View Full Version : First Time

16-01-2009, 04:46 PM
I had lived in my 2 bed semi for sometime befire Annie & Peter moved in next door. They seemed like a reallynice couple. Close and afffectionate. Almost as though they had something private and secret between them. One day, arriving home from work I bumped into Annie who greeted me and after some idle chat she invited me in for a coffee. I was very at ease with her and we were soon chatting away nineteen to the dozen. I commented on how close she and Peter were. She smiled and explained that their relationship was based on mutual respect and discipline. She asked if I had never experienced anything that felt so complete. I confessed that I hadn't. One marriage and a few relationships had been okay, but I always felt that something was missing. I hadn't noticed Peter arrive and stand in the doorway. He said that he and Annie could show me what the missing link was. Annie rose and went to kiss Peter. He slapped her bottom and demanded a coffee. The laughed at each other and Annie went to fetch the coffee. As we sat and drank the coffee Annie confided that they always aimed to please each other and that if she did anything that Peter disapproved of then he would spank her - someteimes she would punish him for a wrong doing. Sometimes the punishment became quite heavy, but it always ended in passionate love making and complete forgiveness. Peter went on to explain that many couples lived this way and that as long as things were introduced gradually and lovingly the resulting closeness was inevitable.
I had become extremely aroused while they were talking. I was very wet between my legs and was squirming around a bit. This had not gone unnoticed as Annie then offered to show me how good it could be. They invited me to join them that evening. I was to go home and have my tea and then prepare as though for a date in my prettiest undies and a skirt rather than my usual trousers. Peter took me to the door and told me to be back at seven o'clock and I promised not to be late.

I went home and did as I had been told. I was excited and aroused but nervouse and apprehensive at the same time. At Five minutes to seven I left the house, locked up and walked next door. Annie answere my knock with a smile and a hug. She led me into the sitting room where Peter was stood next to a high stool. He looked cross and pointed to the clock. It read 7.15pm "Oh no!" I said "It must be wrong. It is only seven o'clock"

"Don't argue with me!" said Peter. "Come here at once. I told you not to be late didn't I?" Annie pushed me gently towards him. He sat on the stool and pulled me across his lap. I found my skirt lifted and my panties grabbed and pulled up tight between my buttocks. Still holding my panties in his left hand he laid his left arm along my back to keep me held across his knees. "I am going to spank you. You will keep as still as you can. I am going to hit you at least ten times, possibly more. Do you understand?" "Ye - yes, but.." "No buts, just do as you are told." I looked up at Annie, she stood watching and nodding encouragingly at me. She had a strange, excited smile on her face.

The first blow came very quickly. It was hard, much harder than I had expected. I couldn't help but gasp audibly and my legs jumped. I was to get nine more slaps and I wasn't sure that I would cope. There was a pause which gave me time to collect myself. The second smack was a little softer, I just groaned a little and hoped that the rest would be like that. They weren't. Two more very hard and loud whacks were laid onto my backside which was now stinging and feeling very warm. I was also aware that my pussy was throbbing and feeling very moist. After a very short pause two gentler slaps were applied and I think I felt a little disappointed. This was very strange. "Are you ready for the rest?" asked Peter. I nodded and steeled myself for the final four. They were harder and faster than before. Whack, whack, whack, whack! To my shock, the spanking didn't end there. Peter began laying into my arse as though there was no tomorrow. He covered every inch of my exposed rear. He hit me and hit me again and again. I began to cry and shout and squirm but he held on to me and would not stop. I looked up at Annie. Her expression was a lascivious smirk. She was enjoying my discomfiture. I was hurting, my backside burning hot and actually throbbing. I don't know how long my beating lasted, until Peter's arm got tired I think. Eventually he let me slip to the floor.

Annie helped me to my feet and led me to and armchair.. She laid me across the arm and began to massage my rear end. She told me how impressed she was with my fortitude and said that I would soon be feeling good. Her hand slipped between my legs. She laughed and said that obviously I was already feeling pretty good. Her fingers slipped just into me and she bent to kiss my injured bum. I hadn't seen Peter leave but now he was back wearing only a leather thong. I felt my eyes open wide in surprise. He just smiled and stroked my hair.

Clearly they were ready for more. That's another story. Enough to say that I didn't get home before I had been soundly thrashed again and fucked like never before. The relationship progresses rapidly from this first time. I'll tell you about it another time.

19-01-2009, 01:04 PM
Part Two
Now, where was I? Oh yes, perched over the arm of my neighbours chair with a very hot, sore bottom. I'd just received my first ever spanking. Peter had returned to the room and his partner Annie was asking him to confirm how well I had done.

"Yes," agreed Peter, "She did well and deserves a reward. You, however, have let me down. I had expected to to have got further than this. You must be punished. Musn't you?"

Annie looked a bit sheepish but nodded her agreement. He sent her into the other room to fetch what he called 'the necessary' and to strip off her lower half. She complied and Peter turned his attention to me. He helped me up after removing my knickers and skirt. Then he started on my blouse buttons. Annie returned with a leather thing with a handle in her hand. I didn't like the look of that at all. Peter pushed me gently backwards over the arm of the chair and took the implement from her. He pushed her to the floor between my legs and ordered her to reward me, to eat my pussy and make me come. She set to with vigour, licking and sucking. Her fingers flicked in and out of me. I was getting wetter and wetter. Peter had moved around to the other side and grabbed my bra, pulling it up and revealing my breasts which he commenced squeezing and tweaking. Annie now had the leather instrument in her hand and she began pushing the ridged handle in and out of me faster and faster. I began to groan and moan and thrash about. I had never experienced anything quite so intense. My stinging backside seemed to add to the pleasure and I began to thrust upwards to receive more of the handle and more contact between Annie and my bottom. She then surprised me by inserting her finger into my arse. I was shocked. Firstly at what she was doing but also at how much I enjoyed it. Eventually, I screamed with the release of the biggest orgasm I had ever had and gradually they released me as I enjoyed a glorious afterglow.

Peter was back by Annie's side. "Right, Little Miss Prim has had her reward." he said. "Now you must take what's coming to you." He pushed my legs high and wide and, taking the leather thing from Annie, told told her to get across me. This she did, whispering to me to hold her tight while Peter paddled her. I automatically put my arms around her shoulders and tightened my legs around her waist. (Now at least I knew what the thing was called) There was no delay. He began to lay about her posterior immediately and it wasn't long before Annie was yelling and squirming. All the time Peter was chastising her and calling her names, accusing her of laziness and of setting a bad example. I tightened my grip on her. Thwack thwack, thwack. It was indeed a viscious beating but though she wriggled she made no real attempt to escape. She did manage to get her arms free enough to reach for my breasts which she squeezed painfully tightly. At last the blows ceased but only long enough for him to tell Annie that she should brace herself as the last four were to be harder than those already received. I wondered how on earth anything could have been harder than that. Annie was crying now and she moved her mouth onto my tit and sucked hard. I looked up at Peter, he had raised his arm high into the air. He had a very determined look on his face as he paused for a moment then brought down the paddle with an enormous whoosh - craaack. Annie bucked in my grip but made no sound, just squeezing and sucking harder on my tits. Three more of the same were delivered, each after a short pause.Whoosh - craaack, wait -whoosh - craaack, wait - whoosh - craaack. I felt Annie' shudder with every contact and I watched Peter's arm rise high and whip down with each stroke. I was well aroused again, in a kind of a trance at the events I was experiencing. As Annie and I stood up we both reached for her bum but Peter would not allow her to gain the benefit of a comforting rub. Instead he took each of us by an arm and led us to the table.

"Now." he said to me. "Annie has had her beating, you have been punished for your lateness and rewarded for your stoicism and compliance. There remains the matter of your answering me back!" "But I didn't.. " I began. "You are doing it again. Bend across that table" he insisted, pushing me into position. As I did as I was told I noticed the size of the bulge in his pouch and that he still had the paddle firmly in his right hand. He was holding it so tight that his knuckles were white. He directed Annie to the other side of the table and instructed her to take my hands and to pull me tightly towards her. I didn't need to wonder was was to happen next. I knew.

I'll tell you about it next time. If you would like to know more, I'll tell you about Annie's visit to my house and what happened when Annie and Peter invited a business contact to dinner. I was learning more and more all the time.

20-01-2009, 09:47 AM
Part Three (Start at the bottom of this thread for the story in the correct order. Do please let me know is you want to read more.)

Peter began to explain what was about to happen. I had been very disrespectful and both he and Annie felt that I would benefit from some paddling. He asked if I understood the reason for my punishment. I found I was unable to utter a word at first. I had witnessed Annie’s paddling and I was a bit ashamed to think that I had enjoyed watching her pain and shame. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to take a punishment like that. At the same time, I was fascinated with the whole situation and I remembered well the glory of the sex that had followed. Could I take it again?

Peter slapped the table top next to me with the paddle which made me jump and tremble. He demanded an answer and I found myself nodding, groaning and squirming all at the same time. My legs were spread wide to lower my hips firmly onto the table. I was told to keep them straight and not to clench my buttocks. Annie pulled my arms towards her and I braced myself. This, surely wasn’t really happening? My punishment began with some small, light hand slaps all over my already red bottom. Then Peter picked up the paddle and I gulped, it was too late to change my mind and deep down I didn’t want to miss this experience. When the first stroke of the paddle came I jerked against the edge of the table and, groaning, I tried to move my legs closer. Peter pushed my feet apart again and pushed me back firmly onto the table. Annie told me to keep still. “Relax and enjoy” she said “I’m certainly going to!” I looked up at her, her face told me that she was indeed looking forward to seeing my complete surrender to her husband’s punishment of me. Peter explained that the more I moved, the more strokes I would receive, I must do exactly as I was told or I would be across the table all night. I began to cry but agreed to obey.

The paddle was laid onto my bum rhythmically and orderly. Every part of both cheeks was struck with some force as were my thighs. Even my pussy was occasionally covered by the paddle. The whooshing and cracking, whacking and thwacking filled my head with other noises that I came to realised were my own screams, groans and pleas. My lower half was now burning and stinging. All the time Peter and Annie were telling me that I deserved this, I was a bad girl, I was disobedient, argumentative and sex mad. By now I was sobbing. I had no idea how many times I received that paddle. At the end of it I was sobbing uncontrollably. The paddle was put down and Peter was massaging my cheeks and making comforting sounds. Now it was over I realised that I was once again beginning to be aroused

“Don’t stop now Peter, fuck the bitch. Give it to her good!” yelled Annie. “Go on, get on with it” And he did,. No preamble, no gentle opening he just took that great member and thrust it into me. I found myself gasping again as his body slapped against my stinging, hurting backside. Annie had picked up the paddle and slapped him a couple of times, urging him on. He pumped and pumped. Then she came to his side and took hold of my bum cheeks pulling them apart and squeezing. I was in heaven and hell at the same time. Her finger began to stroke my arsehole. I wanted her to insert it. I wanted it so much. But she didn’t, she just teased around it. All the time calling me a dirty whore, daring me to come. It was out of my control I had no choice but to explode with pleasure, screaming and bucking as I did so. Peter came at the same time and he too screamed as he sent his load into me as Annie applied the paddle to him once more. We all stayed still for a moment or two. I don’t how long. Then we all stood and hugged, and laughed, and cried.

Later, back at home, I showered and inspected my wounded body in a mirror. My welted, red buttocks and legs. Finger marks all over my tits and swollen nipples. My aching, but satisfied, pussy. Then I looked at my face and smiled. I would, I thought, sleep well tonight. On my stomach of course.

A couple of days later, Annie came to call on me and taught me more about the CP lifestyle. Then, at a dinner at their house, I met Michael. He was something else. A real master who showed all three of us what true discipline meant. Would you like to hear about it?