View Full Version : End of term detention

01-06-2008, 02:48 AM
I am standing in the corner with my hands on my head. My shorts are around my ankles and my underpants pulled down to mid thigh to display my bare bottom, already red and sore from earlier spankings and strappings. Despite my age, shorts are the rule when reporting for a punishment detention, behave like a child and you will be treated like a child... not that you get to keep them on for long.
Behind me I hear the scratch of knib on paper as Sir reviews some classwork. I know that the punishment I have received so far is just a preliminary, and that when Sir is ready I can expect further chastisement. I am scared, but also strangely excited.
Finally I hear him stand and walk across the room, then return to his desk and there is an ominous rattle as he places something down on it.
"Come here, boy"
I turn and, still with pants down and hands on head, I shuffle over to stand in front of the desk. I am embarrassed that he can see my penis, and conscious that he is amused by my embarrassment at his attention.
"Don't worry about that, boy. I have seen plenty in my time, and I can assure you that in a few moments you will have more urgent matters to occupy your thoughts. Anyway, you might as well pull your pants back up for the moment." I quickly pull up my pants and shorts, and again stand with hands on head.
On the desk are two crook handled school canes, one about the thickness of a pencil and around 30" long, the other slightly thicker and longer. He picks up the lighter cane and flexes it into a horseshoe, lets it spring back then taps it on his hand and continues gently flexing it while he looks me in the eye and speaks.
"The reports I have recieved about your behaviour this term have been appalling. Laziness, indiscipline, tardiness, mediocre work, in all a picture of a young man in need of an exemplary punishment to show him the error of his ways. Your poor performance in the tests and exercises which I set you earlier have confirmed to me that you are in need of prolonged and severe physical chastisement. Although you have already had you bare bottom spanked and strapped, those were simply for the errors you made during the classes I set you earlier. I now intend to punish you for the history of misdemeanors and apathetic attitude that has brought you to my attention."
I can't take my eyes off the canes as he flexes and tests them. I am dizzy with fear and anticipation.
"I am going to cane you slowly and thoroughly with each of these canes. You may cry out, but if you fail to maintain your position and present your bottom properly for the cane you will earn yourself additional penalty strokes. After each group of six strokes I will allow you a pause to regain your composure and to rub your bottom. First I shall give you six strokes with each cane across your underpants, after which you will stand in the corner until I am ready to continue. Then I shall pull down your underpants and give you six strokes with each cane across your bare bottom, after which you will again stand in the corner. Finally you will be stripped naked and spread-eagled across the desk for six more strokes with each cane, followed by however many additional penalty strokes you have earned during your punishment. Do you understand boy, and do you accept that the punishment I have described is well merited?"
"Yes Sir."
"Very well. Drop your shorts and bend over the desk, feet well apart and bottom up nice and high."
I do as I am told as he walks around the desk and stands behind me. I feel his hands on my bottom, smoothing my underpants and positioning me as he wants me. I hear the ominous whoosh, whoosh as he takes some practice swings, then feel my bottom tense as he gently lines the cane up across it and gives it a couple of taps to measure his distance. There is a pause, I know the cane has been drawn back and is hovering in the air waiting to deliver the first fiery stroke across my behind. I can hardly breathe as I wait for it to fall...

...To be continued in real life? ...How will the story end?

17-09-2008, 10:59 PM
I have now posted a photo of me with hands on head, shorts and pants pulled down, waiting to be caned.

I hate the pain of it, but I know that sometimes I need it.