View Full Version : An unexpected spanking in teens

12-07-2008, 03:07 PM
Well do not know if this will ring any bells with others on here but i am sure there are many on here who maybe recall a spanking during there teen years or even one as an adult that always sticks in your mind.

Here is one that has stuck with me for many years and most of the details and what was said sure has

At the age of 15 going on 16 I was out with two friends matt and chloe we were strolling along a road larking about when matt produced some eggs from his holdall mucking about he keptsaying this house or next all of a sudden he lauched some eggs at the windows, we all legged down road a bit then carried on walking like we had done nothing, chatting and laughing as we carried on all of a sudden two of us got grabbed and matts holdall was taken by this guy as he stood there scraming at us asking what we thought we were doing to his sisters house of course we were saying what you on about which did not help situation especially now since he had seen the top of the egg box in the holdall so we were well caught
this ended up us being marched back to the house, and as we walked back up the hill he said your parents will be pleased when they get a visit from the police about your behaviour as we walked down the path to the house we could see the mess down the windows from the eggs as we entered the house we were led to a room where two women were sitting on a sofa and new by the way one was looking so annoyed it must be his sister she got up and really went for the lot of us telling us how pathetic we were and childish and that she was phoning the police as our parents need to know just what we get up to when out,

She walked to phone and picked it up her brother said to her can i have a word, before you ring , Lisa so we found out after the sister turned to this other lady who was i think in her 40s and said keep an eye on them as she left the room with her brother, We stood there all was quite until this other lady turned and said to us your all very silly now your going to get in trouble you should have said sorry at least to Lisa she may not have then gone to ring police and maybe just made you clean the mess up.

I remember we were waiting for a good time before both Lisa and her brother returned Lisa walked over to Sarah the other woman leant over and she got up and they left the room , now i new it they had phoned the police why they were out of the room i sttod ther glancing out of the room watching for the police to pull up outside also i noted matt and chloe were watching the window to

Soon Lisa and her friend Sarah returned but no one was with them Lisa turned to us and said do you want me to phone police and have parents informed of course we all quickly said no she then asked who the holdall belonged to and matt admitted it was his
Sarah and lisa's brother were sitting there watching her and us as she then said right i am prepared to deal with this my way and not involve anyone else in this but i intend some form of punishment for your behaviour is warrented you will all listen to what i have to say and for it to be handled my way your all have to agree to everything is that clear
of course no way did we want police or parents involved so i agreed and seconds later the other two agreed

Lisa then picked up a piece of paper that she had put down on her return to room with her friend and started to read it was well detailed like a stetement had been given started of with our names and ages which she had insisted we gave then went into us being caught and admitting to what we had done also about the proof in mats holdall as i stood there as she read i thought here it comes about her way clean windows and mess etc...
How very wrong i was and think matt and chloe could not believe there ears to as she started to read further it went into we admitted what we had done and that we had agreed to her handling it then to the shock of us all it read something like she intends with the help of her friend Sarah who was here at the time they we will all be given a spanking that we will remember (if only she new she was so right even in adult life i recall it)
and that it would be given bare until such time she was satisfied we had learnt a hard lesson she then made us sign on the bottom of the page that we agreed to this not that we had much choice. as matt had already had a warning from police before so we all signed letter she then placed in an envelope on put on a shelf, she then turned to us and said right you boys remove your trousers then turned to chloe and said take skirt off she then left the room for a few minutes returning with two slipper and a brush two chairs were placed in centre of room and both Lisa and sarah sat down both matt and myself were told to get to there sides as we got lectured again our pants were pulled down and told to step out of them as we tried to cover up we were told hands by side leaving our limp boyhood on show for all to see chloe stood there as she was told you will be geting exactly what these two are getting and the humiliation of being spanked bare as well in front of them with this she turned to her brother who was siting on the sofa reading a paper and said pull her knickers down she can stand there ready chloe pleaded she could keep on only to be told your do as i tell you or we go back to your parents knowing daring not to look we new they had ben taken down by lisa saying thats better now stand there and be quite,
Lisa then started to spank and hard for sure with her hand and i could hear matt was getting his to as she spanked she was lecturing as she did and was not long before i could feel this was going to be a very real spanking i was then told to stand up feeling well and truly spanked also warned to not dare to rub my rear we were then made to watch chloe being taken across lisa's knee and spanked it was not long b4 chloes cheeks were as red as ours she was made to stand up and again stand beside us as she walked towards us i could see she had watery eyes but had held back fro crying
after further words from lisa we were told one at a time to stand in front of the chair and place our hands flat on the seating part and to bend well over it as i took my position sarah crouched down and held my hands firmly on the chair Lisa then applied a slipper to my rear and it soon felt again like it was on fire i could feel tears coming to my eyes as she whacked away but worse was to come as he started to spank in the same position with a wooden brush i had never had a brush b4 and it hut like hell it was not long b4 she had me and after in tears thinking aboiut it after that is what she wanted us to really feel it and continued until we were all sobbiing like children

After a while we were all told to put our lower clothes back on as we did she told us that we would clean up the mess we had madebut only matt and myself wer taken outside by brother who watched us clean the window and wall down chloe had to remain inside once we had done this we wee back inside with chloe.

Where Lisa asked us if we had anything else to say i said soory for what had happened and matt and chloe said same the reply came back something like i know you al are very sorry for your behaviour but b4 you are allowed to go she said you should thank my brother for asking me to deal with it rather than involve police and your parents so again we said sorry and thanked him for talking to his sister, then Lisa said to him i think before they go a few strokes from you with your belt will finalise their punishment and leave them with a reminder he stood up from the sofa and slid his belt out of his trousers
in turn we were led to the back of the sofa again bared and both lisa and sarah sat on sofa holding our arms pulling us right over as her brother whacked hard with his belt he gave me 6 each one burning like mad and by finish the tears flowed again then told to stand and wait chloe was then strapped again she got 6 and was shouting out from second one and crying like i was but still kept in position by lisa and sarah for the whole six she was made to stand by me as well but then i was told to get dressed and leave house, going outside i walked down the road a bit and waited shortly after chloe came out still crying a bit, as we waited for matt we were standing there discussing what had happend matt eventually came out and was walking towards us slow and in a bit of a state when he caught us up he told us he had been given 12 with strap as lisa had said to brother give him double as he is the one who had the eggs.
When we got back to matts house as wenew both his parents would be at work we inspected each others back sides and could see matts straping had really left some maks alos could see he had got the strap low as wide red stripes went across his lower cheeks and across the tops of his legs thats why he said he walked so slow from the house as as he walked he could feel them stinging and burning.

well at the time i know we all hated it but in a way was a talking point for some time, could also be a reason i have never ate eggs since then lol may be because of the allergic reaction it had last time i was involved with eggs

nO doubt if the same or something like this came along as an adult one would think they have died and gone to heaven ......

25-07-2008, 06:30 PM
Great tale spankingneeded! Loved it from start to finish.

So - no eggs since then, but how are you with the belt these days?!:D

26-07-2008, 12:42 PM
spankingneeded (http://www.cpcontacts.com/uk/forum/member.php?u=1674)
Hi Boyspanker you say great tale well it was for sure a very tender tale only ever had one similar experience like that since from a couple in there late 60s and early 70s who believed in serious discipline with many rituals in place shame they decided to move to far away for me to visit

27-07-2008, 08:54 AM
Shame about the distance, otherwise, I'd be delighted to administer one for you