View Full Version : advice for first spanking

02-10-2008, 01:02 PM
I've finally got brave enough to try and get spanked. i don't really want anything too severe I just want an introduction. I'd bacically just like someone to pull mytrousers down, oput me over their knee and spank me. But, not too hard. I'd like them to rub my botom as well. Is tris too much to ask?

what advice would people offer me before a first meet?

02-10-2008, 07:56 PM
hi and welcome firstly you must prepare yourself with a postive mental attitude and submit yourself totally otherwise you and your spanker will not benefit from the execution of the spanking.regards triksta

03-10-2008, 09:15 AM
A warm, warm welcome and good luck in your search.

I think my best advice would be to work out exactly what it is you want from all of this and then be honest and open, there's no need to be embarrassed or shy about anything at all; in the main we're all terribly open minded.

Personally I always make sure someone knows where I'm going, why I'm going there and what time to set the alarm bells ringing. I also make sure anyone I'm visiting knows this. Mind you I'm lucky as I can share these things with my wife but if not so lucky you can at least leave a note somewhere or make sure a friend is expecting you at a particular time. Meeting in a public place is also a good idea.

I like to close my eyes when being spanked and let the hypnotic rhythm carry off and into the land of further beating and naughtiness.

Above all enjoy yourself.

Chief bottom

03-10-2008, 06:33 PM
A first timer needs to handled with a lot of assurance and trust.

You need to talk and get each others expectations and desires on the table from go.

If trust is built up at this stage it will go better when the time arrives to have a go.

Bared bottom and nudity needs to be handled with equal tact as this is something that can sometimes be the most difficult part.You have to arrive at this eventualy or CP isn`t going to happen.

Demonstartion of the impliments and letting the lad handle them can also be very reassuring.No surprises with your 6ft bullwhip then:D

Needless to say a slow build up and getting the lads bottom/hands reddened and tingling is the way to go at first unless he says otherwise.

A good Top will see a naked lad as second nature and will never comment or mock any deformaties.This will go a long way to relaxing the lad.

Take your time.It can`t be rushed.

Agree on total and utter descretion.This is your first bond and one that can never be broken.

Friendship may or may not follow.If CP or anything esle mutualy agreed is all you want that is all you need to make it become regular between you.

CP can be the most rewarding sexual or non sexual experience there is.Remember that and work towards that goal.

Above all if you don`t enjoy it then it`s hardly worth revisiting.At least with that person.

Hope some of this helps.

13-11-2008, 05:25 PM
My advice to ANY first timer is to ADMIT IT to your spanker.

He should, then, treat you leaniently.

NEVER allow your first wallopings to be administered on bare bottom;
NEVER be caned or whipped on your first attempt.

Stick to spanking and, on subsequent occasions, SLOWLY progress to slipper, strap, cane and whip.

Bondage NEVER enters the equation for the first SIX MONTHS.
