View Full Version : Yank interested in tradition UK style public school CP

02-02-2007, 05:25 PM
Are there any retired masters, deputy head or headmasters or old boys on this forum who remember from first-hand experience the days of tradition UK public boarding school style discipline? I would certainly welcome a discussion of those experiences.

Prof. V.

17-11-2007, 12:29 PM
I had the pleasure of being educated at a British public school, where c.p. was meted out by prefects (17 and 18 yr olds), house masters and of course the head.

Prefects were allowed to administer up to 6 strokes with a light ratan thru
trousers or pe shorts
house masters up to 12 strokes, thru trousers or ba, and this with a heavy cane
The head could use a cane or a birch, trousers or bare, depending on the offence.

I was beaten by everybody for everything at all grades.

In the end I had my own back, when I became a prefect and was able to cane some fags( first year lads)

These days I live in the Spanish Canary Islands, and am available to accept or give beatings.

Best of luck

30-12-2007, 06:14 PM
Only need to be late in your 30s to remember that sort of thing. Is that old? :rolleyes: