View Full Version : Nettles & self punishment

13-11-2008, 01:11 PM
This is an account of my first experience using nettles:
I had been very sinful, having spent hours on the net vainly searching for a spanking. Disgusted, I went out earlier this evening to punish myself.
My first option was to cut a few dead twigs from the hedge and stand in the corner of the field. With bared buttocks I tried to administer suitable chastisement. I failed! This was partly due to the twigs snapping but equally the difficulty of hitting ones own bum.
I walked further as I pondered my problem. I wanted to feel similar sensations to the time when a lady kindly introduced me to the tawse. Remembering an article about Romans beating themselves to increase the blood flow and nettle torture in general I spied some and carefully cut two young heads. With trousers and pants at half-mast I placed them in the crutch of the latter.
This is it, I thought as I slowly pulled my pants up. The nettles gently touched the back of my testicles and lay neatly betwixt my thighs and I felt…… Nothing!
A gentle pull on the waistband of my pants and I yelped as what felt like a family of enraged hedgehogs assaulted my groin. After a few minutes the initial needle sharp pains subsided to a strong tingling heat so I (bravely) added two more tips – one each side of my growing erection.
Gingerly, I let my pants press the nettles close and, again, felt the needle thrusts that subsided in time to tingling heat. My cool buttocks were also attended to with the addition of three more nettles to the rear and I stood still as these too subsided to a radiant heat.
Committed now to my punishment, I saw a bush some way away with young verdant – and flexible – growth. I raised my trousers and the pain was exquisite as I walked across the field. At each step, I was stung again giving sharp stabs of pain amid the general glow.
Arriving, I dropped my trousers and pants to discard the nettles. I then selected a thin runner from the bush. It had four slender twigs about a foot long joining and running parallel to a central stem, which I cut off about a foot lower to provide a handle. I left the bark on but stripped the leaves from each stem making a handy little implement in the absence of a birch.
To gain full benefit from this little implement, fresh nettles were placed beneath my pants on my buttocks. How I winced as I walked to the fallen tree I had chosen as my destination.
I arrived, lowered trousers and pants to lean against the stump in order to stop my trying to move my bottom out of the way. I gave myself 2 dozen strokes using my right hand then the same with my left. Largely due to the inaccuracy of punishing oneself the tips of the twigs sometimes found the tender areas of thigh and between. Being flexible they also found their way round to the sides of my cheeks.
Reasonably punished, I returned to the house to admire my handiwork in the mirror and was rewarded with the sight of a lattice of thin red stripes and raised bumps from the nettles.
As a penance I wrote this naked. At the end of each paragraph I rose and applied a dozen strokes with my little twig to my bare bottom – from each side.
I conclude:
1. As many of us who have tried self-punishment will know it is rather dull and unsatisfying. The piquancy and intensity of the nettles certainly added much to the experience.
2. The nettles I used were mature – and the article I had read specified young – so, perhaps, they had lost potency. This said, the tingling sensation was exquisitely arousing for several hours. Each clench of a muscle or touch of clothing bought a frisson of pleasure.
3. The article I read did mention that nettles were a free substitute for viagra. I agree!

Despite the nettles, self-punishment is unsatisfying – except in a transitory way – as it is insular, purely physical and not as effective as that applied by another person.

I, for one, would like to explore the possibilities of nettles with a like-minded person. I would also be happy to pass on the knowledge I have gained to others. Obviously, using nettles if you are allergic to them would be madness but, for most of us, they are an organic means of additional excitement.

A kind lady taught me the joy of being caressed by tawse, cat and crop. My little twig begs a question. “What of the birch & is there a lady who will introduce me to this ultimate implement?” With or without nettles!