View Full Version : before session painkillers

30-07-2008, 10:10 AM
I have belted a number of men with a heavy leather tawse. Some men cannot go through with the full heavy punishment and yet actually want their arse covered in blood filled weals..thing is the pain is too much to bear for them.
I have heard that you can buy a clear gell that is used before giving tattoos the gell is impregated with skin numbing topical drugs to create a numbing effect. Are there any painkillers that a person could take an hour before the punishment session just to numb the pain a bit so that the person who wants a heavy belting can have his desire ..yet still feel enough pain that is bearable and a bit enjoyable.
A lot of people think that masochist enjoy pain..this is not true at all. They enjoy the excitement and the thought of the punishment session..it turns them on big time ! The actual session can come as a shock..and often it is abandoned..or the session is split up into a few whacks at a time until the skin goes to "sleep". The memories of the punishment session plus seeing all the weals and red raised stripes can sexually arouse the peron who had a flogging.
So can anyone advise something to take beforehand that will numb the skin of the buttocks. Or a painkiller that will reduce pain signals from going to the brain. Lets be honest, no one can say that they enjoy pain ! That is just a fallacy.
Can anyone offer some hints or advise here ?


Scorpio :)

31-07-2008, 02:00 AM
Can anyone offer some hints or advise here ?


Scorpio :)

Yes - take up another hobby and tell the men you meet to do the same.

31-07-2008, 09:14 AM
My first reaction to this was - why?

The purpose of CP is pain with minimal injury, and the welts, while something to be proud of perhaps, are secondary. You're probably right in that the pain itself is not enjoyed, but there are a couple of considerations based on my own experience as both a giver and a taker.

The first is that, when taking from a skilled and sensitive giver, it's possible to to be pushed into the endorphin zone where one can take a lot more pain. This is the body's own 'anaesthetic' as I understand endorphins are related to morphine, though presumably without the many disadvantages.... However, it's not possible to be sure that will happen on any given occasion. I don't personally think that's a negative either, as if it were guaranteed one might just become a 'pain pig' and be doing it for the 'high', which again would defeat the object.

The second thing is, I've learned to take it fairly hard, but usually I don't enjoy it. I do it because for me there's a need for that level of pain, and there is always an emotional catharsis which follows a heavy session, even though at the time I was suffering. In fact I've found the most reliable way to achieve that is by means of restraints, and a pre-agreed limit or perhaps a 'sentence', and no safeword. Of course it wouldn't work for everyone. I can take a whole lot more if I'm strapped down than I can if I'm free to get up and walk away....

Using any kind of anaesthetic striles me as being unwise, as the body's pain response is there for a damn good reason, and what you're proposing is damage - albeit superficial damage - with the pain response effectively much reduced or cancelled. Of course YOU know how far to go - don't you? <G> but there are those who would use that anaesthetized state to push things into the area of REAL damage - let's consider, for example, an 'authentic' Singapore caning rather than the watered-down version even a hardened taker might propose. Such will produce deep-tissue damage which can take many weeks to heal fully and would leave permanent scars. It should damn well HURT to dissuade the foolish from going that route, and using anaesthetic might well remove that safeguard.

You asked for advice rather than criticism, and a quick look on-line did point me in a couple of directions. Topical anaesthetics are available in the UK without prescription, and I suggest you might like to look up 'EMLA cream' as a starting point. www.ExpressChemist.co.uk/Emla (http://www.ExpressChemist.co.uk/Emla)


04-10-2008, 01:38 AM
I have found that spankees can take a good bit more after a few stiff drinks.Simple enough but it is true.

Any kind of cream will result in more agressive welts no matter what numbing properties it may have.

A steady and controlled build up with thin leather belts and whips will help a long way to geting the spankee progresively built up for the more tasty and challenging stuff.

It is always satisfying to see a well striped pair of buttocks but the way the session is controlled is everything.

Painkillers should only be used where the spankee wants to have welted buttocks that will look that way for many days.

Unless your spankee brings along a long needle and novocane you will have to work at it and get them there using your experience:D