didn't want it to stop.
I was even disappointed when he told me to get up and face the wall. He kicked my legs apart and I felt vulnerable again.
I glanced over my shoulder to see him peeling off his own shirt, revealing his broad shoulders and a deep, barrelled chest, covered in curly grey hairs, but not an ounce of fat on him. No wonder he had held me so firmly. I felt a strange desire to turn round and hug him but knew I didn't dare. Not even my Dad had dominated me like this.
But then he picked up my wide leather belt, doubled it over and brought it down with a tremendous THWACK on my backside.
"Aaahh" Shit, it hurt! 10 times worse than anything he had laid on with his
I thought I was going to collapse but managed to regain my composure only to receive two more of the same.
I really couldn't take any more. I had to try to get him to stop.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I wailed
THWACK! Another bit into my poor abused bottom.
"I'll be more careful in future"
THWACK. How many more? Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
"Promise! I can't take any more!" I cried.
THWACK - one last crack and "OK, you can turn round."
I couldn't believe what was happening to me for, incredibly, my cock was still rock hard and standing almost up to my belly button.
Even more amazement, as Mr Redbotham dropped his own tracksuit bottoms, showing his own massive hard on. He stood there, as naked as I was. Those thighs that I had so recently been across were like tree trunks, covered in thick black hair.
"It looks like you enjoyed that", he said. "Let's see if you enjoy this too.
Back over that chair."
"Yes, SIR!"
Instinctively, I knew what was coming now. I had loved his finger probing my arsehole, that dick was going to follow suit. I was as straight as a die, but what straight guy hasn't wondered what it was like to be fucked? I was about to find out as I took the same position as before.
I felt the hot, moist tip of his cock against my virgin arsehole and forced
myself to relax.
Then his hot hands on my hips and he thrust into me.
"Aaarhh", It hurt momentarily, then he was inside me and it was glorious.
I could feel his wiry pubes against my sore bum as he pumped in and out of me. I couldn't get enough of his cock.
Still in me he slapped me again but that just added to the ecstasy I was
Then I felt his rough hands stroking my tummy and chest until he found my nips and pinched them hard.
"Ooooh!", an electric shock shot down to my cock.
Harder and harder he fucked me and I was in absolute heaven. Then he grabbed my hair turned my head and kissed me, probing his tongue deep in my mouth. At that stage I would have done anything for him.
Then he grabbed my cock and as I felt the rush of hot liquid inside me I shot my own load across the arm of the chair. Again and again I spurted. In all my wildest fantasies I had never had an orgasm like it.
Mr Redbotham collapsed onto my back. I was getting that hug I had craved earlier, though not quite how I had envisaged..
"Woooow!", I said, "I've never had sex like that before. I've never even been fucked!"
He took me in his arms and kissed me tenderly. At last that hairy chest was against my smooth one.
"No more tailgating!", he warned me sternly, "But if you want more of the same, you know where I am."
"I might just take you up on that", I said with a smirk as I started to get
Mr Redbotham reached for the phone to ring my company.
"Yes, I think he's learnt his lesson……"

To come….. "Chris & Adam" Watch this space!

19-01-2009, 09:28 AM
Great Story!

19-01-2009, 12:30 PM
Two sides of the same great story.

19-01-2009, 04:15 PM
Glad you liked it, guys.
Here is the next instalment.....
(New readers - start from the bottom of this thread)

A Driver's Nightmare – Part 2 – The Aftermath
by Mike Redbotham
Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only,
whether stated explicitly in the text or not.
Read a Driver's Nightmare to see what happened to Chris before this story.

A couple of days after I had chastised Chris for driving too close (tailgating), my phone rang.
"Mr Redbotham? It's ***** Haulage here. You remember that you complained about our driver, Chris?"
"Yeees?" I answered, cautiously.
"I'm his boss and he's told us what happened when he came to see you."
"Yes, and he's shown us the results."
I was really worried now. How much had he told them? Had I gone too far?
"Well, we were wondering if you could help us with a little problem we have?"
Strange! I needed to know what Chris had told them.
"Is Chris there?"
"Yes, he's standing right here."
"Let me speak to him."
"OK. I'll hand the phone over to him."
"Hi, Chris. Listen, I need to know how much you've told your boss about what happened. I know you can't say much, just answer yes or no. Have you showed them your bum with red marks on it?"
"Yes, they wanted to know how I had persuaded you that I had learnt my lesson and didn't believe me at first."
"Did you tell them what happened after the spanking?"
"Oh no," Chris laughed, "Not that."
That was something, "OK, put your boss back on."
"What's your problem and how do you want me to help?"
"Well, we have this young trainee. He's a good driver but he's got a bit of an attitude problem and Chris suggested he might benefit from your discipline. Obviously, we can't administer it and wondered if you would kindly oblige?"
To say that I was taken aback would be an understatement. But my cock certainly wasn't taken aback - it rapidly rose to the occasion!
"Does this lad know what you are proposing?"
"He's had three warnings and we're now entitled to give him the sack but he has begged us for one more chance. Chris has spoken to him like an elder brother and advised him to offer himself for corporal punishment. Adam, that's his name, has reluctantly agreed to accept whatever punishment we think appropriate, if it means he can keep his job. We think a short, sharp shock will work wonders. He's never had any parental discipline - thoroughly spoilt."
My cock was really begging to burst out of my track suit bottoms by now. I had thoroughly enjoyed spanking Chris and never expected to have the opportunity of another young bum over my knee so soon.
"OK", I said, "When do you want this to happen?"
"As soon as possible - there's no time like the present. Are you free now?"
"Give me an hour. Then Chris had better bring him round." I knew Chris had
enjoyed his spanking and was sure he would love to see his young colleague getting the same treatment. And I felt I needed someone else present and who better?
I showered and put on a clean T-shirt and jogging bottoms, with no underpants.
Exactly one hour later, the doorbell rang and there was Chris with a very surly looking young man dressed in a tight white T-shirt and close fitting jeans. His smooth, bare arms hanging loosely by his side.
"Mr Redbotham, this is Adam", said Chris with a wink.
I took them through to the living room. "What's this all about?" I asked Chris.
"He's a stroppy little bugger, always cheeking the older drivers, doesn't like it when he's told to do jobs other than driving, often late and, as we have to get out on time, things get rushed and when we rush mistakes are made. He even turned up with a hangover and still over the legal limit this morning. That was when he got his final warning."
"Is that right?" I asked Adam.
"Yeah, whatever…"
"Do you know why you're here?"
"Whatever…" Obviously it was his favourite word.
Adam was shorter than Chris and not so well built. He had curly, black hair, startling blue eyes framed by long curly dark lashes. With full Cupid's bow lips and a smooth olive complexion, he would be beautiful if he smiled. Not that I was about to make him smile.
"Well, young man, you are about to learn some respect for your elders and
"Whatever…" with a shrug.
I desperately wanted to slap him across the face when that word came out again but his punishment had to be cool and dispassionate.
"What, exactly, is your problem?" I asked him.
"I like driving but the other stuff's crap."
At least he could string more than two words together. "That's the case with any job" I lectured him, "There are bits we like and bits we don't. We have to pay for the best bits with the crap bits and if you don't do your share someone else has to. You've also got to respect the older guys, they can teach you a lot - not only about the job but about life as well. Yes?"
"'Spose so."
"Do you play any sports?"
He brightened up a bit. "Yeah, soccer on Saturdays. Not that anybody's bothered about what I do. No-one ever comes to watch me."
"And I suppose you only enjoy playing and hate all the training?"
"Nah, training's OK. Bit of fun."
" Well a job's just like that. How old are you?"
"Nineteen", "…and a half", he added as an afterthought.
"Well, it seems words don't get through to you so other measures have to be taken. You, young man, are going to have the spanking of your life and we'll see how cocky you are after that. Take off your trainers."
He bent over to remove his footwear, presenting a beefy, jean-clad butt. I couldn't resist and gave him a hard whack. He staggered forward but quickly regained his balance and gave me a filthy look. I caught Chris smirking.
"Now the jeans!"
"What! No way?" At least there was no "..ever" this time!
"You will do as you're told if you want to keep your job. You know what you agreed," interceded Chris.
A little less bravado now, as Adam fumbled with the zip and eased the jeans over his generous rump and let them fall to his ankles. He was obviously a footballer (soccer player). Although his upper body was slim, his big bum topped a pair of well-developed thighs covered with fine black hairs. He filled his black boxer shorts well, back and front. He could keep them on for now - but they would be off before I had finished with him.
I sat on a high chair, "Over my knee," I commanded.
With a glance at the now stern-looking Chris, he obeyed, presenting his buttocks in the ideal position. The black boxers pulled tight showed every beautiful curve and crack of this young man's arse. It would be a nice big target. I pushed his T-shirt up his flawless, smooth back, revealing a nest of fine black hairs in the small of his back.
Adam was balancing himself with his hands and toes on the floor. His punishment was about to begin.
With my left hand firmly on his smooth, slim, olive coloured waist, I brought the right down with a tremendous crack across the centre of his bum.
"Ow!" he yelled but stayed put.
Another hard slap and he squirmed a bit but didn't cry out this time.
I angled the next two to the base of his buttocks.
"Ooooow", he moaned rather than yelled.
Six more, all over his bottom, faster and harder as he wriggled about on my lap, trying to kick but restrained by his jeans, still around his ankles.
"No more!" he cried and put one hand, palm up, over his bum. I pushed it away.
"I'll decide how many more. Do that again and you will loose the boxers and have the rest on your bare bum. Got that?"
"But it hurts!"
"It is intended to", as I started spanking this naughty young man again. I
glanced up at Chris and could see that he had a massive erection in his jeans.
He was obviously enjoying his young colleague getting his just desserts.
Another half a dozen spanks, including some on those broad, hard thighs, and Adam's hand shot up again, just what I was waiting for!
"I warned you! Chris, come and hold his hands."
Chris came over, squatted in front of Adam and grasped his wrists, their faces close together.
With a bit of a struggle, I managed to get Adam's boxers down over his rump and around his knees.
"No! No! Get off me, you pervs!", he yelled, to no avail.
His bottom was glorious. The hairs on his thighs stopped short of his cheeks that were smooth and flawless, although a line of hairs stretched from the small of his back down the dark crack between them.
The cheeks were pink from the spanking he had had through his boxers. They would be bright red by the time I had finished with them. For the first time I could feel his prick against my thigh through my jogging bottoms, it felt big but soft.
I wondered if he would have the same reaction as Chris when he felt my
hand on his naked flesh.
My first smack was comparatively gentle, I wanted to feel that naked flesh, and I let my hand linger. After the next, on his left cheek, I let my fingers wander a little into the crack between his cheeks. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Adam.
But these were just testers. My next resumed its full vigour as I brought my hand crashing down on the undefended, naked bottom. His cheeks were as hard and round as melons and my hand was beginning to sting now.
"Oh no! Please!" yelled Adam. I wondered when was the last time he had ever said 'please'. We were making progress.
Again and again, I spanked him. I had a big target and was systematically
turning it bright red. I started out at the top, where his buttocks jutted out from his back, worked my way across the centre and sides of their fullness, down to the creases where they joined his thighs. Then I set to work on the thighs themselves, pushing them apart to get to the soft flesh of the inner thighs.
Adam was squirming and squealing now, but Chris and I held him tight so that he couldn't escape his punishment.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he sobbed, his shoulders shaking.
I paused, my hand on the burning flesh, probing the crack between his buttocks.
"What for?"
"Getting pissed (drunk) last night."
"Is that all?" I started to spank him again, with each spank he thrust his
pelvis into my lap.
"I'm sorry for being a pain"… sob, sob.
Slap! "And…..?"
"Being late", sob.
Slap! "And….?"
"Being cheeky," sob
Slap! "And are you going to behave in future?"
"Oh yes, Sir!" Sob. Now we were getting there.
Slap! "Promise?"
"Yes, I promise," sob.
"You know what will happen if you break that promise." And with that I gave him a few more gentle slaps, letting my hand rest between each one, caressing his buttocks and letting my finger delve deeply between them until I found his puckered hole.
Another sharp intake of breath from Adam.
"OK, you can get up now."
Adam struggled to his feet, sobbing his little heart out, tears streaming down his pretty face, jeans and boxers still around his ankles.
The tall, blond Chris stood up too, his erection blatantly obvious, and
immediately took Adam in his arms holding him close. As Adam sobbed on Chris's shoulder, Chris's hands started roaming over Adam's back, gradually working their way down to his still naked bottom. Chris's pelvis was thrust hard into Adam's naked crotch.
As Chris's hands reached Adam's buttocks an amazing thing happened.
Adam reached up and pulled Chris's head down and planted an enormous kiss, full on his lips. Chris responded immediately, opening his mouth to take Adam's tongue, one hand still probing Adam's crack the other in his curly hair. I watched, fascinated, as these two lovely young men, one blond, the other dark, snogged passionately. My cock tenting my jogging bottoms, I was desperate to join in this erotic scene.
"Don't mind me!" I said.
They broke away from each other and turned to face me. Chris's erection was a big as ever and Adam's beautiful young, cut, cock was also standing at attention, his big balls pulled up in a tight sack atop those strong thighs. His tear-stained face was as red as his bottom as he blushed,
"I'm sorry," he said, "I've wanted to do that ever since I joined the Company. Chris is gorgeous but he's got a girlfriend."
Chris was red-faced too. "I had no idea you felt like that."
"I didn't think I stood a chance, that's why I've been so miserable."
"Well, well," I said, "at last we've got to the root of the problem. How do you feel about that, Chris."
"I dunno, I'm just so fucking confused after the other day."
"What happened the other day?" enquired Adam still half-naked but with his erection subsiding.
"Tell him, Chris."
"I was driving stupidly, Mr Redbotham complained, I had to come and apologise and he gave me a good spanking too. That's how I knew about him."
"You've been spanked too?" Adam was aghast.
"Sure have and belted." said Chris, almost proudly. And, with that, he dropped his jeans and underpants and showed Adam the marks still on his bum.
Adam looked at them wonderingly, tracing the marks gently with his finger.
"OK you two, get dressed. I suppose we could go on Saturday and cheer him on, couldn't we, Chris?"
"But, I promised my girlfriend we'd go shopping…….Oh, what the hell - she spends too much anyway. I'd love to come and watch those chunky thighs!"
At last Adam smiled, those cupid lips stretching to show a lovely even set of pearly white teeth, his big brown eyes lighting up.
And yes, he was beautiful.

And there's more to come.........


19-01-2009, 04:30 PM
Another spanking good episode Mike.

19-01-2009, 06:19 PM
OK, you've asked for it.
Here are the final two instalments - New Readers, start at the bottom (even if it is a bit sore :)) of the thread.

A Driver's Nightmare

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly in the text or not.
It is recommended that you read Chapters 1 - 3 first to get the background to this one.
Part 4 – Chris' Reaction by Mike Redbotham
I left Mr. Redbotham's with one sore arse. It was difficult driving back as it stung like hell. But I was strangely elated. I had discovered something about myself that I had never suspected. I actually enjoyed being dominated by another man. Even the spanking had turned me on.
But I was straight, wasn't I? I loved fucking girls, didn't I?
Then again, I'd never had an orgasm like the one I had with Mr Redbotham's cock up my arse. Just the thought gave me another hard-on as I drove.
My thoughts turned to Geoff, my manager. I'd always felt like a naughty little boy when he told me off. He was only a few years older than me and a really good looking bloke. I wondered what he would say if I told him what had happened.
Perhaps he'd spank me if I stepped out of line again.
Before I realised it, I had turned into the depot. Hopefully, Geoff was satisfied with Mr Redbotham's phone call. I went up to his office and knocked on his door.
"Come in", he was still looking grim as I entered.
"Oh, it's you."
"Yes, sir." I surprised myself. I had never called him 'Sir' before. He looked a
bit quizzical too.
"So, Mr Redbotham tells me you have learnt your lesson. How did you manage to convince him?"
"Oh, he gave me a bit of a lecture and I apologised", I said but I must have looked a bit shifty.
"Is that all? He sounded really wound up when he complained."
"Well, no." I just had to tell him. "He gave me a good spanking and belted my
"What!?" said Geoff, chuckling, "I don't believe you."
"You'd better believe it!" I don't know what came over me but I dropped my jeans and underpants and showed him my bright red bum. "Cop a look at this!"
Geoff roared with laughter. "Good on 'im! Just what you needed!"
With that, he came over and landed a good slap on my bum, squeezing my buttocks as he did so.
Quickly, I hauled up my jeans - didn't want to risk him seeing my growing hard on.
"Now we know what to do with you if you misbehave again."
"Oh that won't happen again. I really have learnt my lesson" I assured him. "But please, Sir, don't tell the other guys. I'll never live it down."
"OK", he chuckled, "but you can drop this 'Sir' shit. You'd better take the rest of the day off."
As I walked back to the car park my mobile rang. It was Jeanie wanting to meet up that evening "to make up for last night". I gave her some feeble lie about having a double overnighter. Well I couldn't let her see my bum in its present state, could I? And if truth be told, I didn't really want to see her anyway - I had to get my head sorted.
I decided to go for a drive in the country to try to clear my thoughts. I was just driving randomly and found myself going back up the road I had come down on that fateful night. It was now clear of snow though there were still pockets about where the sun hadn't reached to thaw it. I turned off and found myself at a well-known viewpoint on the escarpment overlooking the city and river valley.
But it was not only well known as a viewpoint, it was also a notorious cruising area for gays and for 'dogging'. Don't ask me what lead me there - I haven't a clue!
There were about half a dozen cars and a pick-up truck parked alongside the woods that backed the viewpoint. There was a guy in one but all the others were empty.
Intrigued, I parked up and decided to go for a walk in the woods.
I saw two or three elderly guys wandering the well-worn paths and a skinny, rather nervous looking kid being followed by another couple. I strolled in the opposite direction.
Suddenly, he was there! Presumably, the guy from the pick up truck. Shaven-headed, with piercing blue eyes, he was obviously a builder. A big guy with huge biceps bulging out of his tight T-shirt, massive pecs surmounted by huge pyramids, oblivious to the cold. His tight, paint-spattered jeans, thumbs tucked into the waistband, betrayed a huge bulge in the front and his heavy thighs. He looked about 40ish.
OK, I knew I should have turned around and walked the other way, but I was fascinated and had to take a closer look. I sauntered towards him, as casually as I could, intending to walk past him on the narrow pathway.
As I drew level, he reached out towards my crotch.
"No thanks" as I pushed his hand away but suddenly he grabbed me by the wrist and twisted my arm up behind my back. His other arm across my chest.
"So, what you here for, pretty boy?" he snarled. "Hey, Bill! We got us one cute arse here," he called out.
'Bill' appeared from nowhere. They could have been brothers, Bill was slightly smaller and younger than my assailant but with the same shaven head and powerful physique. Talk about the Mitchell brothers!
"I, I was just bird watching" I said, lamely.
"Yeah, he sure is cute, Joe" said Bill, "You got him tight? Shall I de-bag him?"
(I hadn't heard that term for forcibly taking off someone's trousers since school.)
"No!" I shrieked, hoping one of the other guys around would hear.
As Joe held me tightly, Bill started to unbuckle my belt, unzipped my jeans and yanked them to the floor." I knew there was no point in struggling. I stood no chance against these two hefty hunks.
The cold air hit my thighs as Bill pulled down my CK's. "Ooh, nice cock", he exclaimed, "already got a lazy lob on."
"Let's take him to that log", said Joe and half-carrying, half-dragging they took me to a fallen tree, losing my jeans and pants on the way.
Still with me in a half nelson, Joe sat on the log and pulled me over his knee.
Pulling my shirt up my back, "Well, look ye here. The kid's already had his arse whipped good."
"Yeah! And it's even cuter naked and red", added Bill.
I could feel Joe's hard denim-clad thighs under my naked ones, my cock and balls squeezed between them.
"I reckon he could do with some more to keep him quiet," chuckled Joe and with that brought his huge horny hand down across my butt with a tremendous crack.
"Ow!" I screamed and squirmed as he landed two more heavy blows on my already tender bum.
'Oh no!' my cock was responding again to this degradation, it was getting hard again. I managed to look up and saw that Bill had dropped his jeans and was stroking a massive, circumcised member. His thighs were even larger than Mr Redbotham's.
He came round in front of me thrusting his cock towards my face.
Grabbing my long blond hair, he told me to "grab a gobful of this, you pretty little slut."
"No! I've never had a cock in my mouth before!" I protested.
"Ow!" as yet another slap landed on my tortured butt.
"First time for everything," leered Bill, as he pinched my nose making me open my mouth, "and no teeth, mind, or it'll be even worse for you."
To my surprise Bill's cock tasted quite sweet as he pushed it, admittedly quite gently, into my mouth. I found his musky, man-odour quite heady as his wiry pubes tickled my nose.
Joe was going a bit easier on my butt by this time but he was beginning to probe between my battered cheeks with his fingers and you know how that turns me on.
I was sucking on Bill's cock by now, my body alive with all sorts of sensations.
"Hell, Bro, I want some cock action too," said Joe, "let's strip him and have him over this log."
Bill withdrew and Joe stood up, depositing me in the mud and leaf litter.
Roughly, they yanked my jacket off then literally tore my T-shirt off my back.
I was naked, muddy, and cold, on my knees in the fading light and utterly at the mercy of these two sexy hunks. And yet I had a massive hard-on and my ball sac felt as if it was going to burst!
Joe stripped off his T-shirt and dropped his jeans and underpants.
His chest was magnificent! Tanned and completely smooth, massive bronze nipples surmounting those wondrous pecs. His still narrow waist and hips sat atop powerful thighs. And, of course, his crowning glory was the largest cock I had ever seen, surprisingly shorn of any pubic hairs. Was that monster going up my arse?
"I'm the eldest", said Joe, "so I'm having that cute little arse first. Wonder
if it's virgin"
Two rough hands under my armpits and I was deposited across the log, my arse in the air.
Bill was on one side of the log holding my wrists, Joe behind me.
I was expecting the thrust of his big cock; instead I felt a cool sensation on my anus. At least the bugger was having the decency to grease me up first.
But the cock had to come. However, for a rapist, Joe was surprisingly gentle, easing the massive member into my shit hole. It was probably a blessing that Mr Redbotham had opened me up earlier in the day.
Once he was right in me the gentleness went and he started fucking me as hard as he could, his groin slapping against my hot buns. Luckily he grabbed my hips and lifted me off the log, saving my, now rock hard, cock from rubbing on the rough bark of the tree trunk.
Meanwhile, Bill had shoved his cock back down my throat so now I was being raped at both ends!
And yet….and yet I was loving it! My whole body was alive with erotic sensations, heightened by the fact it was very nearly dark by now.
All too soon, I felt the hot rush of spunk as Joe shot into my arse. Just as Bill flooded my throat with his sweet cum.
I struggled to my feet as the two brothers pulled up their jeans, still with my cock and balls wanting to burst.
"Come on guys, you've had your fun. You're not going to leave me to take care of this by myself are you?" I pleaded, still naked.
"Naw!" said Joe, "The boy done good. Let's help him out, Bill."
With his hand on the back of my neck he bent me over, then reached around my waist to grab my cock with his horny left hand his still bare chest pressing against my back. My hips rubbed against the rough denim as he started to pound my bottom with his right hand.
I couldn't move as he spanked me even harder than before. Left cheek, right cheek, the top of my buttocks, the backs of my thighs were aflame again. I could feel the wetness of Joe's spunk trickling down the insides of my thighs.
All this time Joe was holding my cock in a vice like grip. Then with the hardest spank of all, he loosened his grip and started to wank me.
Two strokes and my cock and balls erupted to shoot their second massive load of cum in a day. I even managed to splatter Bill's jeans and trainers!
Joe rapidly pulled his shirt back on. "Come on, Bill, Let's get out of here. See ya, kid."
I was left, naked and now shivering, to scrabble round and find my clothes. I used the ripped T-shirt to wipe as much mud off as I could. I couldn't find my pants but managed to find the jeans and jacket - which luckily still had my car keys in the pocket. I staggered back to the roadway, tripping over tree roots as I went.
All the cars and the pick-up had gone, leaving my car looking desolate and alone - just as I was feeling. Inside the warmth and safety of my car, I locked all the doors and broke down, sobbing my little heart out, not caring that my bum was stinging like hell and there was an ever-spreading damp patch on the seat of my jeans.
I must have sat there for 15 or 20 minutes before I regained enough composure to drive home. I hurried into the flat, desperately hoping I wouldn't see any of my neighbours. Once inside, I stripped off all my soiled clothes and headed for the shower, turning up the water as hot as I could bear.
The hot, streaming water was soothing as I soaped my self all over, leaving my bum until last.
I bent over so that the water could run down the crack of my buttocks. Gingerly, I rubbed soap around my anus, working my finger inside. My other hand found one of my nipples which I gently squeezed as I mulled over all that had happened to me that fateful day.
Yes, you've guessed it! I got another hard-on. I had no one to help me this time but I still managed a third load, admittedly not as copious as the other two.
Shit, with Jeanie I had a job to make two in a day - let alone three!
Exhausted, I dried myself off and found my bed, deciding to sleep in the buff.
Of course, I couldn't get to sleep, tossing and turning, going over everything that had happened to me, trying to make some sort of sense of it.

Did Chris make any sense of it?
What effect did Adam have on Chris?
Coming soon - A Driver's Nightmare 5 - CHRIS AND ADAM & MR REDBOTHAM- THE FINAL CHAPTER.


Driver's Nightmare

Part 5 – Adam, Mr Redbotham and Me – The final Chapter by ‘Chris’
by Mike Redbotham

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only,
whether stated explicitly in the text or not.

Read Chapters 1 - 4 for the background to this story.

I woke after the most traumatic day of my life feeling like SHIT!
My poor backside hurt, inside and out, but it was my head that caused me to ring in, sick.
It was throbbing after a sleepless night; it was spinning with all that had happened to me and my reaction to it.
Two days ago, I was a happily rampant hetero. Now I didn't know who or what I was!
I slumped in front of the telly, dozing fitfully, for most of the morning. By lunchtime, I had to get some fresh air and went out for a drive.
OK, I know what you are thinking! But, no, I didn't go back to THAT place! Just a drive in the country and a long walk along the riverbank.
It certainly helped to clear my throbbing head - although I was still as confused as ever.
But, what the hell? Come on, Christopher, pull yourself together. I still had my job, I was still young and fit…and I still had Jeanie. Oh!
Oh, well, we'll just have to see what happens.
Then, who should interrupt my reverie but Jeanie herself, on the mobile, thinking I was still away. She wanted to go shopping on Saturday. I can't say my heart was in it but I agreed, just to keep the peace.
I was feeling a lot better.
Little did I know my life was going to take another dramatic turn the next day.
************************************************** *********************
I woke the next morning feeling full of the joys of spring. I'd had a great meal and a fantastic night's sleep and was ready to face the world again.
I breezed into Geoff's office, "Hi, boss, sorry about yesterday. I had a shit headache."
"I'm not surprised," he grinned "after what happened to you." With that he gave my butt an enormous whack. I was really beginning to wonder about him, but it did feel good.
"Look," he said, "I want to talk to you about young Adam."
"Oh, that pain in the arse."
Adam hadn't been with us long. He was about 19 and had got everyone's back up with his insolence, slacking and being late. He was quite good looking with dark curly hair and big blue eyes, but his mouth was always turned down in a really surly expression. His one big passion was football, which he played every Saturday. He was a slim kid but the football had given him well-developed thighs.
"You should talk!" said Geoff, with a smirk. "But, seriously, he rolled in with a hang-over this morning and when we tested him he was still pissed - well over the limit. So I've given him his final warning and suspended him for the day.
We're well entitled to sack him but he's begged me to give him a final chance and, to be honest, I feel a bit sorry for the kid. His folks never paid him any attention and let him run wild. I dunno what'll happen to him if he loses this job. I wondered if you'd have a serious chat with him. You're the only one he seems to listen to."
" I can try if you like. It seems to me that he needs a good smacked bottom like I had." I couldn't believe I'd said that. It would never have crossed my mind before…….
"Yeah, good idea", replied Geoff, "but we couldn't do that,"
"No, but Mr. Redbotham could."
"Mmmm, do you think so? Adam would have to agree to it."
"I'm sure he would. Do you want me to put it to him?"
"Worth a try. Might sort him out for good."
So, I went to find Adam, sitting on his own in a corner, head in hands, looking thoroughly miserable. He brightened up a bit when I approached him.
"Well, young man. You're really in the shit this time, aren't you?"
"You know Geoff's intent on giving you the boot?"
"You've pissed everybody off."
I really wanted to shake him.
"Look, if you don't sort yourself out, you're going to be out, with no references. How you going to get another job?"
"Dunno". At least it made a change from "Yeah", but I was getting cross by now.
"You know, if you were my kid, you'd have had a good thrashing by now. Hasn't your Dad ever tanned your hide?"
"He don't give a shit about me."
At least he'd made a connection between being thrashed and caring. Here goes…
"Well, I've been talking to Geoff about you and we both think that's what you need, a good spanking!"
"What!? I'm nineteen!"
"That doesn't make any difference. You've been behaving like a sixteen-year-old kid so can't be surprised if you're treated like one. Anyway, the deal is this - if you take a good spanking you can keep your job, as long as you start acting like a nineteen-year-old. It's your chance to show you can take it like a man.
But you have got to volunteer for it to Geoff."
Adam was stunned. He just sat there for ages, saying nothing.
Eventually, "Haven't got much choice, have I? I wanna keep my job."
"Right. We'd better go and see Geoff."
Back to the office.
"Chris says if you spank me I can keep my job.. I'll do it." Adam told Geoff.
"Oh, I'm not going to do it. Chris knows someone who will, though. Wait outside."
With Adam outside, Geoff looked up Mr. Redbotham's number and picked up the phone.
After a few words with him, Geoff handed the phone over to me. The sound of Mr. Redbotham's voice sent a shiver down my spine but I reassured him that I hadn't told Geoff about him fucking me. I handed the phone back to Geoff who spoke again.
He hung up and said, "It's on. You're to take Adam to Mr. Redbotham's in an hour."
"OK, I'll go and tell him."
I had been hoping I might be in on this and I felt my cock getting hard again.
Was it the thought of seeing Mr. Redbotham again so soon - or the thought of Adam's naked young butt over his knee.
Whatever, I knew I was going to enjoy this.
Should I tell Adam exactly what was going to happen to him? No, ignorance is bliss.
I took him firmly by the arm. "Right, young man, you're lucky. You've got a reprieve. But you have got to do exactly what you're told. OK?"
"'Spose so," he said truculently.
Spot on time, I rang Mr. Redbotham's bell and I felt that thrill again.
"Mr. Redbotham, this is Adam", I said, giving him a wink.
Following Mr. Redbotham through to the living room, I explained our problem with Adam.
Questioning Adam, all Mr. Redbotham got was a series of surly, almost insolent replies. I could tell he was not happy. Boy, was Adam going to suffer.
But first he had to listen to a strict lecture from Mr. Redbotham, who talked a hell of a lot of good sense.
Then, having told Adam that words apparently had no effect on him, Mr. R. got down to business.
I was beginning to get excited - I was going to see a spanking rather than be on the receiving end.
As Adam bent over to obey an instruction to take off his trainers he received an almighty whack across the seat of his jeans. 'Ooh! That shocked him', I thought, 'bet it's the first time anyone's laid a hand on him.'
Adam lost his balance and gave Mr. R. a filthy look. 'That's another half dozen,' I thought.
He protested when he was told to remove his jeans.
"You will do as you're told if you want to keep your job. You know what you agreed," I told him, sternly.
Adam fiddled with his zip and pushed his jeans down round his ankles. I was surprised how strong his thighs were. I knew mine were long and slim in comparison. I could see the outline of his young cock in his black boxers. This was fascinating, was Mr. R. going to spank him bare?
Mr. R. sat on a high chair and ordered Adam over his knee. I put on my sternest look as Adam glanced across at me - couldn't let him know I was enjoying the show.
Adam obeyed and presented Mr. R. with his big round backside, a result of his soccer training, I guessed.
Mr. R. pushed his T-shirt up his back showing his smooth skin and slim waist from which his buttocks rose proudly. Was he going to pull his boxers down too?
I desperately hoped so. I wanted to see this young man's buttocks in all their glory. I wanted him to feel the sting of Mr. R's firm hand as I had.
But no. He gave Adam a tremendous slap right across the centre of his bum. Adam yelled but stayed where he was.
Again, another slap across the highest point of Adam's butt and he started wriggling a bit. The next two were right at the base of his bottom. Adam was moaning by now - a naughty little boy getting what all naughty little boys should have. Harder and faster his bottom was splattered with smacks all over he and was kicking and squealing. He'd obviously never been in this position in his life before.
Adam decided he couldn't take any more and tried to protect his battered bum with his hand.
'You ain't felt nothin' yet, kid,' I thought.
To my delight, Mr. R. confirmed this and threatened Adam with the loss of his last remaining piece of dignity - his boxers - if he tried it again. Boy, was I hoping he'd ignore the warning. Whatever, it was an enormous turn on seeing my young colleague getting spanked and, needless to say, I had a huge erection. No wonder Mr. R. and Joe and Bill had got so aroused spanking me. I wasn't worried if Mr. R. or even Adam saw it.
Ignoring Adam's protests, Mr. R. continued his punishment, spanking his bum all over and also the bare flesh of the backs of his broad thighs, which were starting to turn pink.
Soon, Adam's hand shot up again in a futile attempt to protect himself from a further onslaught. Was I going to see his bare bum at last?
Mr. R. told me to come over and hold Adam's hands. I was a bit disappointed as I was hoping for a rear view but I had to obey. I went over and grabbed Adam's wrist and watched the fear in his eyes as Mr. R. tugged his boxers down to his knees, ignoring Adam's insults.
At last I could see this lovely young man's bare bottom and it was magnificent!
I'd enjoyed Jeanie's breasts but they were soft and flabby compared to this wondrous, firm, smooth muscle that I feasted my eyes upon.
The cheeks were pink from the spanking he had had through his boxers. I was sure they would be bright red by the time Mr. R. had finished with them. I watched, fascinated, as he almost patted Adam's bum and let his fingers roam into the dark crack between those lovely mounds of hard man/boy flesh. Adam took a deep intake of breath and I saw his clear blue eyes open wide. I couldn't tell if he was getting hard as I had done in the same position.
Then Mr. R. set to work in earnest, spanking the naughty bottom as hard as he could, despite all of Adam's pleas. I could see that he was carefully working all over the naked flesh across his lap, turning it all from pink to red to bright scarlet. Then he set to work on Adam's thighs, turning them a matching shade.
Adam was screaming, tears welling in his eyes and trying to get away but with us both holding him tightly he had no chance.
Then he broke down. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he sobbed, his shoulders shaking.
Mr. R. paused and I saw his finger probing in towards Adam's butt hole,
"What for?" he demanded.
"Getting pissed (drunk) last night."
"Is that all?" He started to spank him again, with each spank I could see Adam thrusting into Mr. R's lap.
"I'm sorry for being a pain"… sob, sob.
Slap! "And…..?"
"Being late", sob.
Slap! "And….?"
"Being cheeky," sob
Slap! "And are you going to behave in future?"
"Oh yes, Sir!" Sob. Now we were getting there.
Slap! "Promise?"
"Yes, I promise," sob.
"You know what will happen if you break that promise" said Mr. R.
I watched as he caressed Adam's, by now, scarlet rump, his fingers pushing well into that mysterious, dark crack. Another sharp intake of breath between his sobs and "OK, you can get up now."
Adam struggled to his feet, sobbing his little heart out, tears streaming down his pretty face, jeans and boxers still around his ankles, his T-shirt doing little to cover his hard-on.
I suddenly felt sorry for the lad; after all I had brought him to this. I put my arms around him, pulling him close and holding him tight. Adam sobbed onto my shoulder as I sought to comfort him by patting and caressing his back. My erection was bursting out of my jeans as I thrust my groins into Adam's and my hands were irresistibly drawn lower and lower down his back. I wanted to touch those red hot, naked buns.
As I reached them, Adam suddenly pulled my head town, turned his face up and gave me a huge smacker, right on the lips. Utterly shocked, I opened my mouth and Adam thrust his tongue in. Oh, it tasted so sweet!
One hand reached Adam's butt and I started to explore his crack, the other entwined in his dark curly hair as we kissed passionately and at length.
"Don't mind me!" said. Mr R., who we had totally forgotten, wrapped up in our own little world.
I felt my cheeks (facial) burning with embarrassment as we broke apart and I turned to face the Spankmaster.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Adam's cock, hard and proud. I knew he was blushing too. His next words shocked me even more!
"I'm sorry," he said, "I've wanted to do that ever since I joined the Company.
Chris is gorgeous but he's got a girlfriend."
"I had no idea you felt like that."
"I didn't think I stood a chance, that's why I've been so miserable."
Mr R was as surprised as me and asked me how I felt about it.
"I dunno, I'm just so fucking confused after the other day."
Adam soon picked up and asked me what had happened the other day.
On Mr. R's instruction, I had to tell him and showed him the now fading marks still on my bum.
A thrill shot through my body as Adam gently felt them.
"OK you two, get dressed," said Mr. R. I suppose we could go on Saturday and cheer him on in his match, couldn't we, Chris?"
"But, I promised my girlfriend we'd go shopping… Oh, what the hell - she spends too much anyway. I'd love to come and watch those chunky thighs!"
At last Adam smiled, those cupid lips stretching to show a lovely even set of pearly white teeth, his big blue eyes lighting up.
************************************************** **************************************
As soon as we got outside Mr. R's house I said to Adam. "Right, you and I have got to have a serious talk. We'd better go back to my flat."
"OK," said Adam, cheerily.
I gave Geoff a quick ring to tell him that Adam was pretty upset but thought we had got through to him, though it would be better to give him the rest of the day to think things over. Geoff agreed.
As soon as we got into my flat, Adam threw his arms around my neck and kissed me.
I disentangled myself and told him, sternly, "Talk, I said, and talk I mean. Now sit there while I get us some beer."
Crestfallen, he obeyed. I got the beers and sat down opposite him.
"Right," I said, "What's all this about fancying me. Explain yourself."
"I'm sorry!" said Adam, launching into what was probably the longest speech of his young life.
"I've known I was gay since I was about 13 or 14," he confessed. "I tried to hide it but the kids at school guessed and gave me a hell of a time. They called me all sorts of names, 'Omo', 'cunt boy', 'poof'. Once, they even stripped me naked and pushed my head down the bog (john) and flushed it. Dad never wanted to know me and Mum is drunk most of the time. I couldn't wait to leave school but it was ages before I could get a job. I was over the moon when I got this job and I desperately don't want to lose it."
I listened patiently as Adam went on "But I was scared stiff you guys would work out I'm gay and give me a rough time like the kids at school. So I decided to be all macho, one of the lads. But I cocked it up, didn't I. The guys hate me more than if they knew I'm gay. They think I'm just a brat."
He took a gulp of beer and a deep breath before carrying on.
"As I said, I fancied you from the first time I saw you. You're gorgeous, I love guys with long blond hair and you've got shoulders to die for."
I felt myself blushing - no girl had ever given me compliments like that - but he wasn't finished.
"Oh and those sexy long legs. You wouldn't believe the number of times I've gone home and had a good wank thinking about you. What made it worse was that you are the only guy who has any time for me. But I know you've got a girlfriend and I don't stand a chance, so I had to be extra careful. But when Mr Redbotham had me over his knee all I could think about was that I wished it was your lap I was in.
"Then I saw you had a hard on and I could feel that Mr Redbotham had one as well. Then you held me and I could feel it against my own and your hands working towards my bum. Well, I just lost it, thinking 'it's now or never', and I had to kiss you. And you responded!
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Chris. Please don't be cross with me and please, please don't tell the other guys, I'll never live it down."
Tears beaded in his crystal clear blue eyes. I crossed to the sofa, put my arm around his shoulders and cuddled him as he sobbed again.
"Hey, come on," I said, "There's no need for that. I'm not cross with you, I'm flattered, really I am."
"Yeah?" said Adam, dubiously.
"Yes. Look, you've been open and honest with me, I'll repay the compliment, but you've got to promise not to tell the others too."
" 'Course."
"Well, 'til last week I thought I was a pretty average straight bloke. I'd shagged plenty of girls before I met Jeanie and I'd enjoyed it. But…..but the 'earth had never moved' for me, like it's supposed to. And I'd soon get bored with women's company."
I'd never framed these thoughts before.
Then I'd told him all about what had happened with Mr. Redbotham and how he had made me see how stupid I'd been. I even gave him an edited version of the night I got raped.
Adam listened open-mouthed, not saying a word.
"Then, when Geoff told me about your last cock-up, I really thought the same medicine might sort you out - at least give you the chance of keeping your job, because I really do care about you.
"Then when Mr. R. asked for me to bring you round I started getting excited about seeing you have a smacked bottom too.
"When I saw your lovely naked butt, I was really turned on but I felt sorry for you too. Then, when you started sobbing, I just had to take you in my arms to comfort you, but I wanted to feel your bum too. I was shocked when you kissed me, but you tasted so good!
"But my head is such a mess - I just don't know what's happening to me. I need another beer!"
I went to get the beer.
When I got back, I needed to lighten the mood a bit.
"By the way, I've got a bone to pick with you!"
Adam looked worried.
"What was that you called us when we were getting your boxers down?"
"Dunno, can't remember."
"Yes you do. 'Pervs' wasn't it?"
Adam blushed.
I dug him in the ribs with my finger. He giggled.
So I dug him again on the other side. He giggled again "No, don't!"
I realised that he was really ticklish. So I tickled him again. He was in fits of laughter by now - I'd never seen him really laugh before, suddenly he looked 15 not 19.
"No, stop it, please!" he managed to get out as he squirmed and wriggled under my tickling onslaught.
"Apologise then!"
Tickle, giggle.
Tickle, tickle, giggle, giggle, wriggle, wriggle.
"Then I shall have to take other measures."
In between tickling him, I started to undo his jeans.
"No! No!" he laughed. But it was the "No, No" that meant, "Yes, please!"
Adam wriggled and resisted but, strong as his thighs were, his upper body strength was no match for mine.
Soon I had the zip down and his kicking and wriggling just helped me pull his jeans down over those chunky thighs.
However, I had a problem with his boxers - there was an almighty boner sticking out through the flies.
Down on my knees between those massive thighs, I took it into my mouth, grasping his rock hard thighs. Oh his pre-cum juices were so delicious!
Adam entwined his fingers in my long hair and forced my head down until I deep-throated him. He started to pump his cock into me but I wasn't going to
give him release…. Just yet!
I withdrew and tucked his cock back into the boxers.
"You're not going to cum until you have apologised for calling me a 'perv'"
I could now get at his bare waist to tickle him some more.
As he giggled, I grabbed his boxers and pulled them down, Adam lifting his bum to help me. His cock was gorgeous but it was his bum I wanted to see.
I sat back down on the sofa beside him, put my hand behind his neck and forced him over my lap, making sure his cock and balls were between my thighs.
His bum was still a bit pink from Mr. R's ministrations so I wasn't going to deal too harshly with it. But to feast on that glorious sight and caress the firm smooth muscles that were his buttocks was wonderful.
I raised my hand and gave him a gentle slap.
"No. Call that a spank?"
"Cheeky bugger!" Slap, harder.
"That's a bit better."
"OK, You've asked for it!"
I gave him one as hard as I could, rejoicing in the way his buttocks bounced as it landed.
I was really enjoying this (of course, I had long had a hard on myself.)
Spank! Spank! Spank!
His bottom was really colouring up as my hand covered all of his ample bum.
At last, "OK. OK, I'm sorry!"
Spank! "What for?" Taking a leaf out of Mr. R's book.
"Calling you a perv."
Spank! One more for luck.
"OK. You can get up."
Adam rolled off my knee, kicked off his jeans and boxers, stripped off his T-shirt, then knelt up on the sofa, flaming bum towards me, bent forward and reached behind to spread his cheeks, presenting me with the dark brown button of his arse hole.
"You said women didn't satisfy you. Try this for size!" he exclaimed.
I needed no second bidding, dropping my jeans and pants and taking off my own shirt we were both now totally naked with my rampant cock pointing straight towards Adams bum.
I thrust it towards his crack - and missed the target! It was the first time I had tried to fuck an arse, after all.
Adam reached round, took my cock and guided it towards his hole.
Even in this passionate moment, the irony didn't escape me. Here was I, a grown man of 27, being coached by a kid of 19!
"Push, Chris," whispered Adam, huskily.
I pushed gently and Adam opened up to welcome me into his innards.
Ooooh! The feeling as his tight anus gripped my dick was amazing - totally unlike going into a woman's sloppy cunt.
Deeper and deeper I thrust into the young body until my groin slapped up against his hot cheeks.
Grabbing his hips, I started to fuck him hard, both of us moaning in sheer ecstasy.
I reached around his body as I fucked him, caressing his smooth, flat tummy, up to his chest where I found his big nipples, which I pinched hard.
A sharp intake of breath from Adam and he twisted his head round so we could kiss as I pumped into him, my own buttocks clenching and relaxing with each thrust of my pelvis. I had never felt as 'as one' with another person as I did in that moment.
I reached down to Adam's rampant cock and, as I grasped it, we both shot our massive loads - mine into Adam's hot insides, his right across my sofa.
We collapsed into a sweaty heap of entwined limbs.
"Boy! That was truly incredible!" I gasped.
"Oh. There's lots more ways we can try!" grinned Adam.
"I'm sure but another time - come on, let's have a shower."
It was the most sensuous shower I had ever had, each of us soaping the other's body.
Believe it or not, we didn't even get hard again, simply two young men enjoying and exploring the other's hidden places.
After we dried off, I took him to my bed and we lay there, cuddling, naked, until we both dropped off to a deep and dreamless sleep.
I woke first and it was nearly dark outside.
I just lay there gazing at this beautiful, peaceful vision in my bed. I simply couldn't believe what was happening to me.
I eventually roused Adam, "Come on, young man. It's time you went home".
"Oh, do I have to?" he said petulantly
"Yes, you do. I've got a lot of thinking to do," slapping his rump.
"Oh OK."
And with that he took my face in his hands, looked me straight in the eye and said, simply,
"I love you."
I was touched, but embarrassed. I certainly wasn't ready to make such a commitment, but I couldn't hurt him. I wasn't sure what to say but eventually came out with
"I know you do and I'm touched. I do care for you but all this is so new to me that I just cannot make any commitment like that right now. And, in case you've forgotten, I've got a girl friend. But I promise you this; if you're a good boy and behave yourself we'll see a lot more of each other in the future."
"But I don't want to be a good boy - I want to be a naughty boy," grinned Adam,
"But I know what you mean and I promise I won't hassle you."
I kissed him again, "Go on - get out. And don't forget what Mr Redbotham told you about your behaviour at work. "
"I won't," he said as he went searching for his clothes in the living room. Another kiss and cuddle as he left.
And suddenly the flat was as empty as it had ever been. I started to try to clean up the mess on the sofa.
************************************************** *******************************
My head was still a mess. Could I be in love with another bloke? Two other blokes?
Was I gay?
I desperately needed someone to talk to. Someone who would be straight with me (no pun intended). I needed someone who was older and wiser but I wasn't 'Sixteen going on Seventeen', though it felt like it.
But who?
Jeanie? - No way!
Mum and Dad? I couldn't, besides they were miles away.
Geoff? He was a nice guy but this was just too personal to discuss with my boss.
Then it dawned on me. There was only one person who could help me through this - Mr Redbotham.
Searching in my pockets I found the screwed up piece of paper where Geoff had written his address. Luckily he had added his phone number. I rang him, a little apprehensively. I didn't know what his reaction would be. It wasn't too late, was it?"
"Mr Redbotham? This is Chris from ***** Haulage. I, I, I'm ever so sorry to bother you." I felt like I was talking to the Headmaster.
"I wondered - if you're not too busy - if I, er, could come and see you?"
"Er, just for a talk," I added hurriedly in case he thought I was after something else.
"Yes, of course, lad. You're welcome any time. Do you want to come over now?"
"Yes, please."
I rushed over to Mr. R's, and again found myself nervously ringing his doorbell.
He answered the door and ushered me in.
"Just a coffee please. I'm driving." I didn't tell him I'd already had a couple of beers earlier but I guessed that they had worn off by now. Anyway, I wanted to keep a clear head.
"How's Adam?" he asked handing me my coffee.
"Oh, he's fine. I think we got through to him but only time will tell. But, if you don't mind, it's me I really want to talk about. If that's OK?"
"Sure. Go ahead."
"I don't really know where to start…"
"Try the beginning! 'A very good place to start',"
"Well, a week ago, I was your happily rampant, typical, average straight guy.
Then I met you!"
He smiled, gently.
Then it all came pouring out - how I'd felt about being spanked, fucked, dominated by him. How I'd actually enjoyed it. I told him, in rather more graphic detail than I'd told Adam, what had happened to me at that cruising ground. I told him how turned on I had been seeing Adam getting a good hiding, how I loved his bottom. I described in detail what had happened when I got Adam back to my flat. How he'd told me he loved me. Everything.
Mr. R. listened patiently, though I could tell he was aroused by my descriptions.
"So you see," I finished up, with tears in my eyes, "A week ago I knew exactly who and what I was. Now I haven't a clue. Am I gay, straight or bisexual? Do I like to be bossed or to boss? "
(The terms 'top' and 'bottom', 'master' and 'slave' weren't in my vocabulary, in that sense, then.)
"What and who the hell am I?"
"Oh, Chris", he said, tenderly, putting his arm around me and kissing me gently on the cheek.
"Why do you need to put a label on yourself? You know that great disco song, 'I am what I am'?"
I nodded.
"Well, actually it's from a musical where this drag queen is rejected but defiantly sings that song. And you are what you are. You are your 'own special creation' and what you are 'needs no excuses.' You only need one label and that is 'Chris', a very special person. You're a kind, decent, honest, if a little impetuous, young man - and absolutely gorgeous to boot."
That was the second time I'd been called gorgeous that day. Steady on, I might begin to believe it!
"But it's your body and what you choose to do with it or have done to it is up to you and, as long as you don't hurt anyone, anything is fine.
"You have to remember, though, that there is a difference between discipline and getting sexual pleasure from pain. Yes, discipline does hurt, but it is designed to make someone a better person, to show him the error of his ways and ultimately to make him happier. That is why you and Adam have been disciplined this week. And I think it has worked. Yes?"
"Yes, Sir, but I have found pleasure in it."
"So be it. Enjoy it. Every young man should have at least one spanking in his formative years. He needs to know what will happen if he steps out of line but also to find out if he enjoys it - after all, think of all that pleasure he could be missing!"
"So how did you get into spanking," I dared to ask him, "it seems to me as if you enjoy dishing it out."
"Well for many years I was a housemaster in a rather exclusive school. I always believed in the adage 'Spare the rod and spoil the child'. And corporal punishment was always used in the better schools.
"Then the rules all changed and we weren't allowed to touch the little darlings.
"Anyway one day, I ‘forgot’ the rules and gave this lad a good caning. Oh, he deserved it well enough. He was a really nasty bully. I knew all the younger boys were in fear of him. One day he even put a young lad in hospital. I was furious."
"Tell me more, please."
"I knew he was a strapping 16 year old, so I had two prefects in attendance when I called him into my study. He was a pretty boy with fair hair, like yours and clear blue eyes.
"I gave him a good lecture but could see it was all water off a duck's back. So I told him I had no alternative but to give him a good caning.
" 'You can't do that,' he cried, 'it's against the law.'
"'Oh, yes I can and I am.’
"I told the prefects to grab his arms and I managed to get his grey flannels down round his ankles.
" 'Bend him over that chair and hold him tight.' I yanked down his white underpants and pushed his shirt up his back. His cute, tiny peach of a bottom was beautiful.
" 'You bastard', he shouted, 'I'll get you for this.'
"I got my cane from the cupboard and brought it down with a tremendous Swish across his milky white buttocks.
" 'Yeow', he yelled and struggled but the prefects were doing their job well and seemed to be enjoying it. They didn't like bullies either.
"As the red stripe began to appear across his pert bum, I followed it up with another and another. "By the fourth he was sobbing uncontrollably.
"I finished the last two with less force and told him to get up and get dressed. The prefects let him go and as they stood up I could see that they had huge erections. I guess they had fun in their private studies afterwards.
"As the miscreant pulled up his pants and trousers, gingerly over his sore bottom, he whispered to me between his sobs, 'You're going to regret this.' "
"And I did. He went straight to his parents who complained to the Head and I was suspended and then pensioned off. The school sympathised with me but didn't want any scandal.
"But would you believe it? Five or six years later he rang me up (I don't know how he found my number) and asked if he could take me out to lunch. I was amazed but agreed, intrigued as to why he wanted to see me.
"We met in this swish restaurant, 'Don't worry, Sir', he said, 'It's all on me'.
It seemed he was an Army officer, just graduated from Sandhurst, a very handsome young man.
"As we settled with our first drink, he started by saying 'I'm so sorry Sir, that I got you fired.'
"I shrugged, 'I broke the rules.'
" 'Yes, but I deserved it. My parents were pushing me hard to do well and I was taking it out on the youngsters. I was an absolute bastard and deserved everything I got. And believe me, Sir, your six of the best wasn't all I got. My father literally horsewhipped me when I got home at half term; I've still got the scars. Anyway, between you, you made me see the error of my ways and I promise you, Sir, I never bullied another kid again. I knuckled down to my work and eventually got into Sandhurst. I don't think I could have done that if you hadn't given me that thrashing I so richly deserved. I know I can't make amends for the loss of your career but this lunch is to say how sorry I am and to thank you. Cheers, Sir.' He raised his glass to me.
"Well of course he couldn't do anything about my career but at least I felt vindicated - I had done the right thing.
"Anyway, that's enough about me. Let's get back to you. Are you feeling any better now?"
"Yes. I suppose I’ve just got to see how things go. Go with the flow."
"That’s right. You’ve got nothing to prove to anyone and you’re obviously someone Adam looks up to."
"Yes, he’s a good kid, despite everything."
"But, you know," he said, with a twinkle in his eye, "you were very stupid and naïve to go to that place all on your own. Anything could have happened to you, you could have caught anything. And stupid boys need discipline as well as naughty ones."
Yes, Sir. We were beginning to slip into our roles and I felt a thrill of excitement. I had come here purely for a chat but clearly I was going to get more than I bargained for.
"I have a little treat for you. I want you to strip naked."
How could I disobey?
I bent over to undo my trainers, half expecting a whack on my backside. But no. I slipped them off, took off my denim jacket and pulled my shirt off, brushing my nipples as I did so. They were as hard as little pebbles.
I stood semi-naked under Mr Redbotham’s steely gaze.
Slowly and provocatively, I undid the button on my jeans, lowered the zip and pushed them down my thighs. I bent down to take them off and folded them carefully and put them on the chair.
I was deliberately teasing Mr. R. and he knew it but sat there patiently watching me like a hawk.
I tucked my thumbs in to the waistband of my underpants and pushed them down a little, letting him see the top of my bum crack then pulled them back up. Was I deliberately trying to annoy him?
I decided I mustn’t take it too far and finally took them off, turning my back to Mr R. so he could see my butt hole as I bent to take them off my feet.
I turned to face him, my cock standing at attention, my ball sack pulled up tight.
"Naked, I said", pointing to my socks.
I bent down and took them off, adding them to the pile.
"Now go and stand in that corner, stupid boy!"
Staring at the blank wall, I heard him go out of the room.
I stood there for what seemed an age. Then I heard,
"Turn round, boy."
My eyes opened in wonderment.
Mr Redbotham was standing there dressed in leather. He had a leather hood, leather collar, leather straps with metal studs across his powerful chest, leather leggings and leather boots. A heavy gold ring encircled his cock and balls.
He looked magnificent.
In his hand was a length of flat wood with holes in it, which he was tapping on the other hand.
"This is a paddle. Our transatlantic cousins prefer it to the cane. I bought it on one of my trips to the States, but I’ve never had the chance to use it. I am told it makes a sweet pattern on a young man’s backside. We are about to find out.
"Over that chair arm. You know the position."
"Yes, Sir."
I took up my position, butt in the air, expecting the swat any second.
But he kept me waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I didn’t dare look round. He was teasing me as I had teased him.
Then, just as I thought I couldn’t bear the tension any longer a tremendous crack landed on my naked backside.
At first I only heard the sound and felt nothing.
Then Wow, did it sting!
Again, the vicious paddle landed on my bum, just below the first one. Again, the split second before I felt anything.
As Sir peppered my poor buttocks, each swat was punctuated by a word.
"Who", Swat, "is" Swat "a" Swat "stupid" Swat "boy?"
My arse and the backs of my thighs were on fire and my cock was rock hard.
"I am, Sir."
"Promise me" Swat "you" Swat "won’t go" Swat "to that" Swat "place, again" Swat "on your own." Swat.
"Yes, Sir. I promise, Sir!"
He had stressed 'on your own'. Was he thinking of going there with me?
"Alright, you can get up, boy."
I got up, turned to face him, sank to my knees and took his beautiful hard cock into my mouth.
He grabbed my hair and pulled me off.
"Nnno, Sir, Sssorry, Sir", I stammered.
Still pulling my hair he dragged me to my feet, sat down and pulled me over his lap, firmly holding my waist.
His leather leggings felt so cool against my thighs and pit of my stomach. I knew what was coming next as he started to pound my backside - with his hand this time.
If there were areas the paddle had missed, he certainly found them!
He opened my legs so he could spank the soft insides of my thighs.
He spanked the top of my bum, its bottom, and its sides.
I squirmed with my cock rubbing against the leather till I thought my balls would burst.
"You", Spank, "will learn", Spank, "to do", Spank, "what you are told" Spank, "and ONLY" Spank, "what you are told!" Spank Spank.
"Understand?" Spank Spank.
"Yes, Sir!" I was blubbing by this time.
"Now! Get back over that chair. I am going to fuck the arse off you!"
And he did just that, pulling my hair and slapping my backside as he did so.
Again, we climaxed in unison.
Scene over, Mr. R. reverted to his kindly self and pointed me in the direction of the shower, whilst he got 'this ridiculous kit' off.
He joined me in the shower and as we leisurely soaped each other's body as I had with Adam, he asked, "So what did you think of the paddle?"
"Well, it stung but I think I prefer the intimacy of the hand."
"Mmmmm so do I," as he patted my hot bum, "nothing beats the feel of hard, hot, male flesh."
************************************************** ******************************
I had an early start and late finish the next day so I didn't get to see Adam.
Come Saturday and Mr R. and I were on the touchline to watch Adam play soccer as promised. He gave us a cheery wave as his team ran out onto the pitch. I must admit that seeing Adam and all the other guys in their shorts, flashing their chunky thighs was a real turn on.
After about 15 minutes, Adam scored a goal. Ignoring his team-mates he ran over to us and threw his arms around my neck, his thighs around my waist.
As he ran back to the team I heard one call out "Hey, Adam! Who's that?"
"My new boyfriend!," replied Adam.
I blushed.
A few minutes later, my phone rang - it was Jeanie and she was not happy!
"I thought we were going shopping! Where the hell are you?"
Oh, dear, I had completely forgotten.
"I'm sorry, something's cropped up. I can't make it."
"Well you could have let me know! I've had enough of you messing me about. I know you weren't working away this week. I saw your car. Are you seeing another woman?"
"No, dear," I answered in all honesty.
"Well I've had it with you. Consider yourself dumped!" and rang off.
Was I devastated? No way!
After the match the three of us went for a pub lunch and had a great time together.
After that Adam and I went back to my flat where we spent the rest of the weekend with him showing me some of those other positions as he had promised.
And, as our jobs permitted, we found we were spending more and more time in each other's company. And so we 'came out' at work.
Oh, no big dramatic announcements, it was just that the other guys could see we had some sort of special relationship, some special rapport.
Of course there was some gentle, almost affectionate, ribbing but mostly the guys were just pleased to be working with a pleasant, helpful, cheerful lad instead of the spoilt, selfish brat they had known.
Geoff said one day; "Well that spanking certainly worked with young Adam. I reckon my old man must have known a thing or two when he used to whop my arse."
I couldn't resist, "On the bare?", I asked. The thought of Geoff bare-arsed across his dad's knee was intriguing.
"Too right! And wipe that smirk off your face!"
"Yes, Sir." And dashed out of the office, but not before he had landed a whack on my bum.
A couple of weeks later, as Mr R and I were watching Adam play, I was bemoaning the fact that my rent was going up again.
"Well", said Mr R, " I've been thinking. It's daft you paying rent and I know Adam isn't happy at home while I'm rattling around in a three-bedroom house. Why don't you both move in with me? I could do with some help with the gardening anyway."
"What a great idea! I'll see what Adam says."
Needless to say, Adam jumped at the idea.
So we moved into Mr. Redbotham's house. Although he had his own room, Adam spends most nights in my double bed, cuddled up to me.
I suppose we are a sort of family; son, father and grandfather, or what the French would call a ménage a trois!
And we are all supremely happy.
Adam has two huge cocks to fill his insatiable young bum and two men who really care about him.
Mr. Redbotham has two gorgeous, but very different, bums to spank whenever necessary (and, let's face it, neither Adam nor I are the tidiest of young men) and which gratefully service his massive member together with the young male company which he has always craved.
And me? I reckon I've got the best deal of all - discipline whenever I need it (about once a week); a cock to stimulate the inside of my bum; a warm, willing receptacle to exercise my own rampant dick; hard young flesh to cuddle up to; oh, and cheap lodgings too!
And Jeanie? I hear she's happily shacked up with a divorced woman and her two kids!