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30-06-2008, 12:59 AM
Stress Relief

By Supermario

The day had begun badly, one-step in the door and it seemed as though all hell had broken loose.
“David what did we do with the tax file? I have to pay the tax in today and I cannot find it anywhere.” “It is on my desk in the office, where you left it.” I shouted back. “Thanks I really need to spend more time doing my job and my job only” said my longsuffering assistant Joanne.
The day went from bad to worse, it seemed as though every job had some sort of problem, if it wasn’t the taxman it was the builder and if not the builder then the refrigeration contractor. All of which demanded David’s immediate attention, and as each query arrived so, David’s temper grew and grew.
Gritting his teeth and laying on a big smile to hide his true feelings so that he did not antagonise his customers he managed for the most part to get through the morning with out too much problem. However, the down side of all the problems the day had brought with it was that he snapped at his staff, no one from the mail clerk to Joanne escaped. They all received a tongue-lashing unlike any thing they had ever received before. Following a dressing down for disturbing David while he was talking to one customer the distraught typist went to speak to Joanne. “I have had enough of this I don’t need some bad mannered shit screaming at me whilst I am trying to do the best I can under extremely trying conditions, I have a good mind to resign I really do not need this shit!”
Gently Joanne calmed the young woman and promised to sort the matter out, “I have known David for many years now and in all that time I have never heard him go off like he has today, please do not make any hasty decision regarding leaving, He is under a lot of stress lately and I’m sure he did not mean what he said personally. I will talk to him and find the underlying cause of the matter I promise”
With that, the young woman left and Joanne sat pondering. She knew there had to be a way to resolve the matter and relieve the tension. The frustration and tension everybody felt was beginning to cause problems in the office and if something was not done about it there was going to be serious consequences, which could destroy every thing they had all worked hard to build.

David knew he was out of line regarding Lisa the typist, inside it seemed as though the stress and tension he felt was building up to breaking point, it was like a cancer slowly spreading though his soul, eating away at the very core of his being, nothing he had ever experienced in the past could prepare him for how he felt as he sat at his desk. More than anything he wanted to run and hide away in a corner, the stress of owning his own business and the responsibility was for the first time beginning to be too much. He had forgotten what a holiday was and even if it were forced on him he would not know how to relax, it seemed. He knew something had to give before he had a heart attack

Joanne said goodbye to everyone, as she left at the end of an extremely tiring day still no closer to a solution than before. As she drove the few miles to her home she could not help think that there had to be something she could do, not only to help the young Lisa but her boss and friend David. On impulse, she picked up her phone and dialled her mom. “Hi mom how you doing, me I’m doing ok I think.” From the tone of the conversation, the wise mom knew her daughter had phoned to ask her to help solve a problem and after a few gentle prompts managed to find out the cause of her daughters concern.
“You really care for David, don’t you?” “Yes mom I do” she said “I think he is a super guy but he is self destructing and it seems there is nothing I can do” We have known each other since high school and have always being friends, even when he married that woman, we always remained friends and when she almost ruined him we still remained close. Many was the time we got into trouble together and ended up over his moms or your lap getting our fanny blistered for some prank we did”
As she remembered the good times she felt a twinge of sympathy in her butt, she knew how she felt after getting a fanny blistering, how it seemed as though all the tension flew out the window as her butt reddened from the application of a paddle, yes she cried and howled from the pain but afterwards there was a sense of peace like never before.
“Mom I think I know how to sort it, I think what he needs is to have his fanny blistered, how I’m going to do that I don’t know yet” Yes dear that is exactly what he needs, a good long stress relieving, butt warming spanking over the knee of someone who cares for him. Someone who still after all these years still loves him. Go girl go get your man”
After putting down the phone, Joanne got changed and after confirming, David was at home got into her car and drove to his house. On the way to David’s house, she pondered on the best way to get David to agree to accept a spanking from her.
He met her at the door and after taking her coat followed her into the sitting room, where he sat opposite her. He started the conversation by asking if Lisa was ok. “Oh you remember her, I hope you are ashamed of yourself you really did a number on her, she is ready to resign and it will be because of you if she does.”
“I know, I really feel crap for taking out my frustrations out on her, she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, I know that is no excuse for the way I treated her though. I wish there was something I could do to make it up to her, you are a saint for putting up with me.” Remember I have known you since we were at school” said Joanne “I know you better than she does and also I know you are under a great deal of stress lately, however you still had no reason to do what you did. You need something you have not had since you left home twenty years ago”
“What are you talking about Jo, what do I need?” Men can be so thick she thought, “What did you and I get if we were naughty David?” “you cant be serious I’m too old for a spanking I haven’t had a spanking since… oh God, I forget it has been so long” “Yes it has been far too long and you know you need it, you said so your self you wish there was something you could do to make it up to her, well you can you can allow me to help get rid of all your frustrations and repair the working relationship you destroyed with your staff” I think it is high time we started, don’t you?”
“But I … I don’t want…” yes you don’t want but you do need and that is what is important” “but it will hurt…” “Yes it will, now this is what I want you to do Go to your room and get undressed, I want you to wait for me with your nose right in the corner hands by your side now go!” With that and a swat on his jeans, covered butt to chase him along, he sadly went to his bedroom. Joanne looked in the hall closet and after rummaging around on the top shelf found a rather old and dusty clothes brush. Ahh this will do nicely she thought, just what is needed. Forcing her self to relax she sat down and composed her thoughts; she could not deny the feelings coursing though her, she was getting excited at the prospect of seeing the bare bum draped over her knee. Her breasts perked up, nipples hard and erect, throbbing causing waves of pleasure to flow all over her. Waiting a few more minutes, she allowed the build up of tension she knew he felt to grow. David had to realise this was for real.

In his bedroom, David began to remove his clothing, never for one moment thinking that Joanne did not have a right to expect him to obey her. Folding his clothes neatly he went naked and stood, face pressed into the corner hands at his sides, waiting, knowing that he was about to undergo a totally, for a macho man, humiliating and painful experience. As his emotions began to rise he felt himself regress and began to sweat, a knot began to form in the pit of his stomach. He trembled as the sensations grew within him; it was as though he stood waiting for his mother to spank him. He knew she was upset with his behaviour he felt he had let her down that somehow she would be very cross with him and that was too much for him to bear. Unbidden, tears began to form in the corners of his eyes, and as these sensations grew all he could feel was sorrow.

As he stood there in the corner, he heard the stairs creak as someone climbed him or her. Any moment now, Joanne would enter his room for the first time. Agonisingly the sensation that he was being watched began to cause him to shiver in fear, unable to stop these feelings his whole body began to shake.
As Joanne entered the bed room the first thing she saw was the sight of David stood trembling, nose buried in the corner, she saw and realised that he was no longer the strong ruthless businessman but a scared young man knowing that shortly he was going to be subject to a hard long spanking that was going to hurt and probably going to alter his life forever.
“David” he heard her call his name. “You can come here now; I want to talk to you first.” David turned and saw Joanne seated on the bed, covering himself he came and stood next to her. She grasped his hand and gently got him to kneel in front of her. “There is something you need to know and understand. I have not come here tonight for any other reason except for this; I have always loved you and cared for you. You and I go back a long time, we have been friends, never lovers for more than twenty years and you need to know I care for you. I really believe you need this spanking and because I love you, I am going to give it to you. Now do you have any thing to say before we begin?”
David looked at Joanne and as he heard her gentle voice speaking to him, it all felt right, this was, what he needed and what had been missing from his life. He began to cry, tears pouring down his face as the impact of how much he needed this overwhelmed him. “I am so sorry for causing this I know that I don’t deserve you and I know that I need you to spank me now, please Jo please spank me, please don’t be cross with me anymore… I’m so sorry… unable to continue he laid his head on her lap and sobbed.
For ten minutes, they sat like that, Joanne holding his hands as he knelt there on the carpet, head in her lap and cried. As he composed himself he stood and unbidden laid himself over her lap, feet together his head touching the carpet as he took the weight on his elbows. She settled him and after gently rubbing her hand over his bum, she raised her hand and… WHAP she began to spank first one cheek then the other, making sure she covered the whole area. He was vocal right from the beginning, the sting of her spanks built and built as her hand rose and fell with some force. As Joanne spanked she was conscious of how quickly the colour of David’s cheeks changed from a pale pink to red as the minutes passed, suddenly she switched target and David jerked and writhed in distress as her hand began to punish the tops of his legs. Painting his legs and thighs a bright red to match the red of his butt. Spanking about one every five to ten seconds the cumulative effect had David squirming and crying out in pain his cries began to rise in volume and intensity, they changed to pleas of mercy, help please no more I can’t oh no… no more Promises of contrition began to come forth he promised never to shout at the staff ever again. Anything to stop this pain.
Suddenly she stopped. David lay there sobbing and crying, to his credit he did not try and get away or prevent Joanne from spanking him. “David” she said, “I think you need to go and stand in the corner, I want you to think about your behaviour and think about how you can change and…” Whap “no rubbing”. David scampered to the corner sobbing as he went careful to keep his hands away from his burning butt. After about ten minutes David heard Joanne call him and as he turned he saw the clothes brush in her hand “oh no please Jo please no more, my bum is too sore please no more I beg you.” “David here now!” the tone of her voice spurred him to silence, knowing that protesting would not do anything other than bring about more punishment than originally intended he meekly complied.
As she directed him back over her lap she had spread her legs apart so that he lay over her left leg and as he lay down she laid the right leg over his , pinning him down.
“You know we have to do this, don’t you?” David replied “yes but please not too hard, I am so sorry…” “Sorry, you will be when we are done and not before” Saying this Joanne raised the brush high and SMACK the real paddling began SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK
David could not believe how much it hurt he had thought the hand spanking hurt, but nothing prepared him for this. Searing brands of white-hot flame engulfed him as the brush beat a brushfire on the tender cheeks and even more tender thighs. David screamed in pain and as the fire grew and engulfed his very being he sobbed completely broken unable to resist any longer. He laid there, the only movement in response to the smacking of the brush Jo saw this and with a last flurry of spanks ended the spanking.
Totally exhausted David did not complain as Joanne gently prodded him to stand his hands flew to cradle his flaming rear only to jerk away as fresh pain forced him to remove them. Joanne opened the covers on his bed and gently assisted him to lie face down. Still sobbing he clutched her hands not wanting her to leave him, “please Don’t leave me” “I’ll be back I am going to get some cream for your bum” with that she turned and went to the bath room and fetching a tube of arnica cream she returned to the bed room where a still sobbing very well punished young man lay. Sitting beside him she gently and carefully spread the soothing cream all over the burning backside before her.

She sat down next to him and as he still shed a few tears he grippe her and snuggled closer to her, she wrapped her arms around him and comforted him until he fell asleep still wrapped in her arms